Tvrtka Bali d.o.o. hrvatska je modna tvrtka za proizvodnju odjeće osnovana 2001. godine kao malo obiteljsko poduzeće. S godinama marljivog, predanog i napornog rada tvrtka je rasla i razvijala svoju ponudu proizvoda, prateći pritom posljednje standarde kao i modernizaciju proizvodnih procesa, opreme i postrojenja.
Bali d.o.o. je u mjesecu srpnju 2022. godine pokrenula projekt “Technical improvement and development of textile production proces in company Bali d.o.o. ” čiji cilj je poboljšati poslovanje tvrtke kroz tehnički i tehnološki razvojni proces cijelog proizvodnog procesa (priprema proizvoda, krojenje, šivanje, kontrola kvalitete i pakiranje proizvoda). Razvoj će biti osiguran uvođenjem novih, sofisticiranih, tehnološki naprednih i visoko automatiziranih strojeva, alata i opreme, sve s namjerom razvijanja znanja za pružanje vrhunskih usluga u tekstilnoj proizvodnji za svjetski poznate marke kako bi se poboljšala i usavršila usluga za postojeće te nove kupce i klijente.
Iz tog razloga Bali d.o.o. provodi postupak nabave “Production equipment”, evidencijski broj nabave: 4, te ista obuhvaća nabavu sljedećih komponenti: ploter, digitalni printer, cutter i polagač pletiva, automatizirana preša za ljepljenje amblema, flatlock šivači stroj, stroj za šivanje sa zrnčanim bodom s jednom iglom, stroj za automatsko rubljenje sa rezanjem viška materijala, parna stanica glačala, glačalo, parni kotao, dogrijač pare, omekšivač vode te stroj za čišćenje mrlja.
Nabava se provodi u skladu s Procurement Guidelines for Project Promotors and Project Partners (Smjernice za nabavu za Nositelje projekta i projektne partnere) te člankom 4.3 – nabava radova, dobara i usluga, čija je procijenjena vrijednost nabave veća od 60.000,00 EUR.
Dokumentacija o nabavi dostupna je svim interesentima na sljedećoj poveznici.
Navedena dokumentacija ujedno je objavljena na službenoj stranici tvrtke Bali d.o.o. te na službenoj stranici Innovation Norway.
Projekt je podržan sredstvima Norveškog financijskog mehanizma 2014 – 2021, u okviru Programa Business Development and Innovation Croatia.
Call for proposal for the procurement of the equipment within the project “Technical improvement and development of textile production proces in company Bali d.o.o.”
Bali Ltd. is a Croatian fashion company for clothing production, established in 2001 as a small family business. Over the years of diligent, dedicated, and hard work, the company has grown and developed its product offerings, while keeping up with the latest standards and modernizing its production processes, equipment, and facilities.
In July 2022, Bali Ltd. launched the project “Technical improvement and development of textile production proces in company Bali d.o.o.o.” with the aim of enhancing the company’s operations through the technical and technological development process of the entire production process (product preparation, cutting, sewing, quality control, and product packaging). The development will be ensured by the introduction of new, sophisticated, technologically advanced, and highly automated machines, tools, and equipment, all aimed at developing the expertise to deliver superior services in textile production for globally renowned brands and improving and perfecting the service for existing and new customers and clients.
For this reason, Bali Ltd. is conducting a procurement procedure for “Production equipment,” procurement reference number: 4, which includes the procurement of the following components: plotter, digital printer, cutter and laying machine for garment, automated emblem heat press, four needle sewing machine, bead stitch sewing machine with one needle, machine for automatic hemming operation with cutting of excess material, iron steam station, iron, steam boiler, steam reheat, water softening machine and a stain removal machine.
The procurement is carried out in accordance with the Procurement Guidelines for Project Promoters and Project Partners, as well as Article 4.3 – procurement of works, goods, and services, where the estimated value of the procurement exceeds EUR 60,000.00.
The procurement documentation is available to all interested parties at the following link.
The aforementioned documentation is also published on the official website of Bali Ltd. and the official website of Innovation Norway.
This project is supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Business Development and Innovation Croatia Programme.