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Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Mediji špekuliraju da bi se Trump i kineski predsjednik Xi Jinping mogli sastati idućega mjeseca kako bi potpisali sporazum ili osigurali ′memorandum o razumijevanju′.


China-US trade deal coming soon, Huawei’s Meng to be released in weeks, Communist Party insider predicts

Exclusive: U.S., China sketch outlines of deal to end trade war – sources

China Reportedly Proposed Buying Another $30 Billion In US Agricultural Products
According to Bloomberg, China has proposed that it buy an additional $30 billion of US agricultural products a year, including soybeans, corn and wheat, as part of the trade pact. The offer would be included in one of the memorandums. The purchases would be added to pre trade war levels of goods for the period covered.

Dow Jones tops 26,000 amid trade talks optimism
The Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassed 26,000 points before the expected meeting between Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and the United States President Donald Trump later on Friday. Washington and Beijing are reportedly to hammer out a trade agreement by the end of the week, extending a trade truce.

US, China extend trade talks as Trump and Xi express optimism
“I think we’re making a lot of progress,” Trump said, adding that there was a “very good chance a deal could be made.”
Liu echoed Trump’s outlook, saying that a trade deal was “very likely” from China’s perspective.

US and Chinese officials say a trade war deal is ‘extremely’ likely
China would sharply boost purchases of US agricultural products and open its electronic payment market to Visa and MasterCard
Vice-Premier Liu He and US President Donald Trump meet, and Chinese delegation extends Washington visit to continue talks
Washington and Beijing are likely to strike a deal that will end the trade war that has affected more than US$360 billion worth of two-way trade.
A final agreement to end the trade war – in which Washington has levied taxes on US$250 billion of Chinese goods, prompting Beijing to retaliate with tariffs on US$110 billion of US imports – would require a face-to-face discussion with China’s President Xi Jinping, Trump said, adding that such a meeting would “probably” take place at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida “fairly soon in the month of March”.

Mnuchin said on Friday that the US team had documented several MOUs that were “binding” and “enforceable” and would cover “all sorts of industries”. An agreement on currency manipulation had already been reached, he said.
But the use of MOUs did not appear to sit well with Trump, who publicly jostled with his cabinet about why “short term” agreements were being used that “don’t mean anything”.
In response, Lighthizer stepped in to say that an MOU was a contract and “the way trade agreements are generally used”, he said. “It’s a legal term. It’s a contract”.
“I disagree,” Trump said, prompting a laugh from Liu and a stern look from Lighthizer, who shifted in his chair and adjusted his tie as Trump explained why MOUs did not mean anything to him.
Raising his voice, Lighthizer capitulated: “We’ll never use the term any more. We’ll have the same document, it’s going to be called a trade agreement.”

Dow Jones tops 26,000 amid trade talks optimism
The Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassed 26,000 points before the expected meeting between Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and the United States President Donald Trump later on Friday. Washington and Beijing are reportedly to hammer out a trade agreement by the end of the week, extending a trade truce.

kako sad 26.000?opet?
zar nije ovdje od nekih najavljivan smak svita na 21xx još prije mjesec-dva?
znači opet promašaj?međupromašaj?
ajde da sad ne kopamo neka muški daju međurezime svojih očekivanja.
što je pošlo po krivom?
može i očekivanja do kud može i dalje po krivom u najgorem slučaju prije novog smaka svita?
jer ako ne griješim i ako padne dogovor kina ameri ima tu još prostora za “u krivo”?
kolega kukuriku@ je u prosincu(možda siječnju) napisao da očekuje 30.000 a neki od nas su se složili.

držim da je smak svita izgledan u nekoj budućnosti,bilo bi mudro razmotriti uplatu na kladionici?

ne pozivam na kupnju-prodaju,očekujem da me netko svojim razmišljanjima i argumentima potakne na novo razmišljanje.isprike na dužini posta,tipfelerima...

Sve po planu i programu.
Prekrasan zavrsetak tjedna.
To be continued.


Sve po planu i programu.
Prekrasan zavrsetak tjedna.
To be continued.


ali ne samo preko bare već i kod nas reklo bi se bijeli miševi da je prvi cash-r-a prelomio.
mirovinci su ljuti jer im se ni nakon 10 g neda prilika da se ukrcaju pa iz protesta na rast apstiniraju?
e lako je sa tuđim…
parama(mirovinama ) se razbacivati a da je njihovo lova?
a možda tko zna,nebi bilo prvi put?
ako sad gledamo prinose na štednji i rec date na ht u 2018 i visinu prinosa anualizirano?
ima nešto nezdravo u financ pismenosti ovog naroda?
naravno samo večine tog naroda jer ima tu vrlo fin pismenih a u zadnje vrijeme i sve više onih koji su prelomili.
između1 i 6% je 500% veći prinos?
možda da je izraženo po kladioničarki u koeficjentima bi ovaj narod lakše razumio?
s obzirom namlrd-e koje se svake godine ostavljaju u kladionici?
a tko zna možda baš danas neki hrvat ili hrvatica se primi knjige i pokuša unaprijediti vl financ pismenost jer večeras nema istanbulske nevjeste?
iako nismo baš kao narod na glasu kao prenagli za primiti s bilo kakve knjige ali …
da rezimiram ovaj tjedan je bio dobar tjedan i ostaje se nadati da će se vijest kako je 1% ipak manje od 6% proširiti…
iako ima nemalo znakova da to nije leglo foteljašima ili čekaju vanjske izračune za fundamente i ostalo a poštar zalutao baš kao i zadnjih 10g?
vrijeme sve rješava i evoluciju i daje odgovore na sva pitanja samo treba pustiti tika taku da radi svoj posao i budimo realni to stvarno nije neka nauka,mudrost,napor čak je i neizbježno pa…
neka zakoni prirode rade svoj posao a ako netko hoće po vl izboru ok ako neće opet ok.
kakogod okreneš WIN ili win, u prijevodu meni skrinja sa blagom veća ili skrinja sa blagom manja

ne pozivam na kupnju-prodaju,očekujem da me netko svojim razmišljanjima i argumentima potakne na novo razmišljanje.isprike na dužini posta,tipfelerima...

Trump says US will discuss dropping charges against Chinese tech giant Huawei in coming weeks
US President Donald Trump said discussions on dropping criminal charges against Chinese telecom giant Huawei will be held in the coming weeks, after the two sides agreed to extend their trade negotiations in Washington for two more days.

The Latest: Maduro breaks diplomatic relations with Colombia


Ovaj izbjeglu US konzul u venezueli ko skeč comedycentral

Trump: US to delay China tariffs increase
“I am pleased to report that the U.S. has made substantial progress in our trade talks with China on important structural issues including intellectual property protection, technology transfer, agriculture, services, currency, and many other issues. As a result of these very productive talks, I will be delaying the U.S. increase in tariffs now scheduled for March 1. Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement. A very good weekend for U.S. & China!” Trump tweeted.

New Report
