Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Merrill Lynch- katastrofalno izvješće

Veći gubitak u trećem kvartalu od očekivanog i još 8,5 milijardi dolara dugova za otpisati [bye]

A Bank of NY???

Pad profita 53%


hvala [smiley]

Ja mislim da bi trebalo NYSE pripojiti ZSE pa da se više ne mučimo.

Teško izvedivo. HANFA,SDA i Burza ne bi mogli pratiti toliko izlistanih firmi. Morali bi uvozit radnu snagu za odžavanje trgovine tolikog obujma. [sad]

Eto kakvi ste. Opstruirate sve kvalitetne prijedloge. Zašto se ne bi amerima pomoglo. Jedino Vjeko ne bi mogao više raditi sam.

TOKYO, Oct 16 (Reuters) – Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso kept up pressure on the United States to inject more cash into its troubled banks on Thursday, saying collapsing global stock markets were a sign that Washington had not done enough to build confidence.
"This financial crisis is something that could happen once in 100 years," Aso told a meeting of cabinet ministers and ruling coalition lawmakers to discuss additional measures to protect the economy from a global slump.



Citigroup gubitak 60 centi po dionici ali bolje od očekivanog

Nije točno. Malo je gore…

Dow component Citigroup’s loss nearly matched market expectations, coming in at 71 cents a share in the third quarter, on big writedowns.

Mark Lennihan / AP

Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters had forecast a loss of 70 cents per share in the third quarter, Citigroup’s [C 16.23 -2.39 (-12.84%) ] fourth straight quarterly loss.

The results included $4.4 billion in net pre-tax write-downs in securities and banking, Citigroup said in a statement.

The net loss totaled $2.8 billion, or 60 cents per share, compared with a profit of $2.2 billion, or 44 cents, a year earlier.

Revenue was $16.7 billion, down 23 percent from a year ago. Analysts were lookinf for $19.62 billion.


Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Evropa u minusu 2-3%, futuresi u plusu cca 1%, crobex oko nule, susjedi nam u debelom minusu, tko je tu lud?

The bank lost $2.8 billion, or 60 cents per share, in the third quarter compared with a profit of $2.2 billion, or 44 cents per share, a year ago. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected a loss of 70 cents per share.

OX-Bright, inspiring and easy going. You make an outstanding parent. Shoul merry a Snake or Rooster but not a Sheep

Evo još jedno mišljenje:

"We’re going to get a W-shaped bottom on this correction here and then we’re going to go shooting up with a huge bull rally," Chambers said.


Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

sta nije merryl preuzet?

Nije još


Evropa u minusu 2-3%, futuresi u plusu cca 1%, crobex oko nule, susjedi nam u debelom minusu, tko je tu lud?

stigla para od ine, za nju danas možeš kupovat i u ponedjeljak platit

For the three months ended Sept. 30, Continental reported a loss of $2.14 per share, compared with year-ago earnings of $241 million, or $2.15 per share. Excluding one-time expenses, the loss would have totaled $1.32 per share in the latest period, topping analysts’ average loss forecast of $1.55,

OX-Bright, inspiring and easy going. You make an outstanding parent. Shoul merry a Snake or Rooster but not a Sheep

Evropa u minusu 2-3%, futuresi u plusu cca 1%, crobex oko nule, susjedi nam u debelom minusu, tko je tu lud?

jucer su susjedi bili u debelom plusu, a mi debelo ronili.
danas smo mi valjda odlucili da nam je dosta pracenja belosvetskih sranja i da su nam dionice dovoljno nisko u odnosu na fundamentalne pokazatelje..
bar se nadam da smo toliko pametni da nas ne moraju pogadjati jesu li wall street masoni napravili + ili – sa svojim bankama [undecid]


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