Jel bilo zeleno danas Stanislave?
Jel bilo zeleno danas Stanislave?
DAX završio u minusu a čitav dan je grebao +2%,
Amerikanci trenutno u minusu, ali primjećujem da nikako da probiju 9000 bodova.
Big investors may lose in alleged $50B fraud
Beyond U.S. hedge funds, more corporate names disclosed exposure to Madoff. Late Sunday, some of Europe’s biggest banks acknowledged they, too, were exposed to Madoff’s investment fund.
Switzerland’s Reichmuth & Co. said the private bank has $327 million at risk. It told investors that they "sincerely regret" being affected.
French bank BNP Paribas estimated its exposure Madoff’s fund could lead to $467 million in losses.
In a brief statement Sunday, Paribas said it has "no investment of its own" in Madoff’s hedge funds but "does have risk exposure to these funds through its trading business and collateralized lending to funds of hedge funds."
Spain’s Grupo Santander SA, Europe’s second-largest banking consortium, said its clients had an exposure of $3.1 billion to Madoff’s investment funds, mostly through the Optimal Strategic US Equity fund, according to reports.
Japan’s largest brokerage, Nomura Holdings, said Monday it has about $306 million, in exposure to the Ponzi scheme.
So I want to talk today about how to do that and I want to focus — and I think we ought to focus our efforts on three great forces for economic growth: free markets, free trade, and free people. (Applause.)
First, our nations must maintain confidence in the power of free markets. Now, I know in the wake of the financial crisis, free markets have been under very harsh criticism from the left and from the right. It’s true the free market system is not perfect. It can be subject to excesses and abuse. As we’ve seen in recent months, there are times when government intervention is essential to restart frozen markets and to protect overall economic health. Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth. The verdict of history is unmistakable: The greater threat to prosperity is not too little government involvement in the market — it is too much.
Ovo je njihov manifest iz posljednjeg Busheva govora. Prevara na prevaru… kredit pa reprogramiran kredit… stampaj li ga stampaj… ako netko digne glavu: nosaci aviona, kolateralne zrtve djeca i zene etc. Pa tko duze izdrzi
Ovaj bucmasti starcic je platio 10bilUSD jamcevine i trenutno je slobodan a vjerojatno ce se suditi sjedecih 10tak godina
Američka industrijska proizvodnja u studenom pala 0,6 posto
Američka industrijska proizvodnja u studenom se smanjila treći put u zadnja četiri mjeseca na što su najviše utjecale automobilske kompanije.
Industrijska proizvodnja u najvećem svjetskom gospodarstvu prošli je mjesec pala 0,6 posto, nakon što je u listopadu porasla 1,5 posto, objavila je danas američka središnja banka Fed. Najslabija prodaja u zadnjih 26 godina dovela je General Motors i Chrysler na rub kolapsa, a utjecala je i na smanjenje proizvodnje u autoindustriji koja je produbila recesiju. Analitičari upozoravaju da američka proizvodnja prima udarce sa svih strana, te kao primjer navode pad izvoza, a značajno je smanjena i domaća potražnja. Ekonomisti obuhvaćeni Bloombergovim istraživanjem prognozirali su pad industrijske proizvodnje u SAD-u u studenom za 0,8 posto. PD
30 year bonds rise 1 point after home builder data
NEW YORK (Reuters) – "The price on U.S. 30-year Treasury bonds climbed a full point on Monday, testing their session highs, after data showed home builder sentiments were stuck at record low, suggesting more tough times ahead for the battered U.S. housing market.
The 30-year Treasury bond was up 1-1/32 in price in the wake of the December report from the National Association of Home Builders.
Its yield, which moves inversely to price, traded at 2.99 percent, not far above its record low set last week"
Američki futuresi pokazuju zaron malo veći do kraja.
Bumo vidjeli.
Ameri, usprkos vijestima, super se drže, blagi minus s tendecijom da do kraja ga i ne bude. Brodari fantastični. Super!!!
Ameri se uistinu loše drže usprkos dobrim vijestima.
Dow Jones Industrial Average 8,564.53 4:02pm ET 65.15 (-0.75%)
NASDAQ Composite 1,508.34 4:03pm ET 32.38 (-2.10%)
S&P 500 INDEX,RTH 868.62 4:03pm ET 11.11 (-1.26%)
Šta im bi???
Gluposti, ništa novo od tebe.
15 dana rastu skoro bez prestanka, i danas mala korekcija + brodari zastrašujuće dobri. Strava!!! Ti si ionako ono loše ovog foruma, što i zbog tebe se više i ne piše. No, kako si ti legalno ovdje dopušten, ne bih se čudio da si i dio tima.
Gluposti, ništa novo od tebe.
15 dana rastu skoro bez prestanka, i danas mala korekcija + brodari zastrašujuće dobri. Strava!!! Ti si ionako ono loše ovog foruma, što i zbog tebe se više i ne piše. No, kako si ti legalno ovdje dopušten, ne bih se čudio da si i dio tima.
Kaj te muči njofra?
"blagi minus s tendecijom da do kraja ga i ne bude."
Kaj ti bed kaj si fulo pa sad drvljem i kamenjem po forumašima, jel?
Ohladi malo, spamaš ovaj forum mjesecima, mijenjajući nickove, agresivan, strava itd. Možeš malo lijevom.