Naslovnica Forum Razno Posao – ponuda/potražnja ZLATA JAMA PODVOJIM INVESTICIJO 10 MESECA

lep pozdrav,

Podjetje BUDUR Invest Ltd, ki se predvsem ukvarja z nepremičninami je
zainteresirano za eno mojih inovacij na področju elektrotehnike.
Težava je v tem kjer podjetje zahteva 2,5% predplačila celotne
vrednosti njihove investicije za poslovanje. V tem primeru so
zainteresirani vložiti vsaj 16 Mio EURO. Če te zanima sem ti vložen
kapital prpravljen podvojiti v roku 10 mesecev (neto vrednost).

* Energy costs are reduced from 22% to 50%
* Air quality is increased over 300%


In nature, when tension between the air molecules gets to high,
eventually clouds gather that in right conditions collide, thus
causing an electrostatic discharge otherwise known as a lightning

After a storm, air becomes easier to breathe as the molecular
electrostatic charge has been relieved of too much tension. Molecules
that have less electrostatic tension are easier to interact with our
breathing process as they move faster around one another and enable
our red bloodcells to absorb oxygen more efficiently.

So far A/C units have been doing more damage than good, as air passes
through a regular (obsolete) A/C unit, it charges the air molecules
with even more electrostatic charge in act reducing the quality of the
air we breathe.

Our innovation changes all this to enable us to breathe air that is
cleaner, healthier and more empowering to our bodies and minds as it
increases the ability of our lungs to absorb the refreshing oxygen
molecules into our bloodstream.

* Better air quality also means better health, as it will dramatically
increase the immunity of the body as well as increased brain activity.
* It also makes recovery much faster as cells regenerate more rapidly.
* Stress reduces enabling us to relax more sufficiently.
* Brain activity increases as more oxygen is enabled to enter the
bloodstream… (improving brain performance, enabling us to think more
clearly, more focused thus making us more determined to achieve a
certain task as the overall speed of thought formation is increased
tremendously therefore improving performance
* Using our product will make you more active, successful, healthy,
powerful and feeling better.
* It will improve the relations in your workspace and living area.
* Our product will relieve the breathing of patients suffering from
asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other bronchial disease.
* Our Air Cond units are the only ones that guarantee air safety by
eliminating the occurrance of legionela virus

Air molecules with relieved electrostatic charge cool the air more
efficiently up to 35%, they improve brain activity from 20% to up to
500% (depending on individual’s personality) and make our environment
much more pleasant. Breathing becomes more relaxed, efficient and
refreshing to our mind, body and soul.

* Energy costs are reduced from 22% to 50%
* Air quality is increased over 300%

Our product is a must have for home users, bussineses, hospitals…
Soon it is due to enter the automotive industry…

More than 5 million room air conditioners (ACs) are sold per year in
Europe, 35 million in China. Most
air conditioners combine heating and cooling, and sales are expected
to grow further.

Annual air conditioner sales in the EU are expected to grow from 4.9
million units in 2005 to almost 10
million by 2020. At the same time the stock will increase from around
40 million units to 110 million
installed air conditioners

there are about 100 million US households equipped with A/C units

Currently this Planet inhibits approx. 1,4 Billion Households

Annually there are about 60 million passenger cars produced, 22
million commercial vehicles … numbers are growing

not to mention air-crafts, ships, trains, bussines buildings, public
buildings… even space stations

New Report
