Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Dali je prosla kriza iz 12 mj? Ova je najkraca do sada. Nema ni crnih prognosticara.

“LONDON (Reuters) – Progress in the U.S.-China trade talks helped propel world stock
markets to a 6-month high on Friday and steered investors away from save havens
such as the Japanese yen. In early European trades, the pan-region Euro Stoxx 50
futures, German DAX futures and London’s FTSE futures each rose about 0.1 percent.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he hoped U.S.-China trade talks were
approaching a final lap.”

MSCI’s gauge of stocks across the globe gained 0.5 percent.
The index is up nearly 15 percent for the year.


Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

Larry Kudlow Says ‘Very Good Progress’ Being Made in China Talks
(Bloomberg) — “We like what we see, but I’m not here to make a forecast,” White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow tells Fox Business Network when asked about whether he could definitively say a deal would be reached in trade talks with China.Kudlow says there will be more talks this week, but “very good progress” was made on multiple fronts, including on enforcement issues


“Kineski BDP u prvom je kvartalu porastao 6,4 posto. Još važnije, industrijska proizvodnja skočila je 8,5 posto, znatno iznad procijenjenih 5,9 posto. Maloprodaja je također iznenadila skokom od 8,7 posto.
Analitičari kažu kako najnoviji kineski podaci upućuju na to da su potezi kineske vlade s kraja prošle godine urodili plodom. Ranije su već objkavljeni pozitivni podaci koji se tiču kreditiranja i tržišta nekretnina, a sve to ulijeva nadu kako je kineski ekonomski oporavak napokon dobio na zamahu.”


“Rast indeksa od početka ove godine ponajviše se zahvaljuje nadi ulagača da će SAD i Kina uskoro postići trgovinski dogovor, kao i porukama Feda da će biti strpljiv po pitanju povećanja kamata zbog usporavanja rasta američkog i globalnog gospodarstva.”


Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

The commercial war is now approaching the end
Paul Richards, head of the Medley Global Advisors president, believes the US and China are approaching a deal.

US, China set to sign trade deal as soon as May – report
Washington and Beijing might sign the new trade deal as soon as May, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing a source familiar with the matter. The United States and China have scheduled a number of face-to-face meetings that are set to take place at the end of April and early May, according to the report.
US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer (pictured left) is reportedly due to travel to Beijing on April 29 for the next round of negotiations while his Chinese counterpart Liu He (pictured center) is expected to visit Washington on May 6. The source stated that those meetings might be final before both sides decide to seal the deal.
Yesterday, Director of the United States National Economic Council Larry Kudlow stated that the trade talks between China and the US are going well.

Trump: China trade deal moving along nicely
Speaking at the Opportunity Zone Conference at the White House on Wednesday, United States President Donald Trump announced that the public will hear about the trade deal with China “very very shortly,” without specifying the date the agreement would be sealed.
Trump noted that the negotiations with the world’s second largest economy are “moving along nicely,” adding that the US is asking “for a lot of things.”He added that he feels the talks would be successful and that the agreement “would be good for both countries. He went on to say that the American economy became the “hottest economy in the world” since he took office and started moving it “in the right direction.”

Trump-Xi summit might happen in Japan in May – report
A potential summit between United States President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart might happen during the US leader’s visit to Japan set for May, CNBC reported, citing sources familiar with the matter. According to the report, Beijing is looking into Trump’s travel schedule to mark the dates that might prove convenient for the meeting between two world leaders.
The sources claimed that the president’s Japan trip is also being considered as a suitable location for the summit by the Trump administration. The US leader previously said that his meeting with Xi might happen on either continent.

Two more rounds of talks set for May amid hope the US-China trade war is ending
US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin plan to travel to Beijing the week of April 29, Bloomberg reported.
The following week, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He is to come to Washington for negotiations. During his visit, officials hope to announce a deal and the details of a signing summit, probably set for late May, according to the report.

US businesses urge Trump to lift tariffs after trade deal

China voices opposition to unilateral Iran sanctions
Turning to trade talks with the US, Foreign Ministry’s spokesman noted that the negotiations are still ongoing and that the two countries have made substantial progress toward a deal that would end their months-long trade dispute.

US, China closer to trade deal – Kudlow
Washington and Beijing have made “a lot of progress” and “gotten closer” to reaching a trade agreement, Larry Kudlow (pictured), head of the United States National Economic Council claimed on Tuesday.
“The two sides are now discussing another visitation exchange,” Kudlow stated during a press conference, adding the that the negotiators have “come further, deeper, broader, larger scale than anything in the history of US-China trade.
Earlier, Americans for free trade organization called on the US President Trump to lift the tariffs on Chinese goods upon the finalization of a trade agreement with Beijing.

New Report
