Buffett ulazi u vlasničku strukturu Goldman Sachsa
Autor/izvor: SEEbiz
NEW YORK – Berkshire Hathaway investirati će 5 milijardi dolara u Goldman Sachs, čime će milijarder Warren Buffett poduprijeti transformaciju ove investicijske banke u stabilnije bankarsko poslovanje.,25922.html
Bernanke: Ne prihvatite li plan, američka ekonomija doživjet će kolaps
Autor/izvor: SEEbiz
WASHINGTON – Predsjednik Federalnih rezervi Ben Bernanke u obraćanju je Kongresu upozorio kako će, ne bude li usvojen plan spašavanja, američka ekonomija doživjeti kolaps.
Wall Street: Neizvjesnost srušila indekse
Autor/izvor: SEEbiz / Hina
NEW YORK – Na Wall Streetu su u utorak vodeći indeksi pali jer ulagači strahuju da će rasprava u Kongresu o planu američke vlade za spašavanje financijskog sektora potrajati dulje nego što se očekivalo.
Dow Jones indeks potonuo je 1,47 posto, na 10.854 boda, dok je S&P indeks pao 1,56 posto, na 1.188 bodova. Nasdaq indeks izgubio je, pak, 1,1 posto, zaronivši na 2.153 boda. Plan američke vlade, vrijedan 700 milijardi dolara, koji bi trebao stabilizirati financijski sustav i pridonijeti jačanju gospodarstva, nailazi u Kongresu na prepreke.,25914.html
……….kako će im ovo pomoći?? bsn [bye]
FBI istražuje propast Fannie Maea, Freddie Maca, Lehman Brothersa i AIG-a
24.09.2008 09:59
FBI zbog moguće prijevare istražuje propast četiri financijska diva Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothersa i AIG. Predmet istrage su i čelnici tih finacijskih institucija, saznaje CNN.
Iako nema službene potvrde iz FBI-a se doznaje da su pod istragom 26 tvrtki i 1400 pojedinaca, za koje se istražuje kakvu su ulogu imale u hipotekarnoj krizi te ima li tu prijevare klijenata.
FBI zanima kako je stvoren kreditni mjehur, čije pucanje je prouzročilo spiralnu krizu američkog, ali i svjetskog financijskog tržišta.
"Goldman Sachs will receive a $5 billion investment from Warren Buffett and raise $2.5 billion more through a share offering"…cnbc
ako Buffet ulaže u Goldman Sachs 5+2,5 mlrd dolara,
znači li to da se ipak sve ne raspada
i da smo pred zaokretom
Zakomplicirati će se nešto , imam osjećaj.
Neće biti tako lako donijeti tu odluku.
Kongres se neće raspustiti ovaj tjedan, ili će se sastati za nekoliko tjedana ponovo.
Upleo se i FBI, a istraga ne može trajati 3 dana.
Ne brinem se ja za bull run, jer nitko ne može riješiti krizu za par dana.
Kad se stvori pozitivan i zdrav trend, uskačem, a do tada na žalost nema tu kruha.
Može li netko staviti europske indexe? ne link.
Zakomplicirati će se nešto , imam osjećaj.
Neće biti tako lako donijeti tu odluku.
Kongres se neće raspustiti ovaj tjedan, ili će se sastati za nekoliko tjedana ponovo.
Upleo se i FBI, a istraga ne može trajati 3 dana.
Ne brinem se ja za bull run, jer nitko ne može riješiti krizu za par dana.
Kad se stvori pozitivan i zdrav trend, uskačem, a do tada na žalost nema tu kruha.
Može li netko staviti europske indexe? ne link.
Evo izvol’te:
"Goldman Sachs will receive a $5 billion investment from Warren Buffett and raise $2.5 billion more through a share offering"…cnbc
ako Buffet ulaže u Goldman Sachs 5+2,5 mlrd dolara,
znači li to da se ipak sve ne raspada
i da smo pred zaokretom
Ili to ili je prolupao pod stare dane [lol]
Ja držim da je još lucidan [thumbsup]
Zakomplicirati će se nešto , imam osjećaj.
Neće biti tako lako donijeti tu odluku.
Kongres se neće raspustiti ovaj tjedan, ili će se sastati za nekoliko tjedana ponovo.
Upleo se i FBI, a istraga ne može trajati 3 dana.
Ne brinem se ja za bull run, jer nitko ne može riješiti krizu za par dana.
Kad se stvori pozitivan i zdrav trend, uskačem, a do tada na žalost nema tu kruha.
Može li netko staviti europske indexe? ne link.
Možda ti ovo više pomogne:
Zakomplicirati će se nešto , imam osjećaj.
Neće biti tako lako donijeti tu odluku.
Kongres se neće raspustiti ovaj tjedan, ili će se sastati za nekoliko tjedana ponovo.
Upleo se i FBI, a istraga ne može trajati 3 dana.
Ne brinem se ja za bull run, jer nitko ne može riješiti krizu za par dana.
Kad se stvori pozitivan i zdrav trend, uskačem, a do tada na žalost nema tu kruha.
Može li netko staviti europske indexe? ne link.
Možda ti ovo više pomogne:
Tko je bilo i jučer, pa gdje su završili?
6 feet under, na žalost.
Dakle danas na YSE jedno glupavo tumarnje gusaka u magli. Aj bok
"The Federal Reserve, in coordinated action with foreign central banks, plowed $30 billion into money markets overseas Wednesday, part of an ongoing effort to fight a global credit crisis." (AP)
Amerika intervenira na ino tržištima novca sa 30 mlrd dolara u koordinaciji sa drugim bankama
Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer
As Capitalism Crumbles, U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up the Pieces
by Robert Kiyosaki
Very Good (169 Ratings)
Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 12:00AM
As we all know, the world changed drastically on Sept. 11, 2001, when the twin towers of the World Trade Center fell.
This year, on the eve of Sept. 11, the twin towers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crumbled. Then, on Sept. 15, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch disappeared. Actually, that was a triple-tower collapse if you count AIG.
In a few years, the biggest pair of towers will collapse: Social Security and Medicare. Even today, they’re looking shaky. How many ground zeros can we as people, a nation, and a world withstand before we admit something is very wrong with our global financial systems? What will it take to wake us up?
Government Can’t Fix It
Personally, I believe the biggest it’s a problem that so many Americans are looking to this year’s presidential candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, to save our financial system. How did we become so financially weak that we surrender our economic independence to politicians? Where does it say in the Constitution that the government should solve our financial problems?
And why have so many people throughout the world come to expect financial life-support from their political leaders? It seems most people will vote for anyone who promises a chicken in every pot and a guaranteed mortgage payment.
We’re in the midst of a problem neither candidate can solve: A lack of comprehensive financial education in our school systems. What else explains the economic blunders committed by our political and financial leaders? Or why so many consumers are in debt up to their eyeballs? Or why millions of people expect a quick government fix of some kind?
Under Water
A few months ago, a friend of mine from Hawaii asked me if I wanted to buy his new powerboat with twin motors. Apparently, in late 2007, he purchased it brand new for approximately $85,000. His plan was to refinance his house when it appreciated in value and use the difference to pay for the boat.
Failing to obtain new financing, he called to ask me if I would buy the boat from him — just take over the payments and it was mine. I passed, and the bank eventually repossessed his boat. Later, his wife called to tell me he’s now having problems making his mortgage payments. Apparently, my friend planned to pay for his house the same way he planned on paying for the boat, by refinancing his debt.
I mention this story because it illustrates the problem Obama or McCain face: Limited financial education and diminished financial common sense. Apparently, my and the nation’s business leaders all went to same school of finance.
A Cynical Aside
If you want to know why the towers of American capitalism are crumbling, I recommend reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. It’s not an easy book to find, but once you start reading it’s to put down. In fact, in many ways it’s a murder mystery about the financial "murder" of the middle class.
A very important lesson in the book is how political leaders use financial spin to deceive the public. The very, very rich use the system to legally steal from the rest of us by appealing to our sense of patriotism. When our leaders say, "We’re bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because we want to protect the American people," they really mean "We’re saving our rich friends."
All the bankers and politicians have to do is wave the red, white, and blue, play a few bars of "Yankee Doodle," and the masses get teary-eyed and pledge greater allegiance to legalized robbery. Yes, it’s true that ignorance is bliss — but ig