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China, US to proceed with trade talks according to specific schedules
The economic teams of China and the US will actively proceed with trade negotiations according to specific schedules and roadmaps, a spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Commerce said Wednesday.
China has confidence in executing the negotiations, the spokesperson said. He also mentioned that China will start with issues on which it has always reached consensus with the US as soon as possible.
futuresi naravno u plusu… nema ništa, dapače dobro je da su se ameri malo smirili konačno, čak bi bilo vrlo dobro da se vrate na nekih 18-19000…
hrvatska ima svoju burzu kojoj nitko ne može ništ jer mi delamo po svom ak treba i agrokor isključimo sa tržišta i registriramo ga vani da nam ne smeta.
Evo razloga jučerašnje rasprodaje, kompjuteri, gdje su oni od nas koji ručno sve unosimo:
“Algorithms programmed to sell securities on the same triggers were behind the massive decline, he says.”
China is said to be resuming imports of US liquefied gas and soybeans amid trade war truce
Chinese officials have begun preparing to restart imports of US soybeans and liquefied natural gas, the first sign confirming the claims of President Donald Trump and the White House that China had agreed to start buying some US products “immediately”.
Chinese officials have been told to take necessary steps for the purchases, according to two officials with knowledge of the discussions. It wasn’t clear whether the preparations meant China would cut the retaliatory tariffs it imposed on those products, or when the purchases would happen.
It is possible that Beijing could reimburse buyers for the tariffs they pay, as they have done for purchases for the state soybean reserve.
Trump: I believe Xi meant every word on trade deal
Trump tweeted: “Very strong signals being sent by China once they returned home from their long trip, including stops, from Argentina. Not to sound naive or anything, but I believe President Xi meant every word of what he said at our long and hopefully historic meeting. ALL subjects discussed!”
China confident trade deal with US to come within 90 days
The ministry’s spokesperson Gao Feng noted that Beijing is confident a trade agreement with the United States will be reached during the 90-day period during which Trump and Xi vowed to refrain from imposing new protective measures and to focus on negotiations instead. “The ultimate joint goal is to remove all new tariffs,” Gao added. He stressed Beijing and Washington already reached a consensus on agriculture, energy and cars and stated these agreements will be “immediately implemented.”
Ovo što se danas desilo preko bare (SPX od 2621 – 2695 ; Dow od 24242 – 24947; Nasdaq od 6984 – 7188), a daleko od toga da je rijetka pojava, je bas ona prava čar trgovanja.
E, tako nesto je kod nas jos bilo moguce tamo cca 2008 / 2009, dok je jos bilo para i vjere u market.
Danas, za takvo što, postoji jako jako mala šansa da se ikad više ponovi.
Upravo zato će to biti i ostati burekdzijska burza, jer se nitko više ne usudi ulupati postene pare (koje sjede na računima) premda zna da teoretski postoji šansa da se lova itekako okrene……ali nema momentuma, koji u suradnji s fondovima, moze pokrenuti desetine malo jačih igrača. A nekad ih je bilo i puno više od toga……
Iznimno je postalo tesko, profitabilno trgovati na svjetskim burzama zadnjih dana i mjeseci.Svaki rast cijene ili indexa danas,pretvori se u jos veci pad u narednih nekoliko dana.S/L -ovi se stalno aktiviraju i ogranicavaju gubitak,ali i s njima gubite 2-5%.
Ja cu polako izaci iz gotovo svih pozicija u dionicama ,osim mozda nekih REIT-ova i razmotriti ulaganje u obveznice i neke valute.
Trump agrees US, China will reach deal in 90 days
United States President Donald Trump agreed with the statement made by China’s Commerce Ministry that the two world’s biggest economies will reach an agreement on trade in the next 90 days.
“Statement from China: ‘The teams of both sides are now having smooth communications and good cooperation with each other. We are full of confidence that an agreement can be reached within the next 90 days.’ I agree,” the president tweeted.
Ne treba nam ponavljanje 2008 i perioda prije toga. To je preopasno.
Ono što bi ovdje trebalo je da se uvede čvrsta prva kotacija s desetak stvarno dobrih i transparentnih dionica koje su isplatile divku u barem 7 od zadnjih 10 godina i to bi bilo to, kao neki magnet za štednju jednog dijela ljudi jednog dijela imovine.
Ostalo spustiti u neki MTP i napisati “ulaz na vlastiti rizik, jako veliki rizik”.
Kad bi se onda temeljem toga Crobi nagurao na 2300-2500 puna šaka brade.
Sad imate u Crobex-u recimo Adris i Ingru. Alooo???
Ono što je bitno da se ne miješaju na istoj gledalici burek i jastog.