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China, US to hold trade talks in Beijing next week, White House says
US negotiators led by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will travel to Beijing next week, the White House said, as the two sides work to reach a draft agreement to end their trade dispute.
Talks starting on Tuesday “will cover trade issues including intellectual property, forced technology transfer, non-tariff barriers, agriculture, services, purchases and enforcement”, the White House said in a statement.
Chinese officials led by Vice-Premier Liu He will then head to Washington for discussions starting on May 8, the White House said.
The two sides are seeking to reach a draft agreement by the end of May, a person familiar with the matter said, asking not to be named discussing the private talks. Officials want to announce during Liu’s visit that they have agreed to a deal and the details of a signing summit, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg News earlier.

Usporavanje globalnog gospodarskog rasta i pad stope inflacije najbolji su pokazatelji da nova recesija kuca na vrata. Istovremeno situacija na financijskim tržištima cvjeta. Cijene europskih dionica rastu dok su američke od početka godine porasle 15%. Cijena sirove nafte je skuplja 25% više nego krajem 2018.godine. Mirnoća i staloženost investitora i špekulanata najbolje se može očitati na tečajnoj listi koja ne bilježi nikakve oscilacije.

Obzirom da su kretanja na financijskim tržištima povezana, a daljnje jačanje američkih dionica nerealno, pri prvom padu cijena dionica i ostali instrumenti će gubiti na vrijednosti.

Samo je pitanje vremena kada će investitori uvidjeti da su dionice precijenjene i da situacija na globalnom tržištu nije ružičasta, tada će uslijediti panika i pad vrijednosti na burzama.

Trump says he will ‘soon’ host Xi in Washington
Trump’s comments come as US negotiators prepare to go back to China for another round of trade negotiations. Allegedly, the president is supposed to finalize the deal in the meeting with his Chinese counterpart.

Xi may visit US in June to sign trade deal – report
Chinese President Xi Jinping may visit the United States in early June in order to meet his American counterpart Donald Trump and sign a trade agreement between the two countries, the South China Morning Post reported on Friday citing a source familiar with the matter.
According to the source, Xi is ready to fly to Washington as soon as the two countries reach a trade deal.

ajme koji napor. svaki dan isto… ovaj dolazi u posjetu, onaj dolazi… napredak u pregovorima, hoće, neće… kraj travnja, kraj svibnja… užas 🙂

razni crnogorci, bjelogorci, zorangutani, amadeo, mikardo, persuric i ostali infantili bez muda su na ignoru..a možda je to sve jedna jadna osoba.

Trade talks with China ‘in final laps’ – Mnuchin
“We’re getting into the final laps,” United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said about the trade talks between the US and China, noting that more work remains ahead as the negotiations are getting closer to a point of either signing a deal or ending up without any. “I think both sides have a desire to reach an agreement,” Mnuchin underscored, according to the New York Times.

WEF chief thinks US, China close to breakthrough
Brende told CNBC that it is in the interest of the two largest economies in the world “to find solutions on those trade issues,” meaning that they will both have to “show flexibility in these negotiations.” If they manage to break the deadlock, the WEF chief believes it would “add additional growth to the global economy.”

AMERI RASTU u nebesa…….kod nas puževim korakom

dan je pametniji od noći!

Brodari vani luduju. A to je tek početak.

razni crnogorci, bjelogorci, zorangutani, amadeo, mikardo, persuric i ostali infantili bez muda su na ignoru..a možda je to sve jedna jadna osoba.

Beijing expects trade deal with US as soon as next week
The government in Beijing stated on Tuesday that it expects a trade deal with the United States to be reached as soon as next week, the Associated Press reported. Additionally, State Councillor Wang Yi pointed out that the recent trade negotiations between Washington and Beijing achieved a lot of progress. According to the report, a Chinese Foreign Ministry delegation is set for a visit to Washington next week for the continuation of the talks.

‘Productive’ end to latest round of US-China trade talks
Outlook for a May deal looks positive, as US drops a key demand

The Financial Times reported that US President Donald Trump had dropped a central demand, that China halt alleged instances of commercial cyber theft, to bring an end to the long-running tariff dispute.
According to the report, which cited several people briefed on the matter, Trump has softened his administration’s opening negotiating position from what it originally characterised as “Chinese government-conducted, sponsored, and tolerated cyber intrusions into US commercial networks”.


Report: US-China trade deal possible by next Friday
The long-awaited trade deal between China and the United States is “possible” by next Friday, CNBC reported on Wednesday citing an unnamed source.
Earlier, it was reported the world’s two largest economies are close to sealing a deal that would include an arrangement on how the US government would roll back some of the tariffs on over $250 billion of Chinese goods.
A delegation from the US met with Chinese negotiators in Beijing earlier, while Chinese Vice Premier Liu He will travel to Washington for talks next week.

US to roll back portion of China tariffs – report
The United States and China are reportedly close to sealing a deal that would include an arrangement on how the US government would roll back some of the tariffs on over $250 billion of Chinese goods, according to Politico, citing two sources familiar with the trade negotiations.
According to sources, officials of the world’s two largest economies also agreed how the said agreement would be enforced, noting however, that certain details remain to be worked out, probably during the Chinese delegation’s visit to Washington scheduled for May 8.

New Report
