Zlato i srebro – jeste li zakasnili?

Naslovnica Forum Gospodarstvo i financije IT i ICT industrija Zlato i srebro – jeste li zakasnili?

Nemam pojma o kojoj je knjzi rijec, nisam je citao
Graf je skinut ad hoc tijekom rasprave sa Google utipkavajuci pojam long run gold vs equity
Citao sam mnoge druge.
Nema ionako veze, ne vjerujem uvijek svemu sto citam.

Propadale su mnoge tvrtke, dolazile druge i svijet se okrece oko sunca i dalje.
Dionicki portfelj moze se alocirati po sektorima, zastiti i usidriti i u drugim klasama.
Ionako je bitan samo prinos portfelja tijekom duzeg razdoblja i kvalitetna alokacija imovine.
Ne vidim uopce u cemu je problem.
Nije mi jasno zasto ne kupujes zlato kad ga smatras uvijek dominantnom imovinom.
Zasto je Soros prodao zlato ako je to ever best performing asset class?

Ali ne znam zasto bi te vise uvjeravao, vrti svoj film i dalje. [smiley]

[i]Volatile Ass as an Asset Class[/i][emo_funta][emo_dolar][emo_euro]

Zašto je Soros prodao zlato doista ne znam.
možda je ovo u pitanju:


A ne vidim zašto bih morao ulagati u zlato ako sam uvjeren da srebro ima veći potencijal rasta od zlata!

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Ajde ajde…

Stari lisac si ne bi dozvolio da ga ulove ko zadnjeg diletanta..
A ovi komentatori dolje su kao i oni na Vecernjem listu.
Kakogod puno srece u trejdu, ne sumnjam da ces se dobro nakrcati dionica vrlo uskoro.. [wink]

[i]Volatile Ass as an Asset Class[/i][emo_funta][emo_dolar][emo_euro]

Kakogod puno srece u trejdu, ne sumnjam da ces se dobro nakrcati dionica vrlo uskoro.. [wink]

Jedino ako se Ben&Trišo odluče na QE-to-infinity. Inače ne.

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još uvijek stignete zakasniti……. [bye]

Daj Volksy ne zahebaji.

Evo malo argumenata za druga Vladu09:
“Gold will be overbought for years, I mean it will have pullbacks, but most of the time it will just be going higher and you are going to have to buy it. That’s the wall of worry. I talk to people all of the time who say, ‘I can’t buy gold because it’s high.’ Who says it’s high? Maybe it’s lower than it was based on how many dollars and euros and RMB are out in circulation now.
Gold is a measurement of the value of money. So the higher the price of gold, all it’s telling you is that money as wealth has lost value. If money keeps losing value, then gold has to keep going higher. Gold only has one way to go and that is higher because the only way that you are going to stop the price of gold from rising would be to do what Paul Volker did in 1980. We need to get a huge increase in interest rates, where interest rates are way ahead of the real rate of inflation.

But the problem is you can’t do that without completely destroying the phony US economy, so you’ve got to be willing to do that. To break the run in gold, you have to be willing to collapse the economy, to bankrupt the US government, to crash the housing market, to bankrupt the banks. You have to be willing to take a recession or depression, one that’s much worse than the one in 2008/2009 time frame. I just don’t see any political will to do that. As I said, they are going to keep on printing so it’s just a one way trip for gold.”

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Earnings Collapse Coming Up; Don’t Worry Companies Will Still "Beat the Street"; Value Traps and Road to Ruin

Of all the inept reasons to be bullish about equities, "beat the street" hype is near the top of the list. The fact is, in aggregate, ever since Reg-FD (full disclosure) companies always beat the street.

In Surprising Optimism in Face of Weekly Global Equity Carnage; Foolish Comments of the Day; "Beat the Street" Bullsweet I noted nearly every quarter, even in 2008 and 2009 the majority of firms beat estimates. Here is the way the process works:

Corporations give analysts "tips" regarding profit expectations.
Those profit expectations are purposely low.
Wall Street analysts lower estimates, if necessary, as the quarter progresses such that corporations can "beat the street".
If corporations are going to miss and need an extra penny, they change tax assumption or make other "one time" adjustments as necessary.

Corporations beat the street by a penny with "pro-forma" (after adjustment) reporting.

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još uvijek stignete zakasniti……. [bye]



People Will Wake Up, But Will They Be Too Late?
ShareWorld Markets Melt, Silver Holds, Gold Explodes – The People Awaken?

by SGT

I got a call today from my friend Mark. We’ve known each other for more than 15 years, and over the last year he has called me periodically to ask for my thoughts on silver and gold. But he remained convinced that precious metals were in a “bubble”.

Mark is well aware of my position on this subject. We had lunch together back in June of 2010 when silver was around $18 an ounce and gold was $1250 or so. During that meeting I told Mark about the financial meltdown that I firmly believed was coming to the United Sates because the U.S. government was borrowing far more “money” than it gathered from tax receipts. During that lunch with my old friend I also recall specifically telling him about the then new, earth shattering testimony from CPM Group’s Jeffrey Christian before the CFTC, in which Christian, testifying essentially on behalf of the Wall Street establishment, made this startling admission:

“And people will say, and you’ve heard it today, there’s not that much physical metal out there. There isn’t. But in the physical market as the market uses that term, there is much more metal than that, there’s 100 times what there is… Precious metals are financial assets and like currencies and T-bills and T-bonds, they trade in the multiples of 100 times the underlying physical.”
–Jeff Christian

This information was hard for Mark to digest at the time as it was all well outside of his paradigm. In fact, I’m pretty sure that due to my enthusiasm for the precious metals story during that lunch, Mark may have thought that I had “lost it”.

Flash forward a bit more than a year. With stocks plunging again and gold at a new all time high, Mark has finally decided to take action. He finally understands that physical silver remains a heavily manipulated bargain at anywhere near today’s prices. Despite the paper robo-trading designed to suppress the price of physical silver, silver has managed to hold strong, protecting the wealth of those who own it during these market sell offs. And, for those keeping track, silver has also managed to make some pretty healthy gains, more than doubling in price over the pat year.

With Hugo Chavez now nationalizing his country’s mines and calling home 10 tons of Venezuelan gold bullion from the Bank of England, the scramble for physical precious metals will begin in earnest. People around the world will eventually wake up to the financial chaos swirling around them and decide they need to do something to protect themselves. For those who are waking up today, congratulations; you can still buy physical silver in the $40′s. I’m happy to report that Mark is finally putting in an order for his first purchase of physical silver today! Sadly, the majority of Americans still have no idea what’s unfolding right in front of their eyes. And when they finally do wake up, it will likely be too late.

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gold 1864,20$

još uvijek stignete zakasniti……

Volksy ne zahebaji, sad im je debelo prekasno za ulaz u zlato, sad ulaze samo po sistemu greater fool.
Sad ovi najlukaviji prodaju zlato koji je trenutno u balonu i kupuju srebro koji je u uzletu. Još nije niti probilo ATH, tu ima prostora za rast. Za razliku od zlata.

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Tko bi rekao i ovi naši analitičari su čuli za Bonnera i Caseya.
Ili su moguće samo preveli tekst, tko će ga znati.
Bonner je inače napisao knjigu sa Addisonom Wigginom( imam je doma ) “Financial day of reckoning” i u njoj prilično precizno napisao što slijedi…
Šteta što ih nisu otkrili prije dvije godine, onda bi im puno toga bilo jasnije.

"KUPOVINA zlata zapravo je oklada da svjetski monetarni sustav baziran na papiru ide prema katastrofi koju financijske institucije ne mogu spriječiti. To je dobra oklada", tvrdi financijski ekspert Bill Bonner.

U svojoj kolumni The Daily Reckoning, koju prenosi Forbes, Bonner objašnjava zbog čega ne vjeruje da je zlato balon koji će uskoro puknuti. Nova rekordna cijena zlata je 1850 dolara za uncu. Bonner vjeruje da će do kraja godine jedna unca zlata vrijediti 2000 dolara.

Zlato je najsigurnija oklada

"Obični građani i dalje nemaju pojma što se događa. U dugovima i očajni da dođu do gotovine, oni prodaju zlato kako bi se opskrbili papirom", piše Bonner, objašnjavajući kako veliki investitori koriste novonastalu situaciju. Za one koji raspolažu ogromnim količinama novca, zlato je trenutno najsigurnija oklada.

"Jasno je kao dan da će zlato i dalje rasti", tvrdi američki ekonomist i investitor Doug Casey, koji postavlja ključno pitanje: "Što drugo će ljudi kupovati kada počnu strahovati da papirni novac gubi vrijednost? Što drugo mogu korporacije napraviti sa svojim milijardama kad njihovu upravu ulovi panika?".

Wells Fargo: Balon će uskoro puknuti

Dean Junkans, analitičar banke Wells Fargo, se ne slaže. "Moram upaliti zvono za uzbunu", kaže Junkans. Analiza Wells Farga upozorava da je zlato "balon" koji će uskoro morati puknuti. Cijena zlata u zadnjih deset godina skočila je za vrtoglavih 700 posto. U Wells Fargu smatraju da vrijednost zlata uskoro mora početi padati.

Casey i Bonner slažu se da "balon" neizbježno mora stići. Ali ne vjeruju da će se to dogoditi u skorijoj budućnosti. "Zlato je ultimativna gotovina, resurs kojem se ljudi okreću u slučaju potpune globalne panike", tvrdi Casey.

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New Report
