Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

A ovako je završila EU:

Index Value: 4,880.00
Trade Time: 11:45AM ET
Change: 32.40 (0.66%)
Prev Close: 4,912.40
Open: 4,912.40
Day’s Range: 4860.70 – 5015.90
52wk Range: 4,903.30 – 6,751.70

Index Value: 5,863.42
Trade Time: 11:45AM ET
Change: 2.44 (0.04%)
Prev Close: 5,860.98
Open: 5,875.05
Day’s Range: 5812.77 – 5967.29
52wk Range: 5,825.24 – 8,117.79

CAC 40(Paris: ^FCHI)
Index Value: 3,957.86
Trade Time: 12:00PM ET
Change: 42.25 (1.06%)
Prev Close: 4,000.11
Open: 4,159.47
Day’s Range: 3,926.82 – 4,077.97
52wk Range: 3,990.86 – 5,882.07

A ovako stoje trenutno US.

Dow Jones Industrial Average(DJI: ^DJI)
Index Value: 10,580.76
Trade Time: 12:08PM ET
Change: 28.90 (0.27%)
Prev Close: 10,609.66
Open: 10,609.01
Day’s Range: 10570.17 – 10824.37
52wk Range: 10,521.80 – 14,280.00

Index Value: 2,091.60
Trade Time: 12:10PM ET
Change: 7.25 (0.35%)
Prev Close: 2,098.85
Open: 2,137.42
Day’s Range: 2084.57 – 2147.34
52wk Range: 2,098.85 – 2,861.51

Index Value: 1,152.63
Trade Time: 12:10PM ET
Change: 3.76 (0.33%)
Prev Close: 1,156.39
Open: 1,157.07
Day’s Range: 1149.68 – 1184.22
52wk Range: 1,155.88 – 1,576.09

Sve se većinom i dalje crveni, no vidjet ćemo kako će se dalje situacija odvijati.

Evo napokon malo dobrih vijesti i sa ruskog tržišta.

Government to invest 500 Bln rubles in domestic shares to keep stockmarket stable – Kudrin

MOSCOW. Sep 18 (Interfax) – Russian Vice Premier and Finance
Minister Alexei Kudrin has said the government is ready to invest up to
500 billion rubles in shares of domestic companies to keep the stock
market stable.
"The first stage is consists of 250 billion rubles," Kudrin told
reporters after a conference on tax issues in the Kremlin.
"If the first 250 billion rubles are exhausted, the government will
propose to change the budget by another 250 billion," he said.
"Market participants understand that this measure will boost demand
so that not just the government but also other participants could be
able to invest in the shares of those companies," Kudrin said, adding
that the move concerned not only domestic companies.

Nije neki veliki iznos ali ima daleko veći psihološki efekt. Nadam se takvoj sličnoj odluci i od strane naše vlade.

U Americi napokon stagnacija, ali nema odbijanca.
Čini mi se da i nas to čeka. Odbjanca nema.

otkud da naši to išćupaju!? [lol]

Europa opet potonula, iz velikog zelenila.
DAX 5,863.42 11:45AM ET Up 2.44 (0.04%)
FTSE 100 4,880.00 11:45AM ET Down 32.40 (-0.66%)

Ameri iz velikog zelenila prešli u crvenilo.
Dow Jones Industrial Average 10,590.04 12:08pm ET Down 19.62 (-0.18%)
S&P 500 INDEX,RTH 1,151.98 12:09pm ET Down 4.41 (-0.38%)

Morgan Stanley MS -20.37%
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. LEH -38.46% trenutno 0,08$, [/b]bio je na 60$.
AIG +5.36%, stao je padati

Ajme,kukulele pa šta se nije Sančo hvalio kako je prekjučer kupio LEH po 0,21$ jer to sigurno ide 3$ i kako je to bio jedan u nizu njegovih genijalnih poteza?
Pa taj ne da će bez svih zubiju ostat, nakon svih minusa u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu,
nego će morat i bubreg prodati.
Ne znam samo kako će mu to pomoći


US(A)-e, nase i podase…
Sve niže i niže.
Dow Jones Industrial Average 10,495.43 12:49pm ET Down 114.23 (-1.08%)
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2,073.01 12:50pm ET Down 25.84 (-1.23%)
S&P 500 INDEX,RTH 1,136.81 12:49pm ET Down 19.58 (-1.69%)

Odjedanput samo potone od 0%.

Evo nam nove žrtve , kako ameri navode…
Vaš link

ATH 50$, trenutno 2$

Dolar pada ko kruška, baš ga je lijepo gledati.
Čak ni 180 milijardi dolara koliko ove komunjare misle potrošiti nisu dovoljne da okrenu trend na burzama.
Mislim da vam to dovoljno govori.
Potop je sve bliži.
Amerika pada sve dublje i dublje.

S&P -2%
DOW -1,3%
NASDAQ -1,3%


Dow Jones Industrial Average 10,613.08 1:09pm ET Up 3.42 (+0.03%) u par minuta 1:10PM

Koja volatilnost. Ameri nisu normalni.
Borba bikova i medvjeda je žestoka.

McCain calls for firing of SEC Chairman

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) – "Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain on Thursday called for the firing of Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox. McCain said Cox "serves at the appointment of the President and, in my view, has betrayed the public’s trust. If I were President today, I would fire him."

Počelo je.
Sječa glava može krenuti.
Paulson i Bernanke su slijedeći


Poletili indijanci

Britain bans short-selling, citing ‘extreme’ market climate
By Steve Goldstein
Last update: 1:11 p.m. EDT Sept. 18, 2008
Comments: 49
LONDON (MarketWatch) — Britain’s Financial Services Authority on Thursday announced the unprecedented move of banning short-selling and forbidding any increase in new positions. Also, disclosure will be required on all positions of more than 0.25% of a stock. The ban is due to remain in force until Jan. 16, but it will be reviewed in 30 days. "While we still regard short-selling as a legitimate investment technique in normal market conditions, the current extreme circumstances have given rise to disorderly markets. As a result, we have taken this decisive action, after careful consideration, to protect the fundamental integrity and quality of markets and to guard against further instability in the financial sector," said Hector Sants, chief executive of the FSA

U Britaniji voda došla do grla!

New Report
