Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Očekivano Eu otvorila u crvenom dax i ftse -1,5% i drže se na tome.


Ako AIG padne ja cu se povuci, AIG je vrlo vrlo vazan.

OX-Bright, inspiring and easy going. You make an outstanding parent. Shoul merry a Snake or Rooster but not a Sheep

Ako AIG padne ja cu se povuci, AIG je vrlo vrlo vazan.

Možda ovo da malo optimizma..

Barclays in talks over acquiring Lehman assets

By Simon Kennedy
Last update: 2:36 a.m. EDT Sept. 16, 2008Comments: 5
LONDON (MarketWatch) — U.K. bank Barclays Plc said Tuesday that it is talks with Lehman Brothers ( over the acquisition of certain assets "on terms that would be attractive to Barclays shareholders." The statement followed a report in The Wall Street Journal that Lehman was in last-minute talks to sell large portions of itself to Barclays. The newspaper said at least 10,000 employees could move to Barclays as part of the deal, which would involve the broker-dealer operation and all of its divisions. Troubled assets, such as mortgage securities, would be left behind in the holding company, the report added.

Statement Regarding Recent Market Events and Lehman Brothers (Updated)FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Washington, D.C., Sept. 15, 2008 — The decision by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. to file for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy laws is expected to lead to the winding down of Lehman Brothers Inc., its U.S. regulated broker-dealer, outside of bankruptcy. The accounts of Lehman’s U.S. retail securities customers are with the broker-dealer. In cases such as this, Lehman Brothers’ customers will benefit from their extensive protections under SEC rules, including segregation of customer securities and cash as well as insurance by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. These safeguards are designed to ensure that a broker-dealer’s customers will be protected.

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ne vidim da spašavaju narod, vidim samo da spašavaju pojedince i to prebogate, baš kao i naši usranci, hehe

Ma koji crni narod.
Narod je za šišanje.

"Ask not what your mutual fund can do for you
but what you can do for your mutual fund"


Puštamo da nam narod kao šta su amerikanci kroje sudbinu,a svi znamo da su narod koji nemaju ni malo mozga,uz to njihov burzovni index je manje pao od našega za 20%!
Nek se oni bave svojim problemima a mi svojima i sigurno će nam biti bolje!!
Gledamo samo loše vjesti a dobre zanemarujemo…!!!

Ode….Da nema INE mi bi bili ispod 3000… [bye]

Hello globalna recesijo….

Ht ispod 261….

Prosječni pad po dionici cca -4%…

Nafta i dalje klizi…

Crude Oil Oct 08
(NY Mercantile: CLV08.NYM)
Last Trade: 92.03
Trade Time: 3:16AM ET
Change: Down 3.68 (3.84%)

Ovaj me komentar zainteresirao, gledao sam prije video isto na Yahoo gdje su pricali nakon propasti Lehmana koliko su sigurni novci u bankama da ne bi amerikanci pojurili i poceli povlaciti kes.
I evo niti par dana kasnije pokusaj smirivanja pucanstva da je sve u redu [rolleyes]
"Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Monday the American people can remain confident in the "soundness and resilience in the American financial system."
I mali podsjetnik na Bearn kada su dan prije kraha uvjeravali da je sve u redu sa Bearnom.
Nije mozda bas tako crno ali da je bas tako dobro kako nas pokusavaju uvjeriti cisto sumnjam.

Ovcetino sta to radis!? Oovco... ovcice... janje moje malo...

DAX 5,975.89 4:10AM ET Down 88.27 (-1.46%)
FTSE 100 5,122.10 4:10AM ET Down 82.10 (-1.58%)


Možda ovo da malo optimizma..

Barclays in talks over acquiring Lehman assets

By Simon Kennedy
Last update: 2:36 a.m. EDT Sept. 16, 2008Comments: 5
LONDON (MarketWatch) — U.K. bank Barclays Plc said Tuesday that it is talks with Lehman Brothers ( over the acquisition of certain assets "on terms that would be attractive to Barclays shareholders." The statement followed a report in The Wall Street Journal that Lehman was in last-minute talks to sell large portions of itself to Barclays. The newspaper said at least 10,000 employees could move to Barclays as part of the deal, which would involve the broker-dealer operation and all of its divisions. Troubled assets, such as mortgage securities, would be left behind in the holding company, the report added.

Možda uspiju utopit Neuberger Bermana danas; to bi bio tračak sunca kroz oblake.


[bye] [bye]

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

New Report
