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Vi uopće ne slažete rečenice, nego nabacujete riječi.
Za vaše postove bi Vjeko trebao angažirati lektora a ne moderatora.
Dajte se malo potrudite napisati to što želite reći


ih..ako se zakotrlja i ako su se glavonje iskrcale,Goldman, JP, i ostali, treba vidjeti volumene zadnjih par dana, bit ce tamo suza i skrguta gorih nego na crobexu na 5400.
volatilnost je najavljivala da ce biti pad.

sad samo treba vidjeti dokle [smiley]




Moram postati smeće s bloomberga, samo zato što i kolega to radi [lol]

By Shamim Adam and Soraya Permatasari

July 8 (Bloomberg) — Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed the possibility of a war with the U.S. and Israel over his country’s nuclear work, saying Iran is trying to avoid conflict.

“We’re making the utmost effort for providing peace and security at the world level,” the Iranian president told reporters today in Kuala Lumpur, where he is attending a summit of the Eight Islamic Developing Countries. “Don’t worry, there won’t be any war in the future. Mainly they are focusing on some sort of propaganda or psychological war.”

Tensions over Iran increased, helping push the price of oil to a record

O čemu pričate vi mig?
Vi uopće ne slažete rečenice, nego nabacujete riječi.
Za vaše postove bi Vjeko trebao angažirati lektora a ne moderatora.
Dajte se malo potrudite napisati to što želite reći

probajte razviti kognitivne sposobnosti, cijenjeni kolega "Nominala nam ne gine" "Idemo dolje" i koji su Vam jos potpisi bili, ne sjecam se


Solana to head to Iran for nuclear talks Tue, 08 Jul 2008 14:58:44

Javier Solana EU Foreign Policy chief Javier Solana is scheduled to pay a new visit to Tehran to discuss latest developments in the nuclear case.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is in Japan to attend a three-day annual summit of the Group of Eight, said on Tuesday that Solana would visit Iran to discuss the nuclear issue with Iranian officials.

Earlier on Monday, Solana expressed hope to meet Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili ‘before the end of the month’ but did not announce any location for talks.

"The group of six nations plans to send Mr. Solana (to Iran) for in-depth discussions on the differences between their latest proposals and the ones that were already on the table," Sarkozy said.
Last month, Solana delivered to Iranian authorities a package of incentives prepared by the G5+1 requiring Iran to suspend its nuclear program in exchange for political and economic benefits.

Iranian officials said that the upcoming talks would focus on the commonalities of the two nuclear proposals presented by Iran and the G5+1.

novi pomak prema dole 136.56. neznam šta se događa. [thumbsup]

Nafta 136,50$ [bye]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Commodities Slump as G-8 Says Oil, Food Prices Pose `Challenge’

By Millie Munshi and Mark Shenk

July 8 (Bloomberg) — Commodities tumbled for a third day, led by crude oil and corn, as Group of Eight leaders said rising energy and food costs pose a “serious challenge” to the global economy.

The UBS Bloomberg Constant Maturity Commodity Index has dropped 4.2 percent in three sessions, led by slumping agricultural prices. Corn has plunged as warm weather in the U.S. Midwest improved crop conditions following floods last month in states including Iowa and Indiana. Crude oil has slumped 6.1 percent in two days.

Commodities are falling after their best first half in 35 years. Record prices for fuel, soybeans, wheat, copper and other raw materials are leading oil explorers, metal producers and farmers to increase supplies. Oil has dropped 6.6 percent from its record, and corn has declined almost 10 percent from the all-time high.

“We have peaked for oil for now,” Polar Pacific Capital Managing Director David Bensimon said yesterday in an interview in Singapore. “With agricultural commodities facing their own vulnerability, all of this will take the shine off commodities.”

The weighted UBS Bloomberg index dropped 34.62, or 2.1 percent, to 1,641.62 at 10:22 a.m. New York time. Yesterday, the gauge, which measures 26 futures prices, fell 2.2 percent, the most since May 29.

The Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of 19 raw materials fell 5.32, or 1.2 percent, to 453.72. Yesterday, the gauge tumbled 2.8 percent, the most since March.

Surging energy costs have rippled through the global economy by sapping household budgets and boosting production costs. The World Bank has warned that 33 countries from Mexico to Yemen faced social unrest, partly because of higher food prices.

`Risks Persist’

“We have strong concerns about the sharp rise in oil prices,” the Group of Eight said in a statement today in Toyako, Japan, where the leaders are holding their annual summit. “The world economy is now facing uncertainty and downside risks persist.”

Crude-oil futures for August delivery fell $5.12, or 3.6 percent, to $136.25 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Before today, the price almost doubled in the past 12 months, reaching a record $145.85 on July 3.

Corn futures for December delivery fell 27 cents, or 3.6 percent, to $7.20 a bushel overnight on the Chicago Board of Trade. The price still has doubled in the past 12 months, reaching a record $7.9925 on June 27.

“All the bad economic news is making people take a second look at commodities,” said Michael Lynch, president of Strategic Energy & Economic Research in Winchester, Massachusetts. “Commodities were purchased as a hedge against inflation. A global recession is looking more likely, and it’s the greatest weapon in the fight against inflation.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Millie Munshi in New York at mmunshi@bloomberg.net; Mark Shenk in New York at mshenk1@bloomberg.net.

Moram postati smeće s bloomberga, samo zato što i kolega to radi [lol]

By Shamim Adam and Soraya Permatasari

July 8 (Bloomberg) — Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed the possibility of a war with the U.S. and Israel over his country’s nuclear work, saying Iran is trying to avoid conflict.

“We’re making the utmost effort for providing peace and security at the world level,” the Iranian president told reporters today in Kuala Lumpur, where he is attending a summit of the Eight Islamic Developing Countries. “Don’t worry, there won’t be any war in the future. Mainly they are focusing on some sort of propaganda or psychological war.”

Tensions over Iran increased, helping push the price of oil to a record

‘Iran does not intend to wipe out Israel’
Tue, 08 Jul 2008 17:24:46

Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Israel is disintegrating on its own and Iran will not take any act of aggression against it.

"Israel is an illegal regime," said President Ahmadinejad in a Tuesday press conference after a D8 summit in Kuala Lumpur.

"The regime will disintegrate on its own. Since Zionists can no longer sustain themselves, they have been forced to draw attention away from their present situation by blaming Iran," he added.

Ovo je originalni tekst.

Europa se od otvaranja Američana, nastavlja tonuti.
DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE IN 11,189.54 10:42am ET Down 42.42 (0.38%)
S&P 500 INDEX,RTH 1,243.78 10:38am ET Down 8.53 (-0.68%)
Odu i Američani opet dolje.
Bilo je i za očekivati nakon Bernake govora.

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja

ovo sve niže i niže!!!!!! do kada???
Nymex Crude Future 137.65 -3.72 -2.63
Dated Brent Spot 136.87 -4.67 -3.30

ne bu dobro…
pocinje spasavaj se ko moze na nafti…

sjetite se da sam prije tri tjedna napisao da se procjenjuje da bi nafta mogla za par godina biti
20 dolara…
slovima: dvadeset dolara. ne fali nula (0)…

Naravno, zašto ne. Uostalom povijesno se cijena uvijek vraćala upravo negdje na te razine, pa i nakon gadnih šokova. Evo prigodan graf, ulijepio bih ga direktno, ali mislim da je preširok za stranicu.


US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off

New Report
