Taman za ovu temu:
Samo dobitnici Crome idu u Rajtaricevu. Ovo je sitan prekrsaj. [lol]
The Next Stage of the Credit Crisis
Ima toga jos jako puno ali gotovo nista dobroga.
Ajoj ovo mi najgore zvuči, tu će svi ostavit gaće na štapu, prije nego kasnije. [bye]
Vietnam devalued its currency, the dong, by roughly 5% against the U.S. dollar, while also increasing interest rates in a bid to damp rising inflation. The country’s central bank raised its benchmark interest rate by one percentage point to 8%, effective Dec. 1.Wednesday’s devaluation — Vietnam’s third since June 2008 — reflects strains on the economy caused in part by aggressive stimulus spending and low foreign reserves. It also highlights differences between Vietnam and its regional neighbors. Vietnam is one of the only economies in Asia with both a fiscal budget deficit and a current-account deficit, a combination that puts pressure on the dong to weaken.
Tko jos nije, sutra ojro po bidu:
A pogledajte komentar:
Good work Ambrose.. The big story is EC Bank and the Federal Reserve sold fake Gold bars to China a few weeks ago.. They look like real 400 oz. gold bars but they are just Gold Plated.
All these Bars need to be drilled to be sure if they are solid gold or not.
Who did this..? where did the real Gold go…??
A world full of Fiat Funny money and now this…?
Are the highest level of World Governments Looters..?
Is China the victim..? or are they saying this to stir things up..?
A vidi ove depresije:
Ja sam i dalje nekako blizi 1200 opciji nego 3200 ali nema veze. Mojo skromno misljenje. [undecid]
O toj opciji pričaš od travnja prošle godine. Znalac si, svaka čast!!!
O toj opciji pričaš od travnja prošle godine. Znalac si, svaka čast!!!
Bear market rally se predvidjalo da ce trajati do 4 kvartala. Sada smo u zadnjem ako taj uvjet bude ispunjen. Vjerujem da hoce kao sto je razvidno barem za sada.
Nakon toga prouciti sto je Secular Bear i kako se stvari odvijaju. Gdje se usidriti dok zima ne prodje. [huh]
Ti svaki puta pričaš drugu priču, kada nije kako su rekao onda izmišljaš datume, vrijeme i slično.
Prije svega, preporučam mali odmor od pisanja bedastoća i gluposti na forumu.
A 1200, teško, jako teško. [bye]
Malo slika kako je to izgledalo 1929.godine http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1677033_1474466,00.html
a sta je ovo kolega?