@ schtefek
A tko li izmisli sve ove gluposti…? [lol]
Uvjetno rečeno "autentična proročanstva" su uvijek opčenita, konfuzna, dvosmislena… dok je ovo tvoje čista suprotnost – detaljno, precizno… Očito da je ovo plod nečije mašte a ne vidovnjačkih sposobnosti.
Vidovljanci ne govore ovakvim jezikom 😀
To bi bilo prejednostavno i bezbolno. Jedini koji iskreno govori o svim problemima. Pogledati svih 6 nastavaka:
Sad više ni smak svijeta ne valja
kaže Kulić…
"…nije čudno da kamatne stope na eure i dolare rastu a na kune padaju…" [lol]
A majke ti…
Da, apple je prodao prvi dan predprodaje samo 90000 IPAD-a , ni ti9 potrpšaći nisu što su nekad bili [lol]
Ni u Microsoftu ne plaću, a bome ni u IBM-u
Credit Suisse: The Upcoming ETF Unwind Will Pummel Gold
PrintVincent Fernando, CFA | Mar. 13, 2010, 10:57 PM | 4,058 | 28
Tags: Markets, Gold, Commodities, Investing
Credit Suisse Standard Securities precious metals analyst David Davis has issued a warning for gold.
Basically, the market experienced a surge of gold ETF buying over the last year, which became the key driver for gold prices. It wasn’t like this back in the pre-ETF days mind you, this is how the gold market has changed dramatically into something far more speculative than it used to be.
Now, should ETF demand dry up, the market’s supply/demand could be horrendously skewed, according to Mr. Davis:
[Emphasis added]
“We believe that a major problem is looming on the horizon should investment demand remain muted and/or should investment demand start falling away over the next three to five months,” he said in a research note.
“We believe that the possible muted and/or decline in year-on-year investment demand for ETFs will play a pre-eminent role as a swing factor in our supply-and-demand balance for 2010.”
ETF demand was 85% higher for 2009 compared to the previous year at nearly 600 tonnes, driven largely by a strong performance in the first quarter. This demand dropped off sharply by the fourth quarter of the year, coming in two thirds lower compared to the same time a year earlier.
“We are of the view that there is increasing downward risk to the gold price should the pace of sales increase. We estimate that institutional divestment alone has the potential to release between 200 tonnes and 300 tonnes in 2010,” Davis said.
Ni u Microsoftu ne plaću, a bome ni u IBM-u
Bome, niti ovi ne djeluju tuzno:
Sve optimisti!!!! [lol]
Ni u Microsoftu ne plaću, a bome ni u IBM-u
Ali ivekšestšestšest uvijek nađe prave stranice.
Ali ivekšestšestšest uvijek nađe prave stranice. [lol]
Bogmec i jesu prave. [lol]
Izmedju insidera i Six Pacx Joe-a ja bi se ipak uvijek kladio na insidera. Nekako mi se cini da oni ipak imaju vise informacija pa i onih povlastenih. Kladiti se protiv njih mozda i nije najbriljantnija ideja. Ili mozda grijesim….. [cool]
Dakle do 2012: 60% love potrošit na čisti hedonizam
40% u KODT-R-A
Slazem se ali parcijalno. Mislim da je bolja ovakva preraspodjela:
– 100% potrositi na hedonizam i to sto prije
Za sve ostalo tu je kolega Vidra koji samo ceka da vam brutalno otme pare. Dok ste vi tu i on je. Prava lasica!!! [cool]