Smola, ne paničarit, ne može biti uvijek po tvom i padat. [smiley]
Dolar raste, zlato raste, nafta raste, dionice rastu. Jedino padaju sve dosad poznate ekonomske teorije.
Delinquencies, Foreclosure Starts Fall in Latest MBA National Delinquency Survey
Beginning of the End?
“We are likely seeing the beginning of the end of the unprecedented wave of mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures that started with the subprime defaults in early 2007, continued with the meltdown of the California and Florida housing markets due to overbuilding and the weak loan underwriting that supported that overbuilding, and culminated with a recession that saw 8.5 million people lose their jobs,” said Jay Brinkmann, MBA’s chief economist.
“The continued and sizable drop in the 30-day delinquency rate is a concrete sign that the end may be in sight. We normally see a large spike in short-term mortgage delinquencies at the end of the year due to heating bills, Christmas expenditures and other seasonal factors. Not only did we not see that spike but the 30-day delinquencies actually fell by 16 basis points from 3.79 percent to 3.63 percent. Only three times before in the history of the MBA survey has the non-seasonally adjusted 30-day delinquency rate dropped between the third and fourth quarter and never by this magnitude. If the normal seasonal patterns hold for the first quarter, we should see an even steeper drop in the end of March data.
“This drop is important because 30-day delinquencies have historically been a leading indicator of serious delinquencies and foreclosures. With fewer new loans going bad, the pool of seriously delinquent loans and foreclosures will eventually begin to shrink once the rate at which these problems are resolved exceeds the rate at which new problems come in. It also gives us growing confidence that the size of the problem now is about as bad as it will get.
FED čekao i dočekao!
Dolar raste, zlato raste, nafta raste, dionice rastu. Jedino padaju sve dosad poznate ekonomske teorije.
dolar pada na svim parovima cijeli dan.
Dolar raste, zlato raste, nafta raste, dionice rastu. Jedino padaju sve dosad poznate ekonomske teorije.
realno gospodarstvo nemože istrpit ovakvu cijenu sirovina…..a vi se sad pitajte
čemu to vodi, gdje su ta radna mjesta i plaće da konzumiraju takve cijene………
bankarska pumpa ……………….možda na valute nove nule pa bu penezov…..
Dolar raste, zlato raste, nafta raste, dionice rastu. Jedino padaju sve dosad poznate ekonomske teorije.
dolar pada na svim parovima cijeli dan.
Porastao s 1,38 na 1,34 i sada se korigirao na oko 1,355 – teško da će preko 1,36 a ako i bude to će biti na kratko. Smjer dolara je UP:
Tržište nekretnina u USA je zacijelilo – oporavak i jačanje dolara na vidiku!
Eto sad opet veliki oporavak, nakon što su otresli drhtavce.
To bi bilo sve od "W" (osim ak ih stanje u RH uskoro ne stilta do kraja) [lol] [lol]
ha ništa zatvorio short, ajmo sad long pumpat naftu na 120, zlato na 1400,
bakar na 4,0 …….. dolar na ? e to neznam jer treba i eur napumpat, znači bumo
naštampali nule…………di smo stali, metali up…. dobro žitarice sad ne jer još treba
od seljaka pokupit pa onda na brodove i lupat up…….posla bumo naštampali ? uh sorry
nejde to bumo samo podatke šibali………..i to je to "idemo dalje"….hahahhaha………
cvatu ruže………..
zaboravio dodat s&p ide na 1400 onda je moj pik coca-cola …..ha defenzivna je
manje rizika sad je 55….. ath na balonu je bio 63 znači sad ide na cca 75 novi ath……..
nije loše poluga 50 mali rizik …………idemo dalje…..haahahhaaaaaaaha
NIsam primjetio da je netko komentirao:
ZEW Indeks očekivanja ulagača i analitičara za istočnu Europu za sljedećih šest mjeseci u veljači je pao na 20.5 bodova. Još u siječnju ZEW za istočnu Europu bio je 59,1!!
Nekako je nezapaženo prošlo, a nije baš ne zanimljivo!