core durable (bez aviona, kamiona, miliona…važniji)
oček -1,5
došlo -1,1
durable goods
oček -1,2
došlo +0,8….
a fjučersi sad trzaju dole, a bože koće ga više pogodit.
September 2008————— Released 8:30 A.M. EDT October 29, 2008
Note: All figures in text are in seasonally adjusted current dollars
New Orders
New orders for manufactured durable goods in September increased $1.6 billion or 0.8 percent to $207.8 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This was the fourth increase in the last five months and followed a 5.5 percent August decrease. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.1 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 0.6 percent.
Shipments of manufactured durable goods in September, up three of the last four months, increased $0.4 billion or 0.2 percent to $208.8 billion. This followed a 4.2 percent August decrease.
Unfilled Orders
Unfilled orders for manufactured durable goods in September, up thirty-one of the last thirty-two months, increased $3.0 billion or 0.4 percent to $829.6 billion. This was at the highest level since the series was first stated on a NAICS basis in 1992 and followed a 0.3 percent August increase.
Inventories of manufactured durable goods in September, up fourteen of the last fifteen months, increased $1.2 billion or 0.4 percent to $340.2 billion. This was also at the highest level since the series was first stated on a NAICS basis in 1992 and followed a 0.8 percent August increase.
Capital Goods Industries
Nondefense new orders for capital goods in September increased $0.6 billion or 0.8 percent to $69.3 billion.
Defense new orders for capital goods in September increased $1.9 billion or 19.6 percent to $11.8 billion.
core durable (bez aviona, kamiona, miliona…važniji)
oček -1,5
došlo -1,1
durable goods
oček -1,2
došlo +0,8….
a fjučersi sad trzaju dole, a bože koće ga više pogodit.
Meni se povraća od svega.
Opet futuresi crveni.
Ameri usprkos svemu danas u minusu, jer jučer +11% bez razloga je bilo previše.
Tako ja gledim.
core durable (bez aviona, kamiona, miliona…važniji)
oček -1,5
došlo -1,1
durable goods
oček -1,2
došlo +0,8….
Po tome bi GDP mogao biti veći u SAD-u………………….
core durable (bez aviona, kamiona, miliona…važniji)
oček -1,5
došlo -1,1
durable goods
oček -1,2
došlo +0,8….
Po tome bi GDP mogao biti veći u SAD-u………………….
Pretpostaviti koliki će biti GDP u 3Q je vrlo težak posao, to pokazuju i vrlo velike razlike izneđu pojedinih projekcija. Npr netko kaže -2% a netko kaže +2%. Konsenzus je oko -0,5%.
Međutim ja mislim da bi mogao biti pozitivan jer se smanjio deficit, a istovremeno je došlo do jačanja zaliha. Također došlo je i do pada cijena.
"Short Sellers Aren’t Jackals, They’re Bears, Fleckenstein Says" [thumbsup]
No Data Supporting Mack
The short sellers have marshaled statistics in an effort to prove they played little or no role in the 2008 market downturn. Kass, for instance, points out that Morgan Stanley offers no data supporting CEO Mack’s contention that short sellers were responsible when his company’s stock price retreated 44.5 percent to an almost 10-year low of $22.55 in the three weeks ended on Sept. 18, the day short selling was banned.
Morgan Stanley shares closed at $15.20 on Oct. 28, down 71 percent for the year. Data from custodians and brokerages compiled by London-based Data Explorers Ltd. show that as of Sept. 16, about 2.9 percent of Morgan Stanley’s outstanding shares had been loaned to short sellers, down from more than 7 percent in July.
According to Short Alert Research, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based firm that produces research for short sellers, from early July to late September short interest in 33 investment banks and brokers plunged by 33.3 percent. Yet, share prices still declined.
“It was the longs getting out,’‘ says Fleckenstein. “Probably the insiders.”
Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala
Mračna strana OIF -ova istovarili su se svi rođaci i LUKOVIĆI pa sad nema para za USKOK
Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala
evo ga ameri u misu sad cemo i mi….
Pretpostaviti koliki će biti GDP u 3Q je vrlo težak posao, to pokazuju i vrlo velike razlike izneđu pojedinih projekcija. Npr netko kaže -2% a netko kaže +2%. Konsenzus je oko -0,5%.
Međutim ja mislim da bi mogao biti pozitivan jer se smanjio deficit, a istovremeno je došlo do jačanja zaliha. Također došlo je i do pada cijena.
Da se nadovežem na ovo. Već tri kvartalna izvještaja se priča o negativnom GDP-u u USA, a on nikako da stigne. I svaki put su rezultati bolji od očekivanja. Pa me tako ne bi začudilo ni da se sutra ne ispune očekivanja.
“It was the longs getting out,’‘ says Fleckenstein. “Probably the insiders.”
a što si mislio, da shorteri izlaze dok pada cijena ? smanjuju si zaradu? [undecid]