Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ja osobno mislim da je gotovo … barem što se tiče ove krize … ne kažem da je svjetska ekonomija ružičasta, ali mi se čini da je subprime i bad loans iza nas.

Mede, do viđenja u nekom drugom budućem filmu … dobru smo lekciju naučili od vas …

real bear i centurion [thumbsup]

ostali [bye]

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Ja osobno mislim da je gotovo … barem što se tiče ove krize … ne kažem da je svjetska ekonomija ružičasta, ali mi se čini da je subprime i bad loans iza nas.

Mede, do viđenja u nekom drugom budućem filmu … dobru smo lekciju naučili od vas …

real bear i centurion [thumbsup]

ostali [bye]

Mislim da olako prihvaćaš kraj krize.
Da li je to zbog neiskustva ili nečega drugog, ali mislim da je opasno.

Ja isto mislim, naravno, ništa nije izvjesno, ali ovakva paljba u cijelom svijetu na nešto upućuje, ali zbog straha treba vratiti povjerenje.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Ne zove se Irska bez razloga "zeleni otok" [wink]

Ali je ništa naspram majke Rusije:

Value 1,080.45 Change 226.520 Change 26.527 % High 1,090.87 Low 853.93 Open 853.93

I još su 37% niži nego na početku godine!

Mislim da olako prihvaćaš kraj krize.
Da li je to zbog neiskustva ili nečega drugog, ali mislim da je opasno.

Boli me ona stvar što ti misliš!


I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

Čini mi se da si i ti položio 5-6 ispita u istom danu, diplomirao drugi dan a preksutra dobio diplomu.
Ostatak ispita ti je s faksa iz Banja Luke, a priznao ti ih je….priznaj tko?

MIslim da svi prelako shvaćate ovaj rast.
Pogotovo što je danas petak.
Šta ako dođe kakve loša vijest preko vikenda?

Vaš link

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Čini mi se da si i ti položio 5-6 ispita u istom danu, diplomirao drugi dan a preksutra dobio diplomu.
Ostatak ispita ti je s faksa iz Banja Luke, a priznao ti ih je….priznaj tko?

SEC bans short-selling
Friday September 19, 6:38 am ET
SEC temporarily bans short-selling to boost investor confidence

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Securities and Exchange Commission took the dramatic step early Friday of temporarily banning the routine practice of betting against company stocks.
The move, announced on the agency’s Web site, may well be unprecedented and a reflection of regulators’ concern about the widening scope of the financial crisis as entreaties come from all quarters to stem a swarm of short-selling.

In the announcement, the commission said it was acting in concert with the U.K. Financial Services Authority in taking emergency action to "prohibit short selling in financial companies" to protect the integrity of the securities market and boost investor confidence.

"The commission is committed to using every weapon in its arsenal to combat market manipulation that threatens investors and capital markets," SEC chairman Christopher Cox said in a statement. "The emergency order temporarily banning short-selling of financial stocks will restore equilibrium to markets."

The move, he said, would not be necessary in a well-functioning market and is only a temporary step that is part of the actions being taken by the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and Congress.

A recent wave of the market maneuvers — where traders seek to profit by selling unowned shares of companies in the anticipation their prices will drop — has been blamed in part for the demise of venerable investment firm Lehman Brothers and other big companies.

Cox, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke held a closed-door meeting Thursday night with members of Congress.

The SEC said its action calls a time-out to aggressive short-selling in financial stocks and said it would consider measures to address short-selling in other publicly traded companies.

Short-selling, in a normal market, contributes to efficiency while adding liquidity to the markets. But now, the SEC said, it appears that "unbridled" short-selling was contributing to the sudden price declines in the securities of financial institutions.

On Wednesday, New York Sens. Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, both Democrats, appealed to the SEC for such a temporary ban, saying the watchdog agency "has the power to take a temporary but important step to help restore a measure of stability to our financial markets."

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the nation’s largest pension fund, said that starting Thursday it is no longer lending out shares of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley, joining a growing number of public pension funds that are attempting to curb short-selling of two investment banks’ stocks.

Eto ako kapital neće ići u short, neće ići u naftu, neće ići u zlato, ići će u dionice………

Napravi razliku http://pravipotez.blogspot.com/

stanimalo | privatna poruka | Korisnik je na vašoj listi prijatelja | profil
korisnik od: 17.09.2008.

ocjena poruke

zajednica –
MIslim da svi prelako shvaćate ovaj rast.
Pogotovo što je danas petak.
Šta ako dođe kakve loša vijest preko vikenda?

teško..Bush kupuje jeftine bodoe..baš i nisu jeftini ali njega to ne dira..
lik je car..koje poteze vuće to nisu istine..sada još kada sredi Irak nafta bu pala na 70$

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

shorteri sad dapace moraju kupovati da pokriju poziciju.. lijepo su ih preveslali politicari.. toliko o slobodnoj ekonomiji..

vw je porastao 27% jucer zbog toga..

sada banke.. najkasnije utorak opet crveno do bola..


New Report
