Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Kad će tih -350 u USA. Nešto im se ne žuri čini mi se.

trenutno preko 300 bodova u minusu

Dow Jones Industrial Average 11,136.04 9:41am ET Down 285.95 (-2.50%)
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2,208.39 9:42am ET Down 52.88 (-2.34%)
S&P 500 INDEX,RTH 1,214.82 9:41am ET Down 36.88 (-2.95%)

DAX 5,989.75 9:29AM ET Down 245.14 (-3.93%)


Kad će tih -350 u USA. Nešto im se ne žuri čini mi se.

ne vjeruj futuresima ni kad darove nose.
evo sad su ih ispravili, na minus 2,7%

Ne vjerujem ja Europljanima. Kada Ameri rastu oni to podjele s dva i za toliko podignu svoje indexe.
Sasvim suprotna situacija je kad Ameri padaju. Europljani taj pad pomnože s dva i za toliko smanje svoje indexe.
Zato i jest Dow peterocifren index, a svi europski indexi su četverocifreni.

šta se zeleni u gori crvenoj…

hate red

Kad Europa zatvori, Ameri idu u zeleno!


ovo se zove pad, a ne ovo naše jadno tržište.
ni kad padamo ne znamo to izvest kak bog i casheri zapovedaju…

NEW YORK, Sept 15 (Reuters) – U.S. stocks extended losses in early trade on Monday, with the Dow industrials and S&P both down nearly 3 percent as investors worried about the stability of the financial system after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.
The losses accelerated after shares of American International Group (AIG) fell more than 50 percent to $5.99 on fears over the major insurance company’s ability to raise capital in the face of mortgage-related losses.

i da se nadovežem na svoj pretprethodni post: najveća osiguravateljska kompanija u USA padne 50 posto, a Nasdaq index osiguravatelja jedini zelen preko Bare!

hate red

Black Monday: Bank of England pumps £5bn into markets after collapse of Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers

Sve centralne banke pomažu podižući likvidnost a šta radi naš Rohatynski.

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

NEW Real-time: 6.91 5.23 -(43.08%) 10:26am

Glasnogovornik IGH na neodređeno

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

Izgleda da i AIG tone nepovratno isto scenario kao Lehman.Neće na dobro sve se kreće kao kula od karata tko je slijedeći???? Bojim se da su već sad i evropske banke načete a što to znači uskoro ćete saznati…nije dobro definitivno ako sve stane na još -20%,biti će dobro…

Glasnogovornik IGH na neodređeno

Smireni strahovi od apsolutnog kolapsa dolara
Vaš link


Znači, očekujete zeleno na kraju dana?

Što kažete, nije zeleno ali ide prema tome [thumbsup]

Za sada

Dow Jones Transportation Averag +0,33%

Koje su to svjetske prevare, sruše europu i onda dižu ameriku, strašno

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Glavno da su naši vrli investitori danas napravili paniku i prodavali u bescjenje

Investors Avoid Panic, Start Looking for Bargains

Investors again refused to panic Monday at another wave of seemingly devastating news from the financial sector.
Yes, the major indexes were off more than 2 percent each. But with the avalanche of brutal news over the weekend–bankruptcy at Lehman Brothers, the takeover of Merrill Lynch, American International Group under pressure to raise capital–the damage under normal circumstances would be profound.

The market behavior amid a credit crisis that seemed to have no bottom had market pros baffled.

"It’s the worst I’ve ever seen," Dave Rovelli, head of US equity trading for Boston-based Canaccord Adams, said of the uncertainty in the current market climate. "If you were to say that we’d have Lehman, Fannie Mae and Merrill, AIG, everything that happened in the last week and we still haven’t retested the lows of July 15, the lows we set back in (the collapse of) Bear Stearns, I would say you’re crazy. I would think the Dow would be back at 10,000. I think it’s unbelievable."

Wall Street’s resilience seemed to rest with a few key factors: A general sentiment that because investors were well aware of Lehman’s troubles they were already priced in, and optimism that the rest of the problems were the market’s way of clearing away the detritus of the financial fallout.

"In the back of a lot of people’s minds this was somewhat expected, and I think this is going to be interpreted as cleaning up the house," said Kathy Boyle, president of Chapin Hill Advisors in New York. "This was the other shoe. We had to let it happen. Here it is, but now we’re going to get on to business."

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

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