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Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

China wants Xi’s visit to coincide with trade deal closing – report
Beijing’s negotiators in trade talks with the United States proposed that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to America should coincide with the trade agreement announcement, CNBC reported on Thursday citing three people with knowledge on the matter.
Although Trump would like to close the deal in person, Chinese negotiators are now reportedly pushing for an agreement fully locked in before leaders of the two most powerful economies meet.

Mnuchin expects China trade talks resolved soon
United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin expects Washington’s trade negotiations with Beijing to be completed soon, the New York Times reported on Thursday.
According to the outlet, Mnuchin stressed he spoke to China’s Vice Premier Liu He last night and expects talks to be “resolved in the near future.” The treasury secretary added that Washington will ensure any potential deal includes a “clear enforcement provision.”

Mnuchin: Trump, Xi to meet when trade deal is agreed
United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Thursday that President Donald Trump will meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping once their countries reach an agreement on trade. Mnuchin noted the meeting between the two leaders will not take place this month, but stressed both Trump and Xi are willing to meet to sign the deal once it is finalized.
According to Mnuchin, the US is looking to get the “right deal” and is in no rush. However, he expressed confidence the trade negotiations will be concluded soon as the two sides made a lot of progress during the previous round of talks.

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland Before Bilateral Meeting
Q What are the prospects now on the summit with President Xi this month or next month?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’re doing very well with China talks. China talks are doing very well. We’ll see what happens. If it’s not a deal that’s a great deal for us, we’re not going to make it. But I would say that we’re moving along at a very high level. We’re getting what we have to get, and I think we’re getting it relatively quickly.
So the China talks are moving along. As to whether or not we’ll strike a final deal, that I would never want to say. But they’re moving along very well.

United States President Donald Trump stated that trade negotiations with China are going along “really well” and that his team will probably announce their results in the next three to four weeks.

“The two sides have further made concrete progress on the text of the trade agreement between the two sides,” Xinhua said, without providing any details.

Director of the United States National Economic Council Larry Kudlow (pictured) said that Chinese President Xi Jinping wants the final agreement on the US-China trade relations to be hammered out before the proposed meeting with his American counterpart Donald Trump because he is “afraid” of his potential reaction.

State Secretary Mike Pompeo confirmed on Friday that a meeting between United States President Donald Trump and China’s President Xi JInping will take place in “mid-April or later.”


Napomena: Ovaj komentar nije preporuka za kupnju ili prodaju dionica. Udijeli koji like, znam da imaš! Vratit ću 100%, majke mi!

Bolton: N. Korea not willing to do what needs to be done
He noted that President Donald Trump wants the issue resolved through negotiations and North Korea to be free of nuclear weapons, hinting at the possibility of including China in denuclearization talks due to its strong ties with Pyongyang. “We’d be willing to consider (China’s participation in talks) if we could see some movement on North Korea’s part,” he underscored.

Trump says trade talks with China going ‘very well’
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin expect to fly to Beijing the week of March 25 to meet with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, who will pay a return trip to Washington the following week, the Wall Street Journal said, citing Trump administration officials.
Talks between China and the United States are in the final stages, with a target date for a deal by the end of April, according to the report.

S, China to reach trade deal by end of June – report
The United States and China are expected to strike a deal to resolve their months-long trade dispute by the end of June, MNI market news media reported on Wednesday citing information provided by Beijing’s trade advisors. However, an exact date of a potential presidential summit to conclude a deal is still unclear at this point.
“There’s around a 70% chance of a deal in the first half of the year, and a 30% chance of a deal in the next three to four weeks,” a high-ranking trade advisor Wang Haifeng said.
Meanwhile, it was reported that a US delegation led by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will travel to Beijing next week for another round of trade negotiations with China’s Vice Premier Liu He.

Not only did the Federal Reserve decide Wednesday not to raise interest rates, but it also indicated that no more hikes will be coming this year.



Not only did the Federal Reserve decide Wednesday not to raise interest rates, but it also indicated that no more hikes will be coming this year.


Ovo je dobro za dionicko trziste.

Kolega samo da se ponovno podsjetim na vaša razmišljanja, ne znam šta se desilo odjednom?
bisakovi 19.12.2018 12:22
Danas FED odlucuje o podizanju kamatne stope za daljnjih 0.25%.
Takoder ce iznijeti svoj plan ,vezano za kamatne stope za 2019 godinu.
Ako nastave dizati kamate ovim tempom,vjerujem da ce indexi na svim vecim burzama znatno pasti.
Ja sam iskoristio lagani porast cijena(nekih burzi) danas u Aziji i skratio izlozenost dionicama na samo 2,2 % .Postaje prerizicno za mene.

bisakovi 19.12.2018 21:52

moja procjena je da ce stati na 2.75…
znaci jos jedno dizanje u 2019, ne dva kako najavljuju
a Trump sada mora dogovoriti s Kinom

Najavili su najmanje 2 dizanja u 2019 godini,a oni se “drze svoje agende”!
Dionice su reagirale “burno” i pale oko 2.5 % nakon odluke FED-a.

bisakovi 24.12.2018 12:17
Vas optimizam je izuzetan i cijenim Vas “vedri duh”,no ja (kao i drugi investitori ) svaki dan dobivamo izvjesca od nasih banaka-brokerskih kuca vani sa njihovim pogledima u izglede za trgovanje slijedece godine kako dionicama tako i drugim financijskim izvedenicama.
SAXObank,HSBC,BANGKOK BANK,KGI,Phillip securities itd.Svi su suglasni da ce slijedeca godina biti teska i izazovna za trgovanje dionicama i da je BULL ili pri kraju ili gotov na EM trzistima i vecim EU burzama.Povecanje kamatnih stopa od strane centralnih banaka ce ovaj trend samo ubrzati.


Nista se nije desilo fundamentalno razlicito sa mojim razmisljanjima.
Ova 2019 godina(narocito druga polovica) biti ce “izrazito izazovna” na dionickim trzistima.
U drugom djelu godine ocekujem vece korekcije na svim vecim burzama uz jos vece na EM trzistima.2020 bi mogla biti losa.
Ocito je toga svjestan i USA FED pa ovu godinu “nece dolijevati ulje na vatru”!

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