Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Could we be in a bear market rally — Piše danas Mark Hulbert na marketwatchu.

China trade deal looking more and more like a ‘sell the news’ opportunity for stock investors


KEY POINTS iz citiranog članka
The framework of a possible trade deal between the U.S. and China is taking shape, but the deal as investors now see it, may not be as strong as the Trump administration was expecting.
Stocks tumbled Monday, in part on concerns the trade agreement may leave lingering uncertainty by retaining tariffs and not including a tough enough enforcement mechanism.
Sources told CNBC a deal is close at hand, and President Donald Trump could meet with his Chinese counterpart at the end of the month.

Donald Trump ‘pushing US negotiators to reach trade deal with China because he wants stock market rally’
Trump’s economic team has told him an agreement will unleash a market rally, the people said. Advocates of a compromise with China have also told Trump it is crucial to cut a deal soon to reap the full boost ahead of the election because benefits such as more Chinese purchases of US soybeans and other products will have a delayed impact and take time to reverberate through the economy, they said.


(Reuters) – Wall Street’s main indexes fell for a fourth consecutive session on Thursday, after Europe’s central bank said it would defer interest rate hikes and offered banks a new round of cheap loans, raising fresh concerns about global economic growth.

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said: “We are (in) a period of continued weakness and pervasive uncertainty” as he announced cuts to the bank’s growth and inflation forecasts.

“On the one hand, dovish talk could be bullish. On the other hand, maybe it is indicating just how slow things are over there,” said Chuck Carlson, chief executive officer at Horizon Investment Services in Hammond, Indiana.
You wonder how long can the U.S. be the only horse dragging this global economy forward,” Carlson said. “The news on the ECB obviously points to, maybe you’re not going to get much help from Europe.”

Stocks have stalled after a strong rally to start 2019 that was fueled by optimism over a U.S.-China trade deal and expectations the Federal Reserve will be less aggressive on interest rates. The benchmark S&P 500 has climbed 9.7 percent this year, but investors have said it is unclear what will drive the next move higher for stocks.

“More than anything, we have been going up in a straight line for eight weeks and needed to take a break



“The emerging gap is starting to put in doubt plans for President Xi Jinping to meet with Mr. Trump in late March or early April to sign a deal.”

2,969.86 −136.56 (4.40%)
Kineski Index SSE -4.4%.Ovo se ne moze cesto vidjeti.
Svi mediji ovdje “bruje” da Kinezi ne mogu prihvatiti sporazum sa USA i da ce ga biti jako tesko postici.

It will ban forced technology transfer and illegal government “interference” in foreign business practices, according to the latest draft.

2,969.86 −136.56 (4.40%)
Kineski Index SSE -4.4%.Ovo se ne moze cesto vidjeti.
Svi mediji ovdje "bruje" da Kinezi ne mogu prihvatiti sporazum sa USA i da ce ga biti jako tesko postici.

Ma tko ih pita.
Ako ne potpišu što se traži kreće dernek u kojem će im se dogoditi pad GDP-a, nemiri, a onda vrlo vjerovatno i pad komunističkog režima.

Najbolje dionice su one s najvećim potencijalom rasta i najmanjim rizikom pada. Znači, treba pronaći dno.

Naravno da će potpisati samo je Trump nepredvidiv pa su moguči zapleti, i njemu su izbori uskoro…
uglavnom svjetska ekonomija usporava i samo ju dogovor Kine i USA može spasiti

Moj dojam je da im on želi pokazati da je nepredvidiv da znaju da se ne mogu tek tako poigravat sa njim i da on dominira ovim pregovorima, iskusni pregovarac iz biznisa , realnog sektora .Sastanak sa Kim jong unom je bila manifestacija te nepredvidljivosti i dominacije, uvertira za skorasnje nalazenje u mar a lago , my way or highway .
A znaju i kinezi da nisu jos dovoljno jaki da cine kontru Trumpu. Jos ne


Moj dojam je da im on želi pokazati da je nepredvidiv da znaju da se ne mogu tek tako poigravat sa njim i da on dominira ovim pregovorima, iskusni pregovarac iz biznisa , realnog sektora .Sastanak sa Kim jong unom je bila manifestacija te nepredvidljivosti i dominacije, uvertira za skorasnje nalazenje u mar a lago , my way or highway .
A znaju i kinezi da nisu jos dovoljno jaki da cine kontru Trumpu. Jos ne

Hajde da se i nas dvojica slazemo u ovome!

Stimulus measures

On March 5, Li announced additional stimulus measures, including tax and fee cuts of ~2 trillion Chinese yuan. He also announced a reduction in the manufacturing sector’s value-added tax rate from 16% to 13%, and outlined plans to increase China’s infrastructure financing by raising special bond issuance quota for local governments to $320 billion from $283 billion. The government has set up a budget deficit target of 2.8% of the GDP this year, compared with 2.6% in 2018. This higher deficit aims to accommodate higher tax cuts and infrastructure spending plans.

These stimulus measures did not come as a surprise to market participants, as they were expecting China to announce proactive measures to shore up its slowing economy. Chinese stocks celebrated the announcement of stimulus measures and climbed to nine-month highs on March 5. This year, due to US-China trade optimism, Chinese stocks Tencent (TCEHY), Baidu (BIDU) Alibaba (BABA), NIO (NIO), and JD.com (JD) have risen 11%, 1.5%, 36%, 53%, and 38%, respectively.


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