Velika Depresija 2 – san ili java

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Velika Depresija 2 – san ili java

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Komšije ovo nikako ne miriše na dobro!!!

80% Chance Of A Market Crash In The Next Year

ovaj link bih svakome tko drži do sebe kao investitora preporučio da pozorno pročita i prostudira [thumbsup]

također pogledati slide show o temi zaposlenost/nezaposlenost………..

nisam znao da su ovi sa businessinsidera toliko dobri??
hvala kolegama na linkovima…..

Ovo mi izgleda ipak verodostojnije od službenog izveštaja:

Ljudi nema ništa od depresije, indeksi su se samo malo umorili od bull runa, sad je bull gablec. Prilika za krcanje pa poljećemo u new highs.

Od onih koji misle da je ova tema bez veze jel može neko da komentariše ovo:,62994.html

KINGSTON, NY, 7 December 2009 — The first decade of the 21st century is going out the same way it came in … with a bust and a bang.
The dot-com bubble burst in 2000, and the Bailout Bubble will bust in 2010.
9/11 terror ushered America into the decade, and terror will strike again before the decade ends.
The decade long wars waged by US and NAT0 against Afghanistan and Iraq are leading the world to the first Great War of the 21st Century.
The 20th century belonged to America, in 2010 Empire America will be breaking apart. The signs are there for all to see.
World leaders and most economists see a very different future unfolding. They insist the financial crisis is over and recovery is on the way.

On the military front, America’s new Commander in Chief, Congress and the generals promised their war strategy will bring victory abroad and keep the homeland terror free.

Fed a steady diet of junk news du jour by the Cartoon News Networks, the general public remains largely oblivious or at best, grossly misinformed. As 2009 ends, the misadventures of Tiger Woods and the White House party crashers top the media menu.

Increased terror, escalating wars, economic calamity … these are just a few of the 2010 Top Trends featured and analyzed at length in our Winter Trends Journal that you will receive by early January.

In the meantime, to keep you alert, focused, and above all, prepared, within two weeks we will send you an overview of our 2010 Trend forecasts. It is important to have plans and strategies in place for the holidays, a time when so many are caught up in the spirit and paying little attention to the headlines.

Our high alert is not alarmism. Last year, just two days after Christmas, with most people in a holiday state of mind, Israel launched a major war against the Palestinians. There were a number of factors that could have led either to an instant economic meltdown or an escalation of the war beyond the Palestinian borders. Click here.

The worst was averted. Had it happened, only those who’d taken proactive measures at the first signs of major hostilities would have gone through the crisis unscathed. The trend lesson? War, terror and calamity are not set to time clocks. Anything can happen, anywhere, at anytime. Prepare for the unexpected. It is the close-combat state of mind.

Meni se čini da je ova Ceca u pravu:

Government ‘Out of Bullets,’ Consumers in Trouble: Whitney

A mislim da i ovaj komšija ima pravo:

Oporavak japanskog gospodarstva sporiji od očekivanog

Gospodarstvo je raslo po stopi od 1,3 posto tijekom trećeg tromjesečja, što je mnogo niže od prijašnje procjene od 4,8 posto. [shocked]

Pa dobro sad, 1,3% ili 4,8% pa to je sve tu negdje.
Nemojmo biti sitničavi
Pa nisu ni analitičari svemogući [sealed]


New Report
