Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Iako je nakon Bushevih rijeci sansa da se plan ne izglasa manja od 1%, ipak ne bi ulagao novce za kruh i mlijeko. Treba se čuvati i bull trap-ova svih vrsta, kratkoročnih i onih na srednji rok.

ja bih riskirao novce od zimskih guma za ladu…………možda ne bude snijega ove zime [smiley]

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

FNM +45.98%
FRE +49.68%

AIG +19.56%
JPM +6.68%

Prvi dva su direkrno vezani uz program 700B $

Stvarno rally, obzirom da su fredi i fani u 10.mj.2007 bili oko 67 dolara

Barem nešto… http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080925/financial_meltdown.html

Iako je nakon Bushevih rijeci sansa da se plan ne izglasa manja od 1%, ipak ne bi ulagao novce za kruh i mlijeko. Treba se čuvati i bull trap-ova svih vrsta, kratkoročnih i onih na srednji rok.

Ma jasno. Situacija je na žalost neizvjesna.
Nakon takvog bull runa ide opet jako po bidu , a bid ima drhtavicu, pogotovo na ZSE.
Ljudi su danas puno kraće u dionicama nego prije godinu dana, zato je i volatilnost tako velika.
Zato i ne možemo imati stabilan rast, na žalost.


Za moderatora: ono sinoć o moderiranju očito nije bila zabuna. Ovo pišem u 21:10 i kolega Krkanko je već odmoderiran iako je pisao u 21:05. Kolege Kohut i Seilon koji su prijavljeni na forum u toku 2007. a poruke su poslali oko 20:50 još čekaju milost. Fakat nije u redu. Mislio sam da je ono sinoć slučajnost ali očito nije. Srdačan pozdrav

Treba zaradit za jedrenje...zapravo već jesam

WASHINGTON — Top House and Senate Democratic and Republican lawmakers have reached a tentative agreement on a $700 billion plan to bail out U.S. financial markets, with some predicting the measure would pass both chambers of Congress.

ergingRep. Barney Frank, second from left, and Sen. Chris Dodd, third from right, spoke with reporters after congressional leaders said an agreement was reached on a bailout package.

After a three-hour meeting, lawmakers agreed to legislative principles that would approve Treasury’s request for the funds, but would break it into installments, according to people familiar with the matter. Treasury would have access to $250 billion immediately, with another $100 billion to follow if needed. Congress would be able to block the last installment through a vote if it was unhappy with the program.

The agreement could require all companies participating in the program to agree to limits on executive pay—such as restrictions on "golden parachutes." It is also likely to give the government equity warrants in all participating companies.

Still unresolved is whether or not to include changes to bankruptcy law that would give judges the right to change the terms of mortgages. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois made a plea for it to be included, even though many lawmakers and the White House are hotly opposed.

Lawmakers and their staffs were hammering out precise language to take to a meeting with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson late Thursday afternoon. Elements of the congressional plan will likely be opposed by Mr. Paulson. Treasury doesn’t want conditions such as limits to executive pay to be broadly applied to all companies. Also, it was hoping to avoid having the funds doled out in pieces. Treasury may not have much room for maneuver, though, if it wants the bill to be completed quickly.

During the meeting, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama of Illinois called the cell phone of Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, according to people familiar with the matter. Sen. Obama spoke with Sen. Dodd and Republican Sen. Robert Bennett of Utah.

Em from the meeting, Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.) said: "I believe that we will pass this legislation before the markets open on Monday."

Senate Banking Chairman Dodd said negotiators plan to present their plan to rank-and-file members of their parties, as well as the Bush administration. He said lawmakers were prepared to "act expeditiously" to allow the federal government to buy billions of dollars in distressed assets from financial firms.
"We came to agreements on a lot of the important issues," House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D., Mass.) said at the press conference following the meeting.

Messrs. Frank, Dodd and other key lawmakers were scheduled to meet with President Bush and the two U.S. presidential candidates late Thursday to discuss the bailout plan. The White House said earlier Thursday that "significant progress" had been made on the legislation, which many policymakers hope calm the tumult in the credit markets.

"We have made progress every day, and we are closer today to a conclusion than we were yesterday," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.

Mr. Frank, discussing the White House meeting, said lawmakers will be able to offer good news when they meet with the President.

"We will be able to go and tell them that there really isn’t much of a deadlock to break, but I’m always glad to get to go to the White House," Mr. Frank said.

Noticeably absent at the Thursday morning meeting in the Capitol was Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee. Mr. Shelby has said he opposes the idea of bailing out Wall Street and was replaced in negotiations by Mr. Bennett, the number two GOP senator on the Banking panel.


Na žalost kolega, toliko strke oko ničega.
Pa na listi pijatelja sam vam.

tek što su se dogovorili oko ovih 700 mrld usd, već im treba još 500 mrld usd…………….pitam se ima li tome kraja??? [rolleyes]

Banking System Will Need Another $500 Billion: Gross
Topics:Stock Market
By CNBC.com | 25 Sep 2008 | 09:43 AM ET
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The banking system needs another $500 billion to survive beyond the $700 billion rescue plan being contemplated by Congress, said Pimco founder Bill Gross.
Bill Gross
Bill Gross

Gross said on CNBC that the government bailout plan will help free up bank balance sheets so they can start lending again, but will provide only about $50 billion in real capital to the system.

“The plan goes far but it doesn’t go far enough in terms of recapitalization,” he said. “The banking system and the investment banking system in total really requires about $500 billion more. Where that comes from is still up in the air.”

The Federal Reserve will need to step in to quell fears of counterparty risk– the worry that one partner in a deal won’t hold up its end–and provide assurance that it will be a clearinghouse to make sure transactions get done, Gross said.

“There’s a lack of trust anywhere in terms of other counterparties,” he said. “The Fed to a certain extent has to assume this level of counterparty risk. It has to be a clearinghouse. Otherwise things don’t get done.”

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

pa i nije baš neka run-ina
zar nakon dogovora nije trebalo bit bar 4+

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Bipartisan Agreement Reached on Bailout

Congress reached tentative agreement on bailout bill that approves $700 billion fund, but would pay in installments. A first tranche of $250 billion would be available immediately.

[smiley] [thumbsup]


New Report
