Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ZABA | 27,82 | 41.512 | 1,492 | 27,90 | 28,00 | 0,72% |
Vi mene zafrkavate ?
Zagrebačka banka
It activates the racism law on foreigners residing in Croatia.
If a person resides in Croatia and holds a Croatian residency, regardless of the type of residency he holds.
Where is he entitled to open a bank account? The answer is in Croatia, in the country of residence, and not in Serbia or germany , for example.
The foreigner suffers in Croatia … The refugee suffers in Croatia.
The Croatian suffers in Croatia …
What are the causes of this suffering?
Who is behind this suffering ..
We do not want to elaborate. We will talk about the issue of racism manifested in the Bank of Zagreb.
Who issued these racist laws stipulating the closure of refugee accounts at Bank Zagreb?
All banks on the territory of the Republic of Croatia must be subject to the laws of the Central Bank (the Central Bank) which is the father of the banks in the Republic of Croatia. And we also know that the Central Bank is only implementing the laws and legislation issued by the Croatian government.
Bank Zagreb committed a crime against humanity when it decided to close the accounts of foreigners, not just refugees.
This is a real disaster and a crime against foreigners.
A bank on the territory of Croatia cannot decide to close foreigners’ accounts without any real and clear reasons.
ovdje tipični primjer kako se na tržištu dobro odradi čuvanje vrijednosti dionice napucavali dionicu do 68 prije ostavke i onda sitna korekcija, svaka čast odlični
Je li i ZABA u ovim kombinacijama? Ako jest onda je dio rezervacija bio namjenjen i za ovo, što bi značilo da je ovo nenadani prihod…
Prodao sam dionice kad sam pročitao ovo priopćenje. Ovo je oko 8 milijardi kuna kazne za Unicredit zbog sličnog prekršaja
Prodao sam dionice kad sam pročitao ovo priopćenje. Ovo je oko 8 milijardi kuna kazne za Unicredit zbog sličnog prekršaja
Pogledajte datum članka.
vrlo indikativni su veliki kupovni nalozi na 57-58 kn (ukupno oko 58.000!! dionica) što implicira da će se tu odigrati veliki prekrcaj. ja sam zato povukao svoj kupovni nalog ispod 60 kn jer ne vidim nikakvog razloga razbacivati lovu plaćajući dionicu po 6x kuna