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Bank of America profits plunge 68%

"Bank of America reported a steep decline in earnings Monday that fell far short of analysts expectations. The banking giant also slashed its dividend in half and revealed plans to raise $10 billion through a stock sale.
The Charlotte, N.C.-based bank said its third-quarter net income fell to $1.18 billion, or 15 cents a share, down 68% from $3.7 billion, or 82 cents a share, a year ago.
That was far worse than what Wall Street’s consensus forecasts of a net profit of $3.22 billion, or 62 cents a share."

BAC ima 3Q rezultate 20.10. a glede lošijih rezultate to je zato što su preuzeli Countrywide i Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. dvije velike posrnule banke.
A povećanje kapitala je iz slijedećeg razloga….CALABASAS, Calif., Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ — Bank of America today announced the creation of a proactive home retention program that will systematically modify troubled mortgages with up to $8.4 billion in interest rate and principal reductions for nearly 400,000 Countrywide Financial Corporation customers nationwide.

Ali kada si ti u pitanju onda je na sceni negativna selekcija vijesti, boldanje, velika slova i sl….

Prvo sava napiše da BAC ima izvješće 20.10. implicirajući da ovo nije pravo izvješće, jer kao “pravo izvješće” izlazi 20.10. a onda to isto izvješće ide braniti.
Sava, ovo vam je jedino izvješće za treći kavartal i da puno je gore nego što je itko mislio.
isto kao što će i velika većina svih izvješća biti.


Fed eyes plan to fund short-term business loans

Evo nakon bailouta banaka sada idu poduzeća da dobiju likvidnost………..


Napravi razliku http://pravipotez.blogspot.com/

How to Ruin the U.S. Economy

by Ben Stein
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Very Good (123 Ratings)

Posted on Monday, October 6, 2008, 12:00AM
1) Have a fiscal policy that creates immense deficits in good times and bad, burdening America’s posterity with staggering burdens of repaying the debt.

2) Eliminate regulation of Wall Street and/or fail to enforce the regulations that already exist, instead trusting Wall Street and other money managers and speculators to manage other people’s money with few or no regulations and little oversight.

3) Have an energy policy that disallows producing our own energy and instead requires that we buy energy from abroad, thus making our oil prices highly volatile and creating large balance of payments deficits, lowering the value of the dollar and thus making the problem get progressively worse.

4) Have Congress mandate that banks and other financial entities lend money to persons they know in advance to have poor credit ratings or none at all.

5) Allow investment banks, insurers, and banks to bet their entire net worth and then some on the premise that borrowers known to be improvident will in fact repay those loans.

6) Allow the creation of large betting pools called "hedge funds" that can move markets and control the outcome of trading, thus taking a forum for savings and retirement for families and making it into a rigged casino game that exists primarily to fleece suckers like ordinary working men and women.

7) Have laws that protect corporate officers from being sued for misconduct but at the same time punish lawyers in the private sector who ferret out such misconduct and try to make accountable the people responsible for shareholder and investor losses. If one of those lawyers gets particularly aggressive in protecting stockholders, put him in prison.

8) Appoint as head of the United States Treasury Department a man whose whole life was spent on Wall Street, who became fantastically rich through his peddling of junk bonds at his firm while the firm later sold short those same sorts of bonds.

9) Scare Americans into putting up $750 billion of their hard earned money to bail out the billionaires and their friends who created the market for loans to poor credit risks (The "subprime" market) and the unbelievably large side bets on those loans, promising that such a bailout would save the retirement savings of Americans, then allow the immense hedge funds to make the market crater immediately afterwards.

10) Propose to save the situation by surtaxing the oil industry, which is owned by our fellow Americans, mostly in their retirement plans, thus penalizing Americans for investing in companies that efficiently and legally produce an indispensable product.

11) Insist that the free market requires that banks and insurers with friends of the Secretary of the Treasury be saved but allow other entities not so fortunate to fail, thus creating total uncertainty and terror among financial institutions, and demolishing all of the confidence built up in financial circles since the days of FDR.

12) Then have the Republican candidate say he would keep on the job the Treasury Secretary who facilitated the crisis, failed to protect the nation from the crisis, got the taxpayers to pony up to save his Wall Street buddies, and have the Democratic candidate, as noted, say he would save the day by taxing the stockholders of energy companies.

There, that should do it.

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

Naravno da je psihologija, ali objasni ti to Bluemanu [thumbsup]

Recimo sada imate na izbor koliko god želite jeftinih dionica, ne mislim kod nas samo, ali je "problem" to što ako se očekuje usporavanje gospodastva kako će to utjecati na buduće zarade.

Npr. dionica xxx dobro posluje, ATH bio 6000 kuna, zbog precijenjenosti i opće situacije pada na 1500 kuna i sada prema fudamentima je san snova, ali što ako u sljedećem periodu počne bacati lošija izvješća od prethodnih, što će se dogoditi s cijenom? Možda će još pasti? Tu je osnovni problem kod odabira dionica, barem meni.

Vrlo dobro zapažanje,kolegice.
Sad ste uprli prstom u vjerovatno najbitniju stvar trenutno na svim svjetskim burzama.
A to je koliki je stvaran "E" koji investitori mogu očekivati.
To je taj postotak rizika koji se svakim danom kalkulira u cijene dionica i to je razlog njihovog upornog pada bez obzira na sadašnje fundamente.
Neizvjesnost i nemogućnost procjene su najveći teret na cijenama dionica.


Ovo buljenje u Dow, Ftse, Dax je totalna glupost i nema veze sa zdravom pameti.
Hoće li Dalekovod imati manju dobit ako je Dow pao 3 ili 5 %. Reakcije na pad stranih burzi bi trebalo biti ali ne u takvoj mjeri. Pa Crobex je ove godine pao duplo više od Dowa, a kriza je kod njih a ne kod nas. Pad Kine i Japana je logičan jer su oni najveći izvoznici u SAD i svaka kriza u SAD se očituje padom njihovog izovza. Kini je snižena prognoza rasta na 8 % što je još uvijek dobar rast.
Naše banke su pune love i posluju sa visokom dobiti, pogotovo one najveće jer im HNB
pogoduje ograničenjem rasta.
Nekolicina idiota što sebe nazivaju fond manageri, rušenjem burze koristeći se lošim vijestima iz vana, doveli su cijelu burzu u stanje psohoze i bolesnog straha od pada svjetskih indeksa, do te mjere da se panika neće moći izkontrolirati, a tada je moguće sve i to da građani navale na OIF-ove i šaltere banaka i eto nam propasti.

EU se zeleni!! [thumbsup]


pod ovom vladom nema nam spasa!!!!!

BAC ima 3Q rezultate 20.10. a glede lošijih rezultate to je zato što su preuzeli Countrywide i Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. dvije velike posrnule banke.
A povećanje kapitala je iz slijedećeg razloga….CALABASAS, Calif., Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ — Bank of America today announced the creation of a proactive home retention program that will systematically modify troubled mortgages with up to $8.4 billion in interest rate and principal reductions for nearly 400,000 Countrywide Financial Corporation customers nationwide.

Ako će BofA riješiti pitanje loših hipotekarnih kredita Countrywidea s samo 10 milijardi dolara ispada da je cijela frka nastala zbog nekih 50 milijardi dolara.
To je tragična istina koja oslikava sadašnju situaciju.
Kako sam došao do tog podatka?
Pa jednostavno: Countrywide je pokrivao 20% hipotekarnih kredita.

Europa tone prema minusu.
Vaš link

DAX je trenutno u minusu.
Bio je preko 1%

Ovo buljenje u Dow, Ftse, Dax je totalna glupost i nema veze sa zdravom pameti.
Hoće li Dalekovod imati manju dobit ako je Dow pao 3 ili 5 %. Reakcije na pad stranih burzi bi trebalo biti ali ne u takvoj mjeri. Pa Crobex je ove godine pao duplo više od Dowa, a kriza je kod njih a ne kod nas. Pad Kine i Japana je logičan jer su oni najveći izvoznici u SAD i svaka kriza u SAD se očituje padom njihovog izovza. Kini je snižena prognoza rasta na 8 % što je još uvijek dobar rast.
Naše banke su pune love i posluju sa visokom dobiti, pogotovo one najveće jer im HNB
pogoduje ograničenjem rasta.
Nekolicina idiota što sebe nazivaju fond manageri, rušenjem burze koristeći se lošim vijestima iz vana, doveli su cijelu burzu u stanje psohoze i bolesnog straha od pada svjetskih indeksa, do te mjere da se panika neće moći izkontrolirati, a tada je moguće sve i to da građani navale na OIF-ove i šaltere banaka i eto nam propasti.

Nije u redu ali i nekim korisnicima na forumu postao je posao da nam svaku negativnu vijest prenesu……

Ti su ljudi bolesni……..

Napravi razliku http://pravipotez.blogspot.com/

Cramer’s Five-Year Plan
Posted By:Tom Brennan
Topics:Stock Picks | Stock Market
Companies:American International Group Inc | Wachovia Corp | Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc | Procter & Gamble Co | Colgate Palmolive Co | Pepsico Inc | Coca Cola Co

With the market dropping as many as 800 points in intraday trading, investors have to protect themselves. That’s why Cramer urged viewers who will need any significant amount of cash over the next five years to sell some of their stock holdings right now.

Cramer said during Monday’s Stop Trading that he thought the markets would see further declines, so he wanted certain investors to start hoarding cash. Parents who will need money for their kids’ tuition, people thinking of buying a car or home, or those expecting an increase in medical bills should all use any strength this market offers to take profits and build savings.

Cramer was trying to get viewers to think about their five-year plan because a drop in the Dow to 7,700 is a very real possibility, he said. We hit that mark in 2002 when conditions on Wall Street and in the economy were considerably better. Now we have credit and housing problems worldwide, the budget deficit has skyrocketed and unemployment’s on the rise.

Cramer screamed sell back then, and he’s doing it again. He may have been positive on the market at one point, but the situation’s changed.

molim cijenjene kolege koji vide nešto pozitivno u ovim tmurnim vremenina da to postaju na temi

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

Prodano 2.202.891 dionica INE po cijeni od 2800 Kn po dionici……….

Najveće uloge prodali mirovinski fondovi i BF

Napravi razliku http://pravipotez.blogspot.com/

Prodano 2.202.891 dionica INE po cijeni od 2800 Kn po dionici……….

Najveće uloge prodali mirovinski fondovi i BF

bravo kolega, odlična vijest………..šteta što je BF rekao da neće kupovati dionice………….a za mirovince smo se uvjerili kakvi su igrači
kraj takvih prijatelja, neprijatelje niti ne trebamo [bye]

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

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