Kao da je super Q ikad određivao kretanje vrijednosti kod nas, tu je FA najmanje koristila.
Kao da je super Q ikad određivao kretanje vrijednosti kod nas, tu je FA najmanje koristila.
Evo ispod čekića! Kažu da ode DOW na 7500. Dokle bi onda mogao ZSE????
Dugo ti je trebalo naći taj članak, znam kako ti radiš, ukucaš google.com i u tražilicu upisuješ
collapse, end of the market, disastrous….
Probaj pozitivnije gledati i kucaj u google: grow, love, peace, money, love market, todos juntos, beatiful world…
Super, nađi mi članak unazad tjedan dana koji govori da je svijetsko gospodarstvo u dobrom stanju ili još bolje da će Q2 biti dobar. [wink]
kolega Thompson, rado vas čitam a još radije slušam, ajd vi nama zapjevajte onu Geni, geni kameni…takvi smo mi rođeni…. [pray]
forcing Bush to attack Iran with a preemptive strike, possibly even an unprovoked nuclear first strike…
dajte kolega znate imate dobre argumente, nemojte se diskreditirat ovakvim glupostima.
I onda ko laže, neko sigurno laže
Qatar Won’t Raise Crude Oil Output as Prices Soar (Update1)
By Ayesha Daya and Fred Pals
June 29 (Bloomberg) — Qatar doesn’t plan to follow Saudi Arabia’s lead in increasing crude oil production because supplies are adequate, its oil minister said today.
“I never heard any panic about a shortage of supply, just about the high price,” Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah told Bloomberg in an interview in Madrid. “We see in the market there are lots of cargoes.”
Qatar, the third-smallest member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, joins oil-producing nations the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait in declining to increase output at a time when record crude oil prices are fueling global inflation and slowing growth.
Saudi Arabia decided to raise its production by 300,000 barrels a day this month and will add a further 200,000 barrels a day in July in a bid to quell prices that have jumped 46 percent this year. Crude oil climbed above $142 a barrel for the first time on June 27, closing at a record $140.21 in New York.
The U.A.E. and Kuwait, the third- and fourth-largest oil exporters in OPEC, have said they are prepared to add additional oil barrels in the market if needed, without committing to raising output.
Extra Capacity
Aside from Saudi Arabia, which holds some 2 million barrels a day of oil in spare capacity, other OPEC members have 1 million barrels a day of additional oil, according to the group’s Secretary General Abdalla El-Badri.
Oil may reach $170 a barrel this year as demand for fuel grows in the U.S. and as the dollar continues to weaken, OPEC President Chakib Khelil said yesterday.
“No one can give a forecast to oil,” said al-Attiyah, who is in Madrid to attend the World Petroleum Congress, the energy industry’s biggest conference that takes place every three years. “I’m afraid speculators abuse these forecasts and that boosts the price.”
The minister said Qatar is choosing not to pump more oil from its fields now to avoid damaging its reservoirs, which can happen when additional pressure is applied to obtain more oil.
“We are producing at a comfortable level for our reservoirs,” al-Attiyah said. “Our current production is 900,000 barrels a day.” The country is developing spare oil capacity and expects to produce more than 1.1 million barrels a day by 2010, he said.
Nevjerojatno kako ovo nitko nije prenio
Shanghai Composite 3,143.37 Jun 27 394.94 (+14.37%)
kriza je oko nas samo je treba pronaći [lol]
Nevjerojatno kako ovo nitko nije prenio
Shanghai Composite 3,143.37 Jun 27 394.94 (+14.37%)
kriza je oko nas samo je treba pronaći [lol]
SSE New Composite 27.6.07 -5.31
U ostalom može se provjeriti na stranicama Shangaj Stock Exchange
futuresi su tek tolko zeleni, sad ćemo vidit kamo će nikkei.
napeto, napetooooo.
Ovo je bolje od tekme!!!
Nevjerojatno kako ovo nitko nije prenio
Shanghai Composite 3,143.37 Jun 27 394.94 (+14.37%)
kriza je oko nas samo je treba pronaći [lol]
Shanghai Composite 2,715.924 Jun 29 Down 32.508 (-1.18%)
Kod njih je isto bull run u jednom danu, pa bull trap u dva tjedna.
Ovo bi bolje trebalo gledati.
Crude Oil 141.68 12:08am ET Up 1.47 (+1.05%)
Dolar gubi na vrijednosti
Zbog novih naznaka slabljenja američkog gospodarstva i odluke Feda da kamatne stope u SAD-u ostanu nepromijenjene, dolar je prošloga tjedna osjetno izgubio na vrijednosti.
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Pogledaj graf na SSE Composite Index. Ne izgleda da će gore bez obzira na 14% .
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