US-China trade talks resume next week, focus on intellectual property
The White House announced a timeframe for the Beijing talks in a statement. It said lower-level officials will kick off the meetings on Monday, led on the American side by Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish. Higher principal-level talks will take place Thursday and Friday with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
“We are hearing the list of issues the two presidents will ultimately have to make decisions on is being narrowed, so that’s an indication that things are being addressed. But we’re also hearing that there’s a lot of work to be done,” said Erin Ennis, senior vice president of the US-China Business Council, who says she has spoken with officials in both the United States and China. “I don’t think either side is expecting a draft of something next week.”–focus-on-intellectual-property-11227188
US-China trade talks resume next week, focus on intellectual property
The White House announced a timeframe for the Beijing talks in a statement. It said lower-level officials will kick off the meetings on Monday, led on the American side by Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish. Higher principal-level talks will take place Thursday and Friday with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
"We are hearing the list of issues the two presidents will ultimately have to make decisions on is being narrowed, so that's an indication that things are being addressed. But we're also hearing that there's a lot of work to be done," said Erin Ennis, senior vice president of the US-China Business Council, who says she has spoken with officials in both the United States and China. "I don’t think either side is expecting a draft of something next week."–focus-on-intellectual-property-11227188
Bojim se da Kina nece prihvatiti placanje patenata i drzati se zakona o intelektualnom vlasnistvu.Tu bi pregovori mogli propasti,po meni!
Američki dionički indeksi pali drugi uzastopni dan // Snažna korekcija europskih dioničkih indeksa // Pad europskih i američkih obvezničkih prinosa // Europska komisija revidirala očekivani rast eurozone s 1,9% na 1,3% u 2019. // Pad cijene nafte
US i Kina će se dogovoriti, ali će biti napeto do kraja i pritisak će između ostalog doći i sa tržišta kapitala, što znači da će burza idućih dva-tri tjedna padati, burza će poslati snažan signal šta će biti ako ne bude dogovora, to je i do sada djelovalo
Bond Yields, Equities And Oil Are Set To Fall Near Term, But The ‘Great Correction’ Is Over: Part 2 $USO, $OIL, $UWT, $UCO, $DWT, $SCO, $BNO, $DBO, $DTO, $USL,
Američki dionički indeksi pali drugi uzastopni dan // Snažna korekcija europskih dioničkih indeksa // Pad europskih i američkih obvezničkih prinosa // Europska komisija revidirala očekivani rast eurozone s 1,9% na 1,3% u 2019. // Pad cijene nafte
Signali za što? Da nakon toga mora rasti? Ili da će i dalje padati prema nuli?
Trump advisors plan Mar-a-Lago meeting with Xi – report
Chinese stocks jump on trade optimism
White House adviser: Trump, Xi meeting still possible: Fox News
U.S. President Trump may still meet with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in the near future, White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway said on Monday, striking a positive note about the possibility of a U.S.-China a trade deal.
“It’s possible … He wants to meet with President Xi very soon,” Conway told Fox News in an interview. Asked if the two countries were getting close to a trade agreement, she said: “It looks that way, absolutely.”
Toliko o recesiji i padu burzi
Ma koja recesija. Od 2012. je najavljuju.
Ma koja recesija. Od 2012. je najavljuju.
Recesija će doći kada je najmanje budemo očekivali i nitko je sa
sigurnošću ne može predvidjeti jer ima previše faktora koji utječu
na to. Mi smo u recesiji u glavama već cijelo desetljeće, pa kada
ona prava recesija za par godina i dođe, ovi što je deset i više
godina navještaju će slavodobitno potvrditi da su cijelo vrijeme
bili u pravu :-)))
DOW je narastao skoro 20% od Badnjaka i dalje raste, toliko o recesiji!!^DJI
Samo danas:
S&P 500
Dow 30
+129.43 (+1.18%)
Donald Trump says he might let March 1 deadline for new China tariffs ‘slide’ if deal is near