Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

sava, 23.11.2008. u 13:26
Fifa je od prodaje TV prava sljedećeg nogometnog SP-a u Južnoafričkoj Republici 2010. utržila rekordnih 2,5 milijardi dolara, no HRT-ova blagajna to neće osjetiti. Prijenosi utakmica sa sljedećeg Mundijala bit će znatno jeftiniji od očekivanog

Ovo mi je u suprotnosti s većinom komentara…

burze ce gore kada se rijesi citigroup, eto vijesti:

Somali Pirates in Discussions to Acquire Citigroup

By Andreas Hippin
November 20 (Bloomberg) — The Somali pirates, renegade Somalis known for hijacking ships for ransom in the Gulf of Aden, are negotiating a purchase of Citigroup.

The pirates would buy Citigroup with new debt and their existing cash stockpiles, earned most recently from hijacking numerous ships, including most recently a $200 million Saudi Arabian oil tanker. The Somali pirates are offering up to $0.10 per share for Citigroup, pirate spokesman Sugule Ali said earlier today. The negotiations have entered the final stage, Ali said.

“You may not like our price, but we are not in the business of paying for things. Be happy we are in the mood to offer the shareholders anything,” said Ali.

The pirates will finance part of the purchase by selling new Pirate Ransom Backed Securities. The PRBS’s are backed by the cash flows from future ransom payments from hijackings in the Gulf of Aden. Moody’s and S&P have already issued their top investment grade ratings for the PRBS’s.

Head pirate, Ubu Kalid Shandu, said: “We need a bank so that we have a place to keep all of our ransom money. Thankfully, the dislocations in the capital markets has allowed us to purchase Citigroup
at an attractive valuation and to take advantage of TARP capital to grow the business even faster.”

Shandu added, “We don’t call ourselves pirates. We are coastguards and this will just allow us to guard our coasts better.”

Šta ste zapeli s tim "tko će dizati tržište"? Zašto se zamarate s glupostima? Jel znaš što si kupio? Jel znaš koliko otprilike vrijedi to što si kupio i jel znaš po kojem si diskontu kupio? I šta treperite s tim crobexom od 1300-1500 kuna? Pa to vam je sutra preksutra. Jel moguće da vas je nakon svega ovog još frka pada od 25%?

Kakvih kuna?
Šta se Crobex računa u kunama?

Tko treperi, ja ne treperim, jer znam da ću kupovati iza nove godine po cijenama iz bajke.
One tipa Plačica, Princeza na zrnu graška, itd.


burze ce gore kada se rijesi citigroup, eto vijesti:

Somali Pirates in Discussions to Acquire Citigroup

By Andreas Hippin
November 20 (Bloomberg) — The Somali pirates, renegade Somalis known for hijacking ships for ransom in the Gulf of Aden, are negotiating a purchase of Citigroup.

The pirates would buy Citigroup with new debt and their existing cash stockpiles, earned most recently from hijacking numerous ships, including most recently a $200 million Saudi Arabian oil tanker. The Somali pirates are offering up to $0.10 per share for Citigroup, pirate spokesman Sugule Ali said earlier today. The negotiations have entered the final stage, Ali said.

“You may not like our price, but we are not in the business of paying for things. Be happy we are in the mood to offer the shareholders anything,” said Ali.

The pirates will finance part of the purchase by selling new Pirate Ransom Backed Securities. The PRBS’s are backed by the cash flows from future ransom payments from hijackings in the Gulf of Aden. Moody’s and S&P have already issued their top investment grade ratings for the PRBS’s.

Head pirate, Ubu Kalid Shandu, said: “We need a bank so that we have a place to keep all of our ransom money. Thankfully, the dislocations in the capital markets has allowed us to purchase Citigroup
at an attractive valuation and to take advantage of TARP capital to grow the business even faster.”

Shandu added, “We don’t call ourselves pirates. We are coastguards and this will just allow us to guard our coasts better.”

Mene ne bi čudilo da ovi pirati i rade za američane. Uz sva čuda tehnologije (sateliti i ostala izdrk…) kojim raspolažu, hrpa polupismenih debila mažnjava tankere. Pa hebote Andersenove bajke su k… u odnosu na ove bajke što ih prodaju cijelom svijetu.BTW jel su maznuli koji brod koji vozi pod američanskom zastavom. [bye]

Mene ne bi čudilo da ovi pirati i rade za američane. Uz sva čuda tehnologije (sateliti i ostala izdrk…) kojim raspolažu, hrpa polupismenih debila mažnjava tankere. Pa hebote Andersenove bajke su k… u odnosu na ove bajke što ih prodaju cijelom svijetu.BTW jel su maznuli koji brod koji vozi pod američanskom zastavom. [bye]

Koji pirati čovječe??Priče za malu djecu.Ne da rade za amere nego su ih ameri izmislili.Kladim se da od 300mil.ta strašila dobiju najviše 5mil. a 295 CIA
Al sad kad svijet polako kuži rasturit će tu sirotinju s par projektila pa će svi biti ushičeni da eto ameri spasili svijet.

Laži izmišljaju ljubomorni i nesposobni šire ih budale a vjeruju idioti!!!

Šta ste zapeli s tim "tko će dizati tržište"? Zašto se zamarate s glupostima? Jel znaš što si kupio? Jel znaš koliko otprilike vrijedi to što si kupio i jel znaš po kojem si diskontu kupio? I šta treperite s tim crobexom od 1300-1500 kuna? Pa to vam je sutra preksutra. Jel moguće da vas je nakon svega ovog još frka pada od 25%?

Kakvih kuna?
Šta se Crobex računa u kunama?

Tko treperi, ja ne treperim, jer znam da ću kupovati iza nove godine po cijenama iz bajke.
One tipa Plačica, Princeza na zrnu graška, itd.

pardon za kune, lapsus u brzini.


Tržište će dizati banke sa kešom koji držite "na sigurnom". To im je posao zadnjih stotinjak godina. I dobro im ide…..

upravo kolega, ciklusi su uvijek isti. Odite u Pobu i zatražie margin. Dobit ćete: "na žalost obustavili smo taj proizvod" Bez brige, ponovo će ga plasirat i reklamirat na Crobex 5000 i prodavat dionice koje sad kupuju nadobudnima za lovu koju su im posudili.


Government working on Citigroup rescue

WASHINGTON – "The government was weighing a plan on Sunday to rescue Citigroup Inc., whose stock has been hammered on worries about its financial health.
The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have been in discussions over the weekend to devise a strategy to stabilize the company, according to people familiar with the talks. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the discussions were ongoing."

Ovi vise na koncu.
Citi is going down,baby


Wall Street braces for another pivotal week

NEW YORK (AP) — The question analysts pondered over the weekend is whether investors can find a way to build on Friday’s rally. The answer could come Monday afternoon when President-elect Barack Obama is scheduled to introduce his economic team.

ako je Citi izgovor za [bye] onda je ovo dovoljno dobar izgovor za [thumbsup]


Futures na oko +1.5% [thumbsup]

Citigroup gets $20bn bail out

By Greg Farrell in New York

Published: November 24 2008 06:30 | Last updated: November 24 2008 06:33

The US government rode to the rescue of Citigroup late Sunday, entering an agreement to backstop up to $306bn in problematic assets and injecting $20bn in capital to restore confidence in a bank that defines the term “too big to fail.”

The 11th-hour transaction, announced just before midnight on Sunday, calls for Citi to absorb the first $29bn in losses it sustains from problematic assets, and for the federal government to stand behind

The arrangement also provides for the injection of $20bn in new capital to Citi, in return for which the bank will issue preferred shares to the government, paying dividends at a rate of 8 per cent annually.

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

prestanite se praviti englezi

dan je pametniji od noći

New Report
