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Consumer Sentiment at Lowest Level in More Than a Year
Published: Friday, 17 Sep 2010 | 10:03 AM ET Text Size By: ReutersDiggBuzz FacebookTwitter More Share
U.S. consumer sentiment unexpectedly worsened in early September to its weakest level in more than a year, as distress over jobs and finances intensified among upper-income families, a survey released on Friday showed.
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Consumer sentiment hit its lowest levels of the year, according to a private report released Friday.
The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan’s preliminary September reading on the overall index on consumer sentiment came in at 66.6, down from 68.9 in August.
"Confidence edged downward in early September, as consumers judged prospects for the national economy less favorably
Mislim da je nafta OUT – plin IN!
The LNG Market: New World Order
EVERGREEN, Colo.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–According to a new report from BENTEK Energy, LLC, the world natural gas market has entered a period of dramatic change – in large part triggered by U.S. market dynamics. The LNG Market: New World Order, examines the impact of the U.S. shale revolution on LNG markets, demonstrates the displacement of crude-indexed pipeline supplies in Europe by lower priced LNG imports, assesses the role of floating storage and regasification unit technology (FSRUs) in the development of new LNG markets in South America, the Middle East and Asia, and forecasts the impact of these shifts in supply/demand on global prices.
BENTEK’s report examines the LNG market from the perspective of capacity utilization and flow dynamics, and based on this analysis projects that the global oversupply will dissipate by 2013 resulting in a balanced world market. That balance could shift to a shortfall of up to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2014, taking into account a number of new regasification projects planned for construction over the next four to five years. Detailed information on these projects is provided in the report.
BENTEK’s Market Alert titled The LNG Market: New World Order examines the major shift in U.S. market conditions and resulting global LNG market changes. This report represents the first examination of the world LNG balance based on capacity utilization. As the second of five Market Alerts to complement BENTEK’s Forward Curve Suite™, it also provides extensive details on the direction markets are headed in the next five years. In addition, it provides a broad overview of current global LNG supply and demand conditions, including a detailed look at the regasification and liquefaction capacity additions that have taken place over the past few years in anticipation of robust U.S. LNG demand. The report ends with a list of the LNG regasification and liquefaction projects BENTEK expects will be built and a forecast of U.S. LNG sendout. For more information, log on to http://www.bentekenergy.com or call 1-888-251-1264.
S LNG terminalom u HR puno toga bi se riješilo i u jednom dugoročnom scenariju od 30-50 godina!
11 employees suspended at high-frequency trader
Dow Jones Newswires
14 Sep 2010
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority said it had censured and fined Trillium Brokerage Services $1m (€0.8m) and fined and suspended 11 of its employees in connection with using an "illicit high-frequency trading strategy and related supervisory failures" to gain an advantage.
Kina ponovno povećala kupnju američkih državnih obveznica
To bi se trebalo pozitivno odraziti na US burzi,a pošto njih prati i EU možda se i kod nas pokrene u pozitivnom smjeru.
Tajni klub multimilionera
AGENCIJE – 17.09.2010 21:10
NJUJORK – Već 25 godina investicioni guru Bajron Vijen, koji trenutno djeluje u "Blackstone" grupi, održava ljetne sastanke s nekim od najvećih igrača na Wall Streetu i s njima dijeli svoje poglede na ulagačke prilike.
Sastanci 50 odabranih, među kojima nema nikoga bez barem 10 miliona dolara uloženih na tržištu, a ima i najmanje 10 milijardera, održavaju se u Hemptonsima na Long Ajlendu, gdje mnogi od njih provode ljetni odmor.
Ove godine, nakon dva sastanka koje Vijen naziva benčmark ručak, opšte raspoloženje je tmurno i pesimistično, a krivac za besperspektivnost svih mogućih vrsta ulaganja je administracija Baraka Obame.
Zaključak Vijenove grupe je da tržište na duži rok čeka spor oporavak, a opasnost od nove recesije na kratki rok je vrlo realna. Obama se doživljava kao neprijatelj biznisa, što obeshrabruje nove investicije i zapošljavanje novih ljudi.
Najviše ga krive za reformu zdravstvenog sektora zbog nepredvidivih troškova osiguranja te nesigurnosti u vezi s porezima u budućnosti.
Vien ni ove godine ne želi da otkrije ime nijednog od ulagača koji su prisustvovali sastancima, ali zna se da su posljednjih godina na klubu milionera bili neki od najvećih igrača na tržištu poput Džordža Soroša, Džulijena Robertsona i Džejmsa Čanosa.
Ulagači milioneri smatraju da su dugoročno najveće prepreke ulaganju prezaduženost, neobrazovanost radne snage za poslove budućnosti te preveliki troškovi rada. Zbog toga niko ne vjeruje ni u akcijsko tržište ni u mogućnost da indeks S&P dostigne 1.200 bodova iduće godine.
U klimi nepovjerenja u tržište milioneri se okreću nekim manje konzervativnim ulaganjima. Kupuju se prazne poslovne zgrade, farme i traže se ulagačke prilike u Africi.
Milijarderi u klubu ionako ne ulažu u tipične ulagačke instrumente poput fondova ili akcija. Oni svoja ulaganja više koncentrišu i strateški ih razmještaju u razne sektore poput komercijalnih nekretnina.
Iako Vienov klub nije nepogrešiv, pa tako 2007. kada je bio prisutan Soroš, samo su on i još jedan ulagač očekivali recesiju i krah berze, ovaj put negativno raspoloženje je bilo jednoglasno, može se iščitati iz bilješki sa sastanka koje je objavio Vein.
Jedan od sastanaka završio je u 15.45, ali nijedan od prisutnih nije pokazao ni najmanje volje da iskoristi vrijeme preostalo do zatvaranja berze kako bi dao nalog za kupovinu, tvrdi Vien.