Velika Depresija 2 – san ili java

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I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

Američani su bejlautali megakompanije sa dolarom. Šta če da bude kada EU krene da bejlauta pojedine članice sa evrom???? Nesmem ni da pomislim. Jel ima neko ideju gde čovek može da skloni to malo svoje sirotinje????

Volcker: There’s No Growth Other Than What The Fed’s Pouring Into The Economy
Joe Weisenthal|Dec. 12, 2009, 1:45 PM | 2,245 |comment17
Tags: Economy, Unemployment, Jobs, U.S. Government, Recession

paul volckerObama advisor and former Fed chief Paul Volcker has an excellent interview this weekend with Germany’s Der Spiegel.

An excerpt:

SPIEGEL: The US has not yet instituted any kind of reform policy. What we see is the government and the Federal Reserve pouring money into the economy. If one looks beyond that money, one sees that the economy is in fact still shrinking.

Volcker: What should I say? That’s right. We have not yet achieved self-reinforcing recovery. We are heavily dependent upon government support so far. We are on a government support system, both in the financial markets and in the economy.

SPIEGEL: To get the recovery to the point where it is right now has cost a lot of money. National debt will probably reach $12 trillion in 2019. Just serving the debt costs $17 billion a year — at least according to this year’s forecast. That’s difficult to sustain.

Volcker: You’ve got to deal with the deficit and you’ve got to deal with it in a timely way. Right now, with the unemployment rate still very high, excess capacity is still evident, and the economy is dependent on government money as we said. We are not going to successfully attack the deficit right now but we have got to prepare for attacking it.

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

The Next Leg Of Deflation Has Begun
Joe Weisenthal|Dec. 12, 2009, 9:14 AM | 2,942 |comment22
Tags: Oil, Gold, Commodities

Recognize this chart?


You really should. It’s the price of oil in 2008, which started falling precipitously in July, presaging a violent, deflationary crisis a few months later (pay no mind to the September spike — that had something to do with a contract expiry). The sharp fall in oil was a good signal to GET OUT.

And though the stock market had a good week, we’re seeing the first signs of a new deflationary cycle in both gold and oil. Gold is at a 4-week low after an awe-inspiring rally. Oil is now around $70, well off its recent highs above $85.

Pay attention.

I'll be twice the King my father ever was!

Eto prošlo je skoro dva mjeseca od kad sam otvorio temu Velika Depresija……………i što vam se čini………..jeste li štogod pametniji………..napredujemo li…….


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