Gluposti na kvadrat ovdje napisano.
Uostalom tko zna kako stoji media market, a nisu jedini HG spot niti Vemil u HR.
Pa MediaMarkt za sad nije u stecaju. Dakle, stoji bitno bolje od HG Spota i Vemila. Znam jako dobro da nisu jedini ali kad najveci rikavaju to nikako nije dobar znak. Par frendova mi radi u drugim firmama koje prodaju informaticku opremu (necu imenovati koje firme, ali nisu male i nepoznate) i svi vele da im bas nije bajna situacija
Kako bi bila bajna situacija, kada većina ionako kupuje što mu mediji serviraju, ako je kriza tako se ponašaju, primjer HT-a odlično sugerira ponašanje nacije.
Krasno! Zar cemo opet ko nekad u sverc po informaticku opremu u Austriju? [sad]
Pa izgleda da hoćemo ,prvo HG spot sad Vemil a vidjet ćemo tko je slijedeći.
Izgleda da nam ne gine Media Markt……opet [cry]
Sljedeći su njihovi dobavljači!
Msan i Recro!
Krasno! Zar cemo opet ko nekad u sverc po informaticku opremu u Austriju? [sad]
Pa izgleda da hoćemo ,prvo HG spot sad Vemil a vidjet ćemo tko je slijedeći.
Izgleda da nam ne gine Media Markt……opet [cry]
Sljedeći su njihovi dobavljači!
Msan i Recro!
A nis ak riknu Msan i Recro onda bu cijena rabljenoj informatickoj opremi narasla. A taman imam laptop viska za frknuti [wink]
Vemil kreće u stečaj, dobavljači ostaju bez novca
Dobro jutro
Misliš da će se to odrazit na Intelov četvrti kvartal? [bye]
Misliš da će se to odrazit na Intelov četvrti kvartal? [bye]
Vjerovatno će Intel preboljeti taj gubitak?!
Ali na četvrti kvartal firme u kojoj ti radiš bi moglo utjecati? Jer, ti ljudi koji u HGšitu i Ve-milu ostanu bez posla neće doći k tebi kao mušterije, osim ako nisi u biznisu sa skupljanjem otpadnog željeza!
Warren Buffett Bets America’s Future Will Be Poor, Crowded, And Dirty (BRK, WMT, XOM, BNI)
Joe Weisenthal|Nov. 17
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) CEO Warren Buffett loves to talk up America’s promising future, and about how only a fool would bet against America.
But remember, for as great as he is (and he is amazing, even if it is cool to doubt him these days) he’s an investor who talks his book like anyone else.
His gigantic wager on Burlington Northern (BNI) was seen as not only a bet on the future of American commerce, but also something of a "green" play.
But breaking things down a bit further, we can derive a different interpretation.
First, let’s recall that BNI itself is actually a play on coal demand, which is the dirtiest energy around. 50% of BNI’s business is hauling around coal, so even if rail is extremely energy efficient, its energy efficiency is in the service of a dirty energy.
If America is going to end up poorer, and with a weaker dollar, down the road, betting on domestic coal would probably be a wise play.
Beyond that, whenever Buffett is asked about the deal, he always cites the fact that there will be "more Americans" shipping more things in the future, which is undoubtedly true, provided we continue our immigration policies, and don’t end up with Europe-style underpopulation. But while this may technically constitute "growth" from the perspective of a shipper, all it really means is that the country will be more crowded — not the most ringing endorsement of America.
Then look at his other bets. In his newest 13-F filed last night, he upped his stake in Wal-Mart (WMT), another good poverty bet, and he added a stake in Exxon (XOM), which is hardly green.
So ignore Warren’s words, and look at his investments. He doesn’t see us, at least right now, as some glimmering, efficient, modern city on a hill. We’re a crowded country, using coal, paying out the nose (if) we can afford to go to the pump, while buying our Nestle (also a new holding) junk food at Wal-Mart
Ovako će uskoro biti i u Usa
Actually Japan Isn’t Growing At All — It’s Just Deflating
Vincent Fernando|Nov.17
Japanese deflation just keeps getting uglier. Prices dropped 2.6% year over year in the third quarter, the worst drop in 58 years. This just makes the country’s crushing debt burden even heavier.
More importantly, the deflation data reminds us that the Japanese economy isn’t growing. It’s just deflating.
While Japanese third quarter GDP ‘growth’ surprised economists, notching 1.2% recently (~4.8% annualized), if everything’s deflating at 2.6% then GDP really doesn’t say much about growing economic activity. Economic activity is actually still falling once you factor out deflation; note that seasonally-adjusted nominal GDP officially fell 0.3% in the third quarter. Unadjusted nominal GDP fell 4.4%. See the green rows in the screen shots below, taken from the latest Japanese GDP releases.
Don’t be fooled by deflation mucking up the real meaning of GDP data — Japan’s economy is still sinking.
FED: Dozvolite propadanje i najvećih
Izdano: 12:56 16. studenog 2009 Hina
Dužnosnik američkog Feda danas je upozorio da je američko gospodarstvo još suočeno sa ‘značajnim slabostima’ te zatražio od zakonodavaca da u slučaju potrebe dozvole propadanje i najvećih financijskih institucija.
pokaži ostale vijesti: Ekonomija
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FED: Dozvolite propadanje i najvećih
Vezane vijesti
* Američka industrija iznevjerila očekivanja
* Dolar ojačao nakon Fedovog signaliziranja
* Nissan i Fedex traže 124 milijarde dolara za električne automobile
* Monetarna politika središnjih banaka ostala nepromijenjena
* Dolar oslabio iščekujući nove smjernice Feda
* Europa nadoknađuje minuse
"I dalje imamo značajne slabosti u gospodarstvu SAD-a, popraćene ubrzanim rastom razine zaduženosti i pitanjem golemog moralnog hazarda, što znači da je pred nama još puno posla", izjavio je predsjednik Feda Kansas City-ja, Thomas Hoenig.
Prošlotjedni pokazatelji o pogoršanju povjerenja američkih potrošača početkom studenoga zbog loših izgleda na tržištu rada te većem od očekivanja manjku u trgovinskoj razmjeni SAD-a sa svijetom nagnali su analitičare da smanje svoje procjene gospodarskog rasta u trećem tromjesečju.
Osvrnuvši se, pak, na regulatorna pitanja, Hoenig je izjavio da svim financijskim institucijama treba biti dozvoljen stečaj, bez obzira na njihovu veličinu.
"Dok razmatramo reformu i budućnost, mislim da je najvažnija stvar koju moramo učiniti ponajprije točna procjena fundamentalnih slabosti u našem financijskom sustavu, a zatim moramo početi stvarati bolje temelje", kaže Hoenig, govoreći danas na jednom događaju u središnjoj banci Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata.
"Našim institucijama mora biti dozvoljena propast bez obzira na njihovu veličinu ili politički utjecaj", smatra Hoenig.
Američke regulatorne agencije osramoćene su zbog propusta u svojem nadzoru financijskih institucija, zbog kojih nije spriječena financijska kriza, a potom i bolna recesija s milijunima izgubljenih radnih mjesta te ulivenih na stotine milijardi dolara poreznog novca za spas američkih banaka.
Fed je zaradio oštre kritike od nekih zakonodavaca u SAD-u vezano uz upravljanje financijskom krizom, posebice zbog svojih kontroverznih odluka o produljenju programa hitnih zajmova velikim kompanijama poput osiguravatelja AIG, koje izravno ne nadziru.
"Naše oklijevanje da se pozabavimo s klauzulom ‘preveliko da propadne’ daje tim najvećim institucijama bitne prednosti u odnosu na konkurente koje se ne percipira tako važnima", ističe Hoenig.
Hoenig je također spomenuo i agencije za izdavanje kreditnih rejtinga, navevši da vlasti moraju istražiti njihove strukture pristojbi. Smatra upitnim kako te agencije mogu ostvarivati pristojbe od kompanija za koje se pretpostavlja da im dodjeljuju rejting na objektivan način.
Industrijska proizvodnja u SAD-u neznatno je porasla u listopadu, za samo 0,1 posto, što je manje nego što se očekivalo i signalizira mukotrpan predstojeći oporavak, naznačuju podaci američke središnje banke Fed, objavljeni u utorak.
Slab je to oporavak ali i očekivan jer Podravkina tvornica pašteta još nije proradila tada. Sve je jasno!
“I believe deeply that it’s very important to the United States, to the economic health of the United States, that we maintain a strong dollar,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner recently told reporters. Indeed, it seems to be a pre-requisite to apply for the position of U.S. Treasury Secretary to be able to utter these words. In the meantime, the greenback seems to be falling further and further; the ‘strong dollar commitment’ appears to have become a farce. Just what, then, would be a strong dollar policy?
Bloomberg Radio asked me last week what I would like to hear from Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Bernanke to support the dollar. I responded he had done enough talk, and that I would like to see some action. Indeed, as Bernanke spoke at the Economic Club in New York on Monday, the dollar rallied for a few seconds when his speech was released; in it, Bernanke said, “our commitment to our dual objectives [price stability and full employment] … will help ensure that the dollar is strong…” The reason the dollar rallied was because initial media reports suggested the Fed will ensure the dollar is strong, whereas all Bernanke had said is that the Fed is committed to its dual mandate and, as a result, the dollar should be strong.
Let’s look at the action, then. The Fed has been buying hundreds of billions worth of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) by printing dollars – not currency in circulation, but virtual dollars by entering a few keystrokes on the Fed’s computers; in Fed talk, we talk about an expanded Fed balance sheet, as the size of the Fed’s balance sheet represent the dollars that have been “printed”. Generally speaking, when you increase the supply of something – be that gadgets or dollars – the value of any one gadget – or dollar – should fall assuming constant demand. Our interpretation – Fed actions do not support a strong dollar.
What may support a strong dollar is if an “exit strategy” were implemented, not merely discussed. A true exit strategy would be to shrink the Fed’s balance sheet again, to get rid of all those securities and replace them with nothing. Instead, for now, the Fed’s exit strategy seems to be about reducing the rate at which it is printing money to purchase additional securities. For those to whom the Fed balance sheet is an abstract concept, think of it as super-money from which all credit originates. A dollar printed by the Fed can multiply by up to a factor of 100 by the time it has worked its way through the economy: a bank may lend about ten times more than it has in reserves; the recipient of the loan then deposits the money; the depositor bank then turns around to makes new loans based on the fresh deposit, and so forth.
Neko če da kaže dam sam lud ali meni ovo ništa ne miriše na dobro:
Stocks Overvalued, Recession Will Return: Meredith Whitney
Mortgage Delinquencies Hit Another Record
Just Sell Something, Please!!
The Dollar Meltdown: The New Greek Tragedy?