Pa šta mislita da NEDAJ BOŽE SUTRA U KONGRESU OPET ODBIJU PLAN brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ali danas se neko jako dobro napunijo a u ponedeljak ce opet uzet 20% zarade
Pa šta mislita da NEDAJ BOŽE SUTRA U KONGRESU OPET ODBIJU PLAN brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ali danas se neko jako dobro napunijo a u ponedeljak ce opet uzet 20% zarade
Šta pališ motorku ?
INA su prodali svi fondovi i BF, prodaju i mali ulagači……….
ovo sam maznuo kolegi Sopranu sa mojnovac………….samo da vas informiram
A stock rally in the event that a package is approved will be temporary and should be used as ‘an opportunity’ to sell, said Faber.
"The rejection of the package is good because it shows that some people in the US are still sane," Faber said… "A bailout will not buy the US a way out. The government is less powerful than markets in fixing this mess."
"Most of the investment community are focusing on the financial crisis," Faber told TV newswire last night.
"But what they should be focusing on is that earnings will continue to disappoint for a long time, and that global growth is going to go down substantially. Most economies already today are in recession."
Noting that the US Dollar should continue to find support as investors rush to try and re-pay their debts "I think gold will be a relatively good investment under any kind of scenario until the US government bans the ownership of Gold in the United States.
"They are very good at changing the rules of the game – now banning short sales [of financial and other US equities].
"So yes – physical gold, you should own. Not derivatives with Citigroup, J.P.Morgan, UBS and investment banks, but physical and outside the US,
And from his newsletter:
I should add that, unlike what Mr. Paulson says, falling house prices are not the problem. It is the huge leverage that is the problem. If your house is 100% self-financed (no mortgage outstanding) a rise or a decline in the value of your house has no direct economic or financial impact. In short, my view is that the bail-out plan is not addressing the cause of the problem, which is excessive leverage. Moreover, it is unlikely to help struggling homeowners but is designed to encourage even more speculation by financial companies.
INA su prodali svi fondovi i BF, prodaju i mali ulagači……….
Oni koji vrednuju pokazatelje spremni su jer prodali su INU, a opet treba izvući pouku da cijene ruše špekulanti koji očekuju da će se ljudi ponašati kao da žive u Americi, i da im kongres kroji politiku, ili da ima jako puno margina kod nas se čistka napravila krajem prošle godine, a sve do 5 mjeseca ove godine, jer margini su kod nas rijetkost kao i dugoročni investitori ili pravi vrijedni biseri……..
dionica koje vrijede ima puno ….. kao i ljudi koji neprestano pišu američke snove i kredite…..
Potpuno se slažem, bolje da te pare investiraju u ZSE, s 250 milijardi USD, nema greške da ćemo rasti
pa da nateramo taj crobex još jednom na 5400 [lol]
Ovaj pad danas kod nas nije realan jer je INA pala -6,55%, a kako ona još uvijek ima najveći udio u crobexu, onda je i crobex pao -2 %.
Gledam sad na vijestima, svi su prodali INU kako kaže Big Boss, od malih ulagača, građana do fondova. Nije ni bitno što se neće sve te milijarde kuna vratiti direktno na burzu već će ih građani staviti u banke, kupiti nešto itd jer to sve pomaže hrvatskom gospodarstvu, ali i ove milijarde koje se vrate na burzu bit će sasvim dovoljne za sotanka crobexa na voim razinama i lagani rast.
Ono što nas izdvaja od Amera i EU je što smo navikli živjeti u ratu, živjeti u krizama i sve smo to preživjeli pa ćemo i ovo. Milijarde kuna koje će isplatiti MOL samo su jedan veliki dodatni plus [thumbsup]
Vele na TV (Bob Pisani) da trejderi na flooru govore da je ovo zabrinutost za sezonu zarada koja zapocinje! Mora biti nesto osim billa- velim ja (Optionmaster )
Tako govori ovaj trejder iz Kanade
Tržište je apsolviralo famozni bailout još tamo prilikom najave istoga, onim svjetskim rallyem.
Svi već računaiju da je isti gotova stvar. Ono što ih plaši je stanje ekonomije
Sjećate se onih rezanja kamata početkom godine sve tamo do 4 mjeseca.
Uobičajeno je da se neki razultati počnu pokazivati nakon nekih 6 mjeseci.
Sada, po svemu sudeći razultati su izostali, housing još nije dotaknuo dno, svi ekonomski pokazatelji i dalje su negativni, ne daju naznaku nekog dna, a FED nema više municije i puno prostora za djelovanje.
I kako Faber reče neki dan, FED je prvi put u povijesti uspio izazvati pad svega. Oborio je cijene nekretnina, dolara, nafte, obveznica i dionica.
To je ono što ih plaši i zbog čega Grizli i dalje bjesni.
da napomenem još da su tamo u ožujku travnju odobrili i nekakav paket mjera od nekih 100 mlrd $ rabata stanovništvu….efekt toga se očekivao do rujna….ali nita…ni šapice, ni repić ni uheca
ovo sam maznuo kolegi Sopranu sa mojnovac………….samo da vas informiram
A stock rally in the event that a package is approved will be temporary and should be used as ‘an opportunity’ to sell, said Faber.
"The rejection of the package is good because it shows that some people in the US are still sane," Faber said… "A bailout will not buy the US a way out. The government is less powerful than markets in fixing this mess."
"Most of the investment community are focusing on the financial crisis," Faber told TV newswire last night.
"But what they should be focusing on is that earnings will continue to disappoint for a long time, and that global growth is going to go down substantially. Most economies already today are in recession."
Noting that the US Dollar should continue to find support as investors rush to try and re-pay their debts "I think gold will be a relatively good investment under any kind of scenario until the US government bans the ownership of Gold in the United States.
"They are very good at changing the rules of the game – now banning short sales [of financial and other US equities].
"So yes – physical gold, you should own. Not derivatives with Citigroup, J.P.Morgan, UBS and investment banks, but physical and outside the US,
And from his newsletter:
I should add that, unlike what Mr. Paulson says, falling house prices are not the problem. It is the huge leverage that is the problem. If your house is 100% self-financed (no mortgage outstanding) a rise or a decline in the value of your house has no direct economic or financial impact. In short, my view is that the bail-out plan is not addressing the cause of the problem, which is excessive leverage. Moreover, it is unlikely to help struggling homeowners but is designed to encourage even more speculation by financial companies.
a ja sam mislio da ste ovo od Fabera maznuli… [lol]
ali neka neka…poučno štivo neka bude i na ovoj strani
Kad je glasanje u konkresu po našem vremenu?
Na dnevniku rekli sutra u jutro ali nisu precizirali čije jutro (ili mi je promaklo).
Valjda oće reć rješit će se i ovo.
Bilo i na vjestima, kažu da ih počinje bit svuda.