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Eurozone Services Purchasing Managers Index hit its highest rate since December.


"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

China Caixin Services Purchasing Managers Index rose to a 14-month high, hinting at a stabilization in the world’s second-largest economy.


"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

Kad Kina krene povuče sve za sobom,uključujući i EU,nije to neka mala bezvezna ekonomija nego jedna od lokomotiva koja vuče svj ekonomiju.

"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

US, China trade talks down to ‘last few days’ – Perdue
United States Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said on Wednesday that the trade talks between the US and China are down to “last few days,” signaling a resolution to the prolonged trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies.

PRIJETI NAM NOVA RECESIJA, A SVE OVISI O 3 SVJETSKE SILE: Jedna valuta mogla bi snažno ojačati, a to bi značilo katastrofu

Trump and Liu to meet at White House
United States President Donald Trump is set to meet Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on Thursday, the White House schedule showed, raising hopes that a trade agreement between the world’s two biggest economies may be close.
The two officials are set to meet at 4:30 pm ET in the Oval Office, following Liu’s meetings with other American negotiators.
The two sides reportedly agreed on most of the issues, with the question of how the deal will be implemented and enforced being the key obstacle to the conclusion of the negotiations.

China’s Vice-Premier Liu He, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer start ‘endgame’ round of trade talks in Washington
One source said that China had made further concessions during this round of talks, including greater opening of its markets, and that it is pushing for a summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump to sign the deal late this month. Another possible option is for the two leaders to meet in June at the G20 summit in Japan.

Trump could announce Xi summit plans – report
United States President Donald Trump may announce plans for a summit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping when he meets Vice Premier Liu He later in the day, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday citing sources familiar with the matter.
The announcement of a summit date is “likely” to come when Trump and Liu meet in the White House on Thursday at 4:30 pm ET, according to an administration official. However, the official added that discussions remained fluid and that those plans could change.


“Jučer su objavljeni podaci agencije ADP o nešto slabijem od očekivanja broju novozaposlenih radnika kod privatnih poslodavaca. Ipak, medijski napisi kako pregovori u vezi trgovinskog sporazuma s Kinom dobro napreduju te kako bi on trebao uskoro biti potpisan, bili su glavni generator pluseva na Wall Streetu”, zaključuje Kalajžić.


Larry Kudlow, ekonomski savjetnik Bijele kuće, kazao je jučer da su razgovori napredovali i da bi dvije strane mogle postići dogovor već ovoga tjedna. To je podržalo nadu ulagača da će se uskoro završiti carinski rat, koji je prošle godine negativno utjecao na dva najveća svjetska gospodarstva.

Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

Trump: Deal with China not ready yet
United States President Donald Trump stated on Thursday, while meeting China’s Vice Premier Liu He, that the trade deal with Beijing is “not ready yet.” The agreement will be announced in the next four weeks, “maybe more or less,” US president stated, adding that there is not a “very far” way to go in the negotiations.
Trump stressed that progress in the talks is being made “at a rapid pace,” and that the deal has a “good chance” of happening. If an agreement is not reached, he continued, “it would be tough for us to allow China to trade with the US.”
The issue of intellectual property (IP) theft and “certain” tariffs remains to be resolved, some of which will be discussed later in the day, Trump noted.

Xi calls for early conclusion of US trade talks – report
Chinese President Xi Jinping (pictured) called for an early conclusion of trade negotiations with Washington after “new substantial progress” has been made on key issues in the trade deal text, Xinhua reported.
Meanwhile, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, who led trade talks with the United States, said a new consensus has been reached on the text of the trade deal and added that the two sides will continue to work hard to conclude the negotiations as soon as possible.
Earlier, US President Donald Trump said that the trade deal with Beijing can be expected in the next four weeks.

No summit with China’s Xi Jinping until a deal to end trade war is final, Donald Trump says
“If we have a deal, there will be summit. I think we will know over the next four weeks,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, adding that a final, written agreement would take an additional two weeks. “I look forward to seeing Xi; he will be here.”
Negotiations have gone back and forth about when and where Trump and Xi would meet to sign a deal ending the trade war. A source said China has pushed back on the proposal for a meeting on the sidelines of G20 summit in June in Japan and suggested a sit-down gathering later this month in the US.

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow says US-China trade deal ‘closer and closer’
US President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser says the US and China are “closer and closer” to a trade deal, and that top-tier officials would be talking again this week via “a lot of teleconferencing”.
Larry Kudlow’s “guarded optimism, maybe more than guarded optimism” on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday came after China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported that progress was made during talks in Washington that ended on Friday.

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