Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Shares in General Motors
Barron’s advised investors that it was "time to sell" GM shares and find a better investment.
The financial weekly newspaper said it was wrong to have described GM as a "buy" late last spring. It said the weak financial positions of Detroit’s Big Three General Motors, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler, means their survival is at stake.Barron’s also changed a recommendation in June for GM’s bonds.
"Our enthusiasm for GM was clearly wrong, as was a suggestion that its bonds, like the senior note maturing July 15, 2041, would be more valuable," Barron’s wrote in its November 10 edition.
"They now trade at 20 cents on the dollar, versus 60 cents when the story was published."

Ajme kad ovi roknu, to će biti spektakl.
Dajem im do Nove Godine a onda….



Na koliko se čeka Crobex?

tu negdje … između 500 i 1000

A INDG?[wink]

Na koliko se čeka Crobex?

tu negdje … između 500 i 1000

A INDG?[wink]


200,00 – 300,00 kn nakon ponude … [cry]

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

OPEC may cut oil output further

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — "OPEC nations could further reduce oil output if moves last month to slash production do not bolster plummeting oil prices, OPEC president Chakib Khelil said Saturday.
Reasonable prices should range "between $70 and $90 per barrel," said Khelil, who currently holds the rotating presidency of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries"

Ovi će još malo prestati uopće isporučivati naftu. [bye]


OPEC may cut oil output further

Ovi će još malo prestati uopće isporučivati naftu. [bye]

Krasna vijest! Nafta na 60 dolara. Nisi vljda kupovao futurese po 130 – 140!
Ako jesi ne bi te spasilo ni 10 burzi poput hrvatske. Ili si možda bio na forexu pa čekao eur na 2 dolara?
Smanjili proizvodnju za 2,5%!!!! Velika stvar, pa to je 1/5 zapremine ozbiljnog tankera.
Zar stvarno misliš da će to pogoditi brodare? I može li se 1/5 tankera poslati na vez??

OPEC may cut oil output further

Ovi će još malo prestati uopće isporučivati naftu. [bye]

Krasna vijest! Nafta na 60 dolara. Nisi vljda kupovao futurese po 130 – 140!
Ako jesi ne bi te spasilo ni 10 burzi poput hrvatske. Ili si možda bio na forexu pa čekao eur na 2 dolara?
Smanjili proizvodnju za 2,5%!!!! Velika stvar, pa to je 1/5 zapremine ozbiljnog tankera.
Zar stvarno misliš da će to pogoditi brodare? I može li se 1/5 tankera poslati na vez??

Kolega s kim se vi svađate?
O kakvim futuresima vi pričate, o kakvom vražjem forexu, tankerima i brodarima?
Dajte smanjite unos kave,molim vas.
Teško vas je ovakvog više trpiti


Jasno je da kamate moraju ići i na nulu ako treba, da se ne bi produbljivala kriza.

to je jedini ispravan način da se kriza pretvori u depresiju.

Theorists of the "Austrian School" who wrote about the Depression include Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and American economist Murray Rothbard, who wrote America’s Great Depression (1963). In their view, the key cause of the Depression was the expansion of the money supply in the 1920s that led to an unsustainable credit-driven boom. In their view, the Federal Reserve, which was created in 1913, shoulders much of the blame.
I onda dolazimo do teorija zavjere koja prosjecnom covjeku sa "usadjenim" odredjenim znanjem i odgajanim na odredjeni nacin djeluje glupo.

Ovcetino sta to radis!? Oovco... ovcice... janje moje malo...

Nikkei 225 +5.70% [thumbsup]

OPEC may cut oil output further

Ovi će još malo prestati uopće isporučivati naftu. [bye]

Krasna vijest! Nafta na 60 dolara. Nisi vljda kupovao futurese po 130 – 140!
Ako jesi ne bi te spasilo ni 10 burzi poput hrvatske. Ili si možda bio na forexu pa čekao eur na 2 dolara?
Smanjili proizvodnju za 2,5%!!!! Velika stvar, pa to je 1/5 zapremine ozbiljnog tankera.
Zar stvarno misliš da će to pogoditi brodare? I može li se 1/5 tankera poslati na vez??

Kolega s kim se vi svađate?
O kakvim futuresima vi pričate, o kakvom vražjem forexu, tankerima i brodarima?
Dajte smanjite unos kave,molim vas.
Teško vas je ovakvog više trpiti

586 billion China move stimulates Asia.
Asia se zeleni ko trava nakon Kineskog stimulansa od 586 milijardi dolara.
Drži se činjenica.

AIG near new bailout deal

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — Embattled insurance giant American International Group, set to reveal its latest financial results on Monday, is reportedly close to securing a new bailout deal from the federal government.
The Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the matter, reported Sunday evening that AIG’s board was close to approving significant changes to the terms of the $123 billion in loans extended so far, and might announce a revised $150 billion deal as early as Monday.
The new deal would mark a stunning turn in what has become one of the most controversial Bush administration moves to stem the escalating financial crisis.
But in recent days, speculation grew that a new rescue was in the works as concerns mounted that AIG would have trouble unwinding its business units. The global financial crunch may have reduced the value of AIG’s units, as well as others’ ability to buy them — complicating the efforts to spin off assets, experts say.

"The real issue driving the problems is that they can’t sell this stuff,"

Ovi su toliko gotovi da ih ni Bush ne može spasiti.



Činjenice su da su vodeći indeksi 1000 do 2000 bodova iznad prošlomjesečnog dna, mi
smo eto uzletjeli tek 140 bodova ! Nije loše za početak [lol]


U svakom slučaju mrdamo se po dnu već duže vrijeme.
Pitanje je samo kada će to i izvještaji potvrditi.


New Report
