Velika Depresija 2 – san ili java

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Velika Depresija 2 – san ili java

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ja bih rekao da se sve ove naše rasprave svode na ovo:

Pozdrav knoxima ma gdje bili.

Gore navedenome dodao bih samo Larry Edelsonovu analizu. Do sada je covjek uvijek bio 100% u pravu. Evo ga na forumu pa da vidimo kakve su mu prognoze za buducnost:


I samo da se malo vratimo u povijest i proanaliziramo prethodne prognoze:


Nitko nije htio Janaf na 1100 kuna ali je na 2500 bio zakon i jeftin i dobra prilika za ulaz. Sada su zlato i srebro bizuterija i totalna glupost. Bas me zanima dokle ce morati doci da ga lokalni investitorski gurui otkriju. [cool]


Što se tiče nafte tu se sprema neizvjesna budućnost.

Bojim se da se taktonika zemlje povećava…tj…potresnost zemlje.

Nafta je baš upravo u zemlji u ljepim slojevima koji su sada nestabilini. Ono što će se dešavati je naglo povećavanje pritiska u izvorima uslijed tektonike. Povećanje broja nezgoda od eksplozija izvorišta kakvi smo videjli u Meksičkom Zaljevu će se proširiti po cijelom planetu uz gotovo katastrofalne poslijedice na proizvodnju nafte. Brijem da će negdje oko 30% izvorišta biti pod paljbom tako da će se i proizvodnja iste smanjiti, a cijena povećati zbog nestašice kao i zbog nastale štete.

To će se naravno odraziti i na burzu i na ekonomiju uopće te bi to moglo zadati dodatni jaki udar na dosadašnju krizu. Mogli bi mi završiti na gorem mjestu nego 1920-30 godina

Inače ovo je godina Tigra po kineskom horoskopu
2011 je godina Zečeva…dakle opća bežanija
2012 je godina Zmaja…e to će biti opći party

Prodajem jeftino, kupujem skupo.

Ja bih rekao da se sve ove naše rasprave svode na ovo:
Pozdrav knoxima ma gdje bili.

revolucionaran članak. [thumbsup]

It’s not often I agree with Ben Bernanke, but this time, in regards to gold, I do. Please consider Bernanke Says Gold, Commodities Conflict on Inflation.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said gold prices, which surged to a record yesterday, are sending a different signal on inflation than raw materials.

“Other commodity prices have fallen recently quite severely, including oil prices and food prices,” Bernanke said today in response to a question during testimony to a House Budget Committee hearing. “So gold is out there doing something different from the rest of the commodity group.”

Gold is acting differently because gold is money, and equally important, money that was not borrowed into existence and is no one else’s liability.

How do we know gold is money? Because it acts like it!
Gold will not default. Good luck with everything else. [thumbsup]

Vaš link

Malo smo izrezali cijelu izjavu da nam paše [rolleyes]

“Well the signal that gold is sending is in some ways very different from what other asset prices are sending. For example, the spread between nominal and inflation index bonds remains quite low – suggesting just 2% inflation over the next 10 years. Other commodity prices have fallen recently quite severely including oil prices and food prices. So gold is out there doing something different from the rest of the commodity group. I don’t fully understand the movements in the gold price, but I do think there’s a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety in financial markets right now and some people believe that holding gold will be a hedge against the fact that they view many other investments as being risky and hard to predict at this point.” – Ben Bernake.


Malo smo izrezali cijelu izjavu da nam paše [rolleyes]

“Well the signal that gold is sending is in some ways very different from what other asset prices are sending. For example, the spread between nominal and inflation index bonds remains quite low – suggesting just 2% inflation over the next 10 years. Other commodity prices have fallen recently quite severely including oil prices and food prices. So gold is out there doing something different from the rest of the commodity group. I don’t fully understand the movements in the gold price, but I do think there’s a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety in financial markets right now and some people believe that holding gold will be a hedge against the fact that they view many other investments as being risky and hard to predict at this point.” – Ben Bernake.


Naravno da Ben the helicopter ne razumije zašto zlato raste. [rolleyes] Svi koji ga nemaju ne razumiju [thumbsup] Bitno je samo da mu grašci znoja izbijaju na čelu dok priča o tome kako ne razumije zašto zlato raste. Meni se čini da će prije Ingra dobiti posao u Alžiru nego što ćete ti i Ben saznati zašto zlato raste [lol]

ok ajde ugasite temu,,,valda ste se nakrcali [cool] ajmo nova tema…..

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

ok ajde ugasite temu,,,valda ste se nakrcali [cool] ajmo nova tema…..

The most prescient statistical guide to the health of the U.S. economy is set to turn negative on Friday for the first time since early 2009, an event that is going to spook super-bulls and give comfort to super-bears.
The gauge is called the ECRI Weekly Leading Index, and for the past five decades it has been one of the few products of economic research that has risen above the level of tarot cards and necromancy.
In mid-2007, the WLI forecast the 2008 recession when most economists and investors were still seeing blue skies ahead. In late 2008 it surprisingly forecast a u-turn higher into recovery amid the depths of the global financial crisis. The WLI accurately retained its positive posture for a year, garnering criticism from bears all the way, before peaking and rolling over last winter again.

Now the flip downward that began in November 2009 is about to swing all the way down into negative territory.
The big question now is not whether a slowdown lies ahead but whether it will turn into a recession. The WLI’s current condition says the answer is not knowable yet, and won’t be known for a few months because while the downturn so far is pronounced it is not yet persistent.
So how would the downturn affect stock prices? Lakshman says that equity markets tend to halt their own fast-paced recoveries from downturns a few months after WLI growth tops out. WLI growth peaked in October, so the April peak in stocks was right on time. The next phase should be a desultory decline or march sideways as corporate profit growth peaks and softens from current super-strong levels
The euro zone economy is likely to enter another recession later this year, China’s real GDP growth will slow to 7.5%, U.S. tax rates are headed up, U.S. and state budget cuts and tax rates are likely, the oil spill will persist in reduced profits in the Gulf region; Israel and Turkey are fighting; European auto and retail sales are collapsing; Japan’s political establishment is as stable as tofu; credit spreads are blowing out in Spain; and uncertainty about the U.S. economy is so great that a survey of a small group of fund managers last week found a range of opinion about 2011 unemployment from 6.5% to 14%.
The bottom line is that as the economy slows, the sharp, robust, exciting advance in the broad range of stocks seen from March 2009 to April 2010 is probably over.

srećom pola korisnika ne zna što ovdje piše…….. [cool]

šta će 2011 biti još gora po ovome

New Report
