Velika Depresija 2 – san ili java

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Stvarno mi nisu jasni kolege koje postaju neke linkove koji bi trebali izazvat strah u kostima. Dajte to malo elaborirajte i objasnite nama te linkove. Ili dotična gospoda nemaju svoje mišljenje? [lol]

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Crveno i belo nije dobro. Prodaju hartiju ovi razni Kurčubići koji vode ta preduzeća!
Plavo je dobro. Kurčubići kupju hartiju firmi u kojima rade.
Nije dobro – ima puno više crvenog i belog nego plavog. I tako već par meseci! Mora da su i ovi novi penđeri krđa čim Bill Gates prodaje ko da nema sutra.

Twilight Zone Economy
by Richard Benson

From 1959 to 1964, Rod Serling created and directed the ground-breaking series "The Twilight Zone" which will never be forgotten by anyone growing up in the 1950’s with a black and white TV. The weekly episodes revealed with ironic, perplexing and totally unexpected results, what happened to otherwise normal people whose lives were forever changed once they were transcended into a parallel world where different rules applied. This altered world correlates in many ways to the US economy today as millions of people are realizing that nothing our government says seems to be real, and the rules we thought applied, don’t any more.

For example, the price indexes continue to be manipulated down with hedonic adjustments which continually change price weights to always favor lowered-priced, over higher-priced, goods. This manipulation in the price indexes virtually guarantees that GDP, which is a price-adjusted number, will grow 1.5 to 2 percent each and every year, even if there is no real economic growth at all! Moreover, the White House has created a novel way to measure how it has created or saved 640,000 jobs through economic stimulus. Only in a world where rules no longer apply would you see a big brother government claim they created 640,000 jobs when, in fact, over 640,000 jobs were actually lost in the last three months alone. The surge in the headline unemployment rate to 10.2 percent, and the broad measure of unemployment (the U-6) which hit a mind-numbing 17.5 percent, make a mockery of the economic stimulus package.

I’m also not alone in pointing out that over the past 12 months the Bureau of Labor Statistics Birth Death Model has added 850,000 mythical jobs to the Payroll Employment Survey. By all accounts, this data is false and is a stunning example of statistics created in outer space where only happy talk is allowed, and, unbeknownst to the people, psychological warfare is actually taking place against them behind the scenes.

The official numbers are so bad and inaccurate that a business has emerged to show what the real economy actually looks like. (See John Williams’ excellent "Shadow Government Statistics" at

In this world of illusion, the government wants you to look the other way. They certainly don’t want you to see that less than half of the credit losses that will need to be taken have been taken, for home mortgages, credit cards, and toxic commercial real estate loans. And that’s not all. Economic statistics that show real declines (but at a slowing rate of decline) are advertised as increases, and even though new records have been set for the length of time that workers have been collecting unemployment, and filings for early retirement, food stamps and social security disability have spiked, these facts are rarely reported.

Government tricks are wearing thin and consumer confidence is waning as a massive credibility gap begins to widen between the people actually living in a real nightmare they have never before experienced, and the world as reported by government statistics and markets. This has caused concern on Capitol Hill that restive peasants may gather in the streets and go after bankers with their pitch forks when these same bankers should be contributing to PACs in the coming election year.

Past recessions were caused by an overbuilding of inventories that needed to be corrected. This recession is far worse, however, and it mirrors a 1930s-style depression that needs to purge a massive over-extension of credit. The next few years are going to be rough for many people living on the edge, and nothing, in my view, will change until new good paying jobs are created. Remember that in any recession, meaningful job growth lags the official end of the recession by 12 to 24 months, so we can expect unemployment to continue well into 2011 for sure.

It’s unfortunate that R

Sada če tebi čika Stevo da objasni. Evo ti link:
Crveno i belo nije dobro. Prodaju hartiju ovi razni Kurčubići koji vode ta preduzeća!
Plavo je dobro. Kurčubići kupju hartiju firmi u kojima rade.
Nije dobro – ima puno više crvenog i belog nego plavog. I tako već par meseci! Mora da su i ovi novi penđeri krđa čim Bill Gates prodaje ko da nema sutra.

Prvi dobar konkretan argument, čestitam kolega.
a nije trebalo ni 32 stranice topica. [thumbsup]


Momak vidi se da si neiskusan, vjeruješ ono što piše, a samim time ono što mnogo ljudi čita.
Ja ti pratim preko bare, mogu ti reći da ima toliko primjera gdje gazde, direktori prodaju, a cijena ode 50, 100 pa nekad i više posto gore, pa se čak ni ne vrati na razinu gdje je gazda prodal. Tak spusiš pare misleći, gle, gazda prodaje, pa bum i ja, a ono cijena ode u nebo. Dobro vas zejabavaju, a ti mile moj pušiš svetske fore. hihihihihi [bye]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Prodaje se iz sto razloga a kupuje iz samo jednog!

People do not get what they want or what they expect from the markets; they get what they deserve!

Stvarno mi nisu jasni kolege koje postaju neke linkove koji bi trebali izazvat strah u kostima. Dajte to malo elaborirajte i objasnite nama te linkove. Ili dotična gospoda nemaju svoje mišljenje? [lol]

Sada če tebi čika Stevo da objasni. Evo ti link:

Crveno i belo nije dobro. Prodaju hartiju ovi razni Kurčubići koji vode ta preduzeća!
Plavo je dobro. Kurčubići kupju hartiju firmi u kojima rade.
Nije dobro – ima puno više crvenog i belog nego plavog. I tako već par meseci! Mora da su i ovi novi penđeri krđa čim Bill Gates prodaje ko da nema sutra.

Imate li statistiku kako su Kurčubići trgovali u ožujku?

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

Vrlo često vani prodaju istekom opcija, tipa kupio po 1$, a prodao taj dan po 3$, a cijena tijekom kraćeg razdoblja ode na 6 dolara.
Što želim reći, od 4. mjeseca se govori da insideri prodaju, od 3. mjeseca slušam o novom dnu, a od 6. mjeseca kako je najgore prošlo. Od kolovoza slušam neke druge stvari, a na kraju ne slušam nikoga jer svi pričaju što god im padne napamet. Puno je znalac, a samo je jedan pravi, a to je svatko za sebe. [bye]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Insider sales in U.S. not a sell signal this time

Insiders sold $6.2 billion worth of shares in August, the most since May 2008, while insider buying has been under $1 billion for seven straight months for the first time since 2005, according to a report by research firm TrimTabs.

The uptick in insider selling started in April, and those using that as the barometer would have missed most of the 2009 rally.


The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

Stvarno mi nisu jasni kolege koje postaju neke linkove koji bi trebali izazvat strah u kostima. Dajte to malo elaborirajte i objasnite nama te linkove. Ili dotična gospoda nemaju svoje mišljenje? [lol]

Sada če tebi čika Stevo da objasni. Evo ti link:

Crveno i belo nije dobro. Prodaju hartiju ovi razni Kurčubići koji vode ta preduzeća!
Plavo je dobro. Kurčubići kupju hartiju firmi u kojima rade.
Nije dobro – ima puno više crvenog i belog nego plavog. I tako već par meseci! Mora da su i ovi novi penđeri krđa čim Bill Gates prodaje ko da nema sutra.

Imate li statistiku kako su Kurčubići trgovali u ožujku?

U ožujku su insideri kupovali ko ludi.


U ožujku su insideri kupovali ko ludi.

Pričaš napamet. [bye]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

U ožujku su insideri kupovali ko ludi.

Pričaš napamet. [bye]
Overall, data going back six years shows insiders have been far better at calling the bottom of the market than the top, says Silverman. Most investors look at insider selling as a bearish signal if there are other bearish indicators backing it up.

"There is a better correlation when there is a lot of insider buying," he said. "They perfectly called the market bottom in March of this year."

U ožujku su insideri kupovali ko ludi.

Pričaš napamet. [bye]

Neću o tome na šta ti pričaš [bye]

In March the ratio of buyers to sellers in the Standard & Poor’s (MHP) 500-stock index was 1 to 1, but by June, sellers outnumbered buyers 9 to 1, according to, a site that tracks insider transactions.


New Report
