Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

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The announcement of a U.S. trade deal with China is “possible” by next Friday, sources told CNBC on Wednesday. A U.S. delegation met with Chinese negotiators in Beijing on Wednesday as the world’s two largest economies try to hammer out details of an agreement. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He will travel to Washington for talks next week.


Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

US-China negotiators near deal to roll back some tariffs
The two sides have reached general agreement on a plan for the US to immediately remove a 10 per cent tariff on a portion of the US$200 billion worth of Chinese imports affected by the penalty and then phase in lifting the duties on the rest of the items “quickly”, said one of the people familiar with the discussions.
Liu, who is leading the talks for the Chinese side, will return to Washington next week with a delegation of about 100 officials, said one of the people familiar with the talks.

Trump: US getting close to monumental deal with China

US to raise tariffs on Chinese goods to 25% on Friday – Trump

Tariffs are useful in negotiations with China – Kudlow
“I’m a free-trade guy. The president’s tariffs, however, have been extremely useful in negotiating… If it doesn’t work out, then I think what the president is saying in today’s tweet is that we will continue these tariffs,” Kudlow stated.

Kina index 06.05. 2019.SSE–2,959.66 −118.68 (3.86%)
Veliki pad Indexa na pocetku trgovanja.
3,304.53-87.76 (-2.59%)
STI -Singapore Index
Hang Seng Index
29,352.04 −729.51 (2.43%)
Kap posast danas.Veliki padovi velikih azijskih burzi!!!

SSE-2,945.92 −132.42 (-4.30%)
Dugo nisam ovo vidio!

SSE Index . 2,906.88 −171.46 (-5.59%)
Gdje je dno?
Mislim da ce i USA dolje danas .


Eto ti prilika Bisakovi na sve strane



Eto ti prilika Bisakovi na sve strane

2,904.30 −174.04 -(-5.65%)
Je,biti ce izgleda gadno.

China says trade talks with US to continue
China’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday that trade talks with the United States have not been taken off the schedule and that its negotiating team is preparing to travel to Washington this week. The spokesperson avoided answering directly whether Vice Premier, Liu He, will be in the delegation. China hopes the US can meet its halfway in the talks, it added.

Koji pritisak ameri stvaraju da se tread deal potpiše ovaj tjedan.
Ne bi se čudio da na kraju sve propadne, ali Kinezi su racionalni,
za razliku od amera…živi bili, pa vidjeli…ako slučajno propadne deal
to je lose-lose za sve, pa se još nadam da je ovo zadnji blef pred potpis…
ali ništa me više ne može iznenaditi, te je sve moguće…

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

Nek više potpišu, svima su već dojadili s tim hoću-neću.

razni crnogorci, bjelogorci, zorangutani, amadeo, mikardo, persuric i ostali infantili bez muda su na ignoru..a možda je to sve jedna jadna osoba.

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