Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

He, he, tko se jos sjeca ingre i arene? To je bilo za upisat se od smjeha. [lol]

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

I još jedan lijep indikator da sranje počinje. Tehnički gledano, sad je malo kasno, to se vidi i na grafu. Ali, za iduću ovakvu krizu, da znate. Mada, ako su u pravu kad vele da je ovo "once in the century event", možda se možete i popišati na ovo, kako voli reć jedan forumaš. [smiley]


The TED spread is the difference in yields between inter-bank and U.S. Government loans.

Initially, the TED spread was the difference between the interest rate for the three month U.S. Treasuries contract and three month Eurodollars contract as represented by the London Inter Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR). However, since the Chicago Mercantile Exchange dropped the T-bill futures, the TED spread is now calculated as the difference between the three month T-bill interest rate and three month LIBOR. The TED spread is a measure of liquidity and shows the degree to which banks are willing to lend money to one another.

The TED spread can be used as an indicator of credit risk. This is because U.S. T-bills are considered risk free while the LIBOR rate reflects the credit risk of lending to commercial banks. As the TED spread increases, the risk of default (also known as counterparty risk) is considered to be increasing, and investors will have a preference for safe investments.


US took freewheeling capitalism to the limits and the wheels came off

Evo da se vratimo korijenima krize… Kako je sve pocelo? Tako da su politicari htjeli pomoc narodu da dodje do kuca. Kako je zavrsilo, upravo gledamo. [thumbsup]


"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

problemi nastali, McCain sere….a McCain je kažnjen zbog nekog prekršaja tijekom S&L krize devedestih.
futuresi -1,5%

JPMorgan Chase buying Washington Mutual’s assets after FDIC seizes ailing thrift
"This is a definite win for JPMorgan," said Sebastian Hindman, an analyst at SNL Financial. "They are only paying $1.9 billion to the FDIC, and they are getting this incredible expansion into a lot of solid markets."
e da evo i njih
Nikkei 225 11,896.93 -109.60 -0.91%

Hang Seng 18,535.93 -398.50 -2.10%

Mean people suck and nice people swallow!

Azija u debelom crvenom teritoriju, Američki futursi već rano jutros u debelom minusu! [bye]



Na radiu javljaju jedno, a na netu nažalost drugo. Ono gore….Za sada ništa. Futuresi u padu. Azija crvena. Za*ebani ti Amerikanci…

WaMu becomes biggest bank to fail in US history
Friday September 26, 1:36 am ET
By Marcy Gordon, Sara Lepro and Madlen Read, AP Business Writers
JPMorgan Chase buying Washington Mutual’s assets for $1.9 billion after FDIC seizes bank

NEW YORK (AP) — As the debate over a $700 billion bank bailout rages on in Washington, one of the nation’s largest banks — Washington Mutual Inc. — has collapsed under the weight of its enormous bad bets on the mortgage market.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. seized WaMu on Thursday, and then sold the thrift’s banking assets to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion.

Seattle-based WaMu, which was founded in 1889, is the largest bank to fail by far in the country’s history. Its $307 billion in assets eclipse the $40 billion of Continental Illinois National Bank, which failed in 1984, and the $32 billion of IndyMac, which the government seized in July.

One positive is that the sale of WaMu’s assets to JPMorgan Chase prevents the thrift’s collapse from depleting the FDIC’s insurance fund. But that detail is likely to give only marginal solace to Americans facing tighter lending and watching their stock portfolios plunge in the wake of the nation’s most momentous financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Because of WaMu’s souring mortgages and other risky debt, JPMorgan plans to write down WaMu’s loan portfolio by about $31 billion — a figure that could change if the government goes through with its bailout plan and JPMorgan decides to take advantage of it.

"We’re in favor of what the government is doing, but we’re not relying on what the government is doing. We would’ve done it anyway," JPMorgan’s Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said in a conference call Thursday night, referring to the acquisition. Dimon said he does not know if JPMorgan will take advantage of the bailout.

WaMu is JPMorgan Chase’s second acquisition this year of a major financial institution hobbled by losing bets on mortgages. In March, JPMorgan bought the investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. for about $1.4 billion, plus another $900 million in stock ahead of the deal to secure it.

JPMorgan Chase is now the second-largest bank in the United States after Bank of America Corp., which recently bought Merrill Lynch in a flurry of events that included Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. going bankrupt and American International Group Inc., the world’s largest insurer, getting taken over by the government.

JPMorgan also said Thursday it plans to sell $8 billion in common stock to raise capital.

The downfall of WaMu has been widely anticipated for some time because of the company’s heavy mortgage-related losses. As investors grew nervous about the bank’s health, its stock price plummeted 95 percent from a 52-week high of $36.47 to its close of $1.69 Thursday. On Wednesday, it suffered a ratings downgrade by Standard & Poor’s that put it in danger of collapse.

WaMu "was under severe liquidity pressure," FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair told reporters in a conference call.

"For all depositors and other customers of Washington Mutual Bank, this is simply a combination of two banks," Bair said in a statement. "For bank customers, it will be a seamless transition. There will be no interruption in services and bank customers should expect business as usual come Friday morning."

Besides JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc., HSBC, Spain’s Banco Santander and Toronto-Dominion Bank of Canada were also reportedly possible suitors. WaMu was believed to be talking to private equity firms as well.

The seizure by the government means shareholders’ equity in WaMu was wiped out. The deal leaves private equity investors including the firm TPG Capital, which gave WaMu a cash infusion totaling $7 billion this spring, on the sidelines empty handed.

WaMu ran into trouble after it got caught up in the once-booming subprime mortgage business

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

Bush: Ameriku očekuje duga i bolna recesija


[bye] [bye] [bye]

Oprez danas nebi bio na odmet , zbog ove gore prenesene vijesti od kolege sanča , ali i zbog reakcije amera … futuresi jako potonili … iako oni ne moraju značiti da će takvo biti otvaranje , može se iz njih naslutiti nešto…



Oće li ih ovo okrenit???


Nikad se ne znojim dok plaćam ,znojim se dok cijenu dogovaram.

Oće li ih ovo okrenit???


Taj je naslov jednak ovome s prošle stranice koji je rooster postao….


Ne zna se još ništa , jednake su šanse da odobre kao i da ne odobre… pun je internet kontradiktornih vijesti , pa nemamo izbora nego čekati pravu i službenu potvrdu, iako u ovom članku naslov kaže da je i službeno potvrđeno …


May God help us All! [rolleyes]


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