Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

The American president also projected that China would be buying large quantities of U.S. agricultural products following his meeting with Xi. “We’re holding on tariffs, and they’re going to buy farm product,” he said.


Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

I tako to biva uvijek na velikim Svjetskim skupovima moćnika gdje na kraju sklope nove sporazume i šalju pozitivne signale među investitore i “show” se može nastaviti i na Wall streetu a medonje idu na spavanje do proljeća 2020. ako vjerojatno i duže s obzirom da Trump ide na novi mandat u 11/2020. Do proljeća će Ameri i Kinezi sklopiti povijesni trgovinski sporazum tako da ovaj put mogu sa velikom vjerojatnošću biti siguran da će vozarine kao i BDI indeks gurati do 2000 bodova i više. Svjetski brodari će također poprilično porasti a sa određenim zakašnjenje i Atpl…jedino ukoliko nas veliki investitori “ne zateknu na lijevu nogu” te podignu ljestvicu na više razine dok se ostatak ulagača premišlja da li je kuna-dvije previše platiti ili će čekat Atpl ponovno na 100kn ili čak i niže 🙂

Vjerojatno će se ovo razriješiti do kraja godine. Jedni i drugi žele sporazum. Kvaka je u političkoj prihvatljivosti sporazuma i očuvanju obraza objema stranama.

Donald Trump ‘ready to lift US ban’ on selling equipment to Chinese tech giant Huawei
US president says sales will be able to go ahead as long as they don’t raise national security concerns
Department of Commerce to discuss next week whether to take Chinese company off list of prohibited buyers
“I like our companies selling things to others … very complex things. These are not things easy to make … our companies were very upset … So if it is not a national security issue, we are allowing them to sell.


Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!



Early indications from U.S. equity futures suggest a record open on Wall Street, in fact, following the strongest first half start for domestic stocks in more than two decades


Meni je baš luda ta ZSE. Vani sve zeleno preko 1%, kod nas oko stagnacije. I onda analitičari redovno, kad je vani pad, argumentiraju da se negativnosti prelijevaju na ZSE. A zašto to ne vrijedi kada je vani rast?

Jos rano jutros su futures na SPX bili u jednom času iznad 3000p, premda je sam index zavrsio 03.07. par bodova nize.
Hoce li jos biti prilike za ulazak u short na toj razini ?

Report: Mnuchin urges US companies to seek Huawei licenses
United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has been urging American suppliers of Huawei to seek licenses to continue sales to the Chinese company, the Wall Street Journal reported citing people familiar with the matter.
Following the G20 summit in Osaka, President Donald Trump announced his decision to relax the ban on the Chinese tech giant as part of ongoing trade talks with Beijing. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross confirmed that the Department of Commerce will implement the decision earlier this week.


Navarro: Don’t trust media on China trade talks
“My advice for investors is to be patient with the process and don’t believe anything you read in either the Chinese or the U.S. press about these negotiations unless it comes from the mouth of either the president or advisor Lighthizer,” Navarro said. He also stated that the trade war between the two countries is “in a quiet period” at the moment and that negotiations are going “great.” Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are expected to travel to Beijing in the near future for the next round of talks with Chinese officials, he added.

New Report
