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Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

evo za Jamesa

hvala, jel imate njegov broj moba možda?

izgleda da AIG slijedi sudbina feni i ferdi.

Evo da ne kažete da je sve crno

Morgan Stanley delivers some good news

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — Morgan Stanley reported third-quarter results late Tuesday that blew by Wall Street’s forecasts and were also a day earlier than expected.
The New York City-based investment bank posted a net profit of $1.43 billion, or $1.32 per share, during the quarter ending in August, down almost 8% from a year ago but much better than forecasts. Analysts were anticipating a profit of just $869 million, or 77 cents a share, according to Thomson Reuters.
The company also posted sales of $8 billion in the quarter, a 1% increase from the same period last year and much higher than the $6.3 billion in revenue that Wall Street was expecting.


AIG ce jos i u plusu zavrsiti a neki ce zaraditi milione…..
pa ajmo onda i mi sutra u plus.

Ja bi rekao da je sutra novi disaster. Kolko vidim u After Hours AIG pao 50% (gledati brojeve koji se mijenjaju):

After Hours: 2.30 1.45 (38.67%)5:30PM EThelp
ali pričekajmo otvaranje…ovo su samo nabrijani futursi…

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

AIG priprema papire za bankrot. Danas bi trebali više znat


...ladies and gentlemen....AC/DC

ups, update vijesti. Izgleda da će AIG preživit. Ovo je kao prijenos utakmice [cool]


...ladies and gentlemen....AC/DC

Press Release
Release Date: September 16, 2008

For release at 9:00 p.m. EDT

The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday, with the full support of the Treasury Department, authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to lend up to $85 billion to the American International Group (AIG) under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. The secured loan has terms and conditions designed to protect the interests of the U.S. government and taxpayers.

The Board determined that, in current circumstances, a disorderly failure of AIG could add to already significant levels of financial market fragility and lead to substantially higher borrowing costs, reduced household wealth, and materially weaker economic performance.

The purpose of this liquidity facility is to assist AIG in meeting its obligations as they come due. This loan will facilitate a process under which AIG will sell certain of its businesses in an orderly manner, with the least possible disruption to the overall economy.

The AIG facility has a 24-month term. Interest will accrue on the outstanding balance at a rate of three-month Libor plus 850 basis points. AIG will be permitted to draw up to $85 billion under the facility.

The interests of taxpayers are protected by key terms of the loan. The loan is collateralized by all the assets of AIG, and of its primary non-regulated subsidiaries. These assets include the stock of substantially all of the regulated subsidiaries. The loan is expected to be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of the firm’s assets. The U.S. government will receive a 79.9 percent equity interest in AIG and has the right to veto the payment of dividends to common and preferred shareholders.

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

evo čitajte kakvo je sranje vani…

As AIG teetered, central bankers around the globe scrambled to revive credit markets. The Fed injected $70 billion into the American financial system. The European Central Bank pumped one-day financing of nearly $100 billion into the 15-nation zone. The Bank of Japan added $24 billion, and England’s central bank almost $36 billion.

Glasnogovornik IGH na neodređeno

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

nitko ne prati breaking news? : FED rijesio aig brutalno velikom posudbom.., $85bn

24g - liberel, ateist, anarhist, kapitalist...

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

evo sad bi se lehmanu uz aig trebali washington mutual pridružiti,ne može država sve spasiti,nije dobro,slijedeća tri tjedna su presudna za wamu,nema tu kraja,ja se bojim da banke iz evrope ne povuku…

Glasnogovornik IGH na neodređeno

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

neće izvući aig ameri nemaju rješenje,dugovi su preveliki,svaka banka ima svoje breme problema i bori se za opstanak…dow ide ispod 10k sad je to jasno…zato držite gaće…

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Shares of American International Group (NYSE:AIG – News) fell 48 percent in trading after the bell on Tuesday after Bloomberg reported that the U.S. government is considering conservatorship as an option for the insurer.

Glasnogovornik IGH na neodređeno

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

bas smo mi europljani balkanci, placemo nad tuđom nesrecom vise nego oni sami
ameri svoje prezalili i digli glave
Dow Jones Industrial Average(DJI: ^DJI)
Index Value: 11,059.02
Change: 141.51 (1.30%)

previse smo emotivni

najgore se svadat s budalom, prvo te spusti na svoju razinu pa te dotuce iskustvom

bar malo novih vijesti…

Government saves AIG with $85 billion loan, takes 80 percent stake in battered insurance giant

Glasnogovornik IGH na neodređeno

New Report
