Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

jedna dosta zanimljiva stvar .. razlog zašto do sad u USA nije došlo do inflacije

"Because of the easy and cheap lending to the banks, the latter piled up tremendous amounts of excess reserves at the Fed, reaching more than $700 billion. Normally, banks would quickly lend these non-interest paying excess reserves to the economy. But, in October 2008, the Fed got imaginative and obtained the authority to pay interest on the banks’ reserves, including excess reserves, at a risk-free rate (the IOER rate). Since then, the banks have been earning interest on their excess reserve holdings, and therefore had little inclination to lend those reserves out to creditworthy but nevertheless risky borrowers in the rest of the economy. With this practice, the circle has been closed, and the Fed was able to provide needed funds to the banks, at close to zero cost, and enable them to rid themselves of their bad investments, without risking creating inflation"

Pitanje je koliko dugo će taj novac stajati kod FED-a i gdje će završiti

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

jedna dosta zanimljiva stvar .. razlog zašto do sad u USA nije došlo do inflacije

"Because of the easy and cheap lending to the banks, the latter piled up tremendous amounts of excess reserves at the Fed, reaching more than $700 billion. Normally, banks would quickly lend these non-interest paying excess reserves to the economy. But, in October 2008, the Fed got imaginative and obtained the authority to pay interest on the banks’ reserves, including excess reserves, at a risk-free rate (the IOER rate). Since then, the banks have been earning interest on their excess reserve holdings, and therefore had little inclination to lend those reserves out to creditworthy but nevertheless risky borrowers in the rest of the economy. With this practice, the circle has been closed, and the Fed was able to provide needed funds to the banks, at close to zero cost, and enable them to rid themselves of their bad investments, without risking creating inflation"

Pitanje je koliko dugo će taj novac stajati kod FED-a i gdje će završiti

Priče za malu djecu. Novac je davnih dana otišao preko bare i obavljen je shoping dok je sve bilo džabalesku i sada je već uduplan. Hebiga, kad si jedino oni mogu priuštiti da naštancaju zelembaća u neograničenim količinama, a svi ostali vjeruju u teorije kako novac treba imati pokriće.

jedna dosta zanimljiva stvar .. razlog zašto do sad u USA nije došlo do inflacije

"Because of the easy and cheap lending to the banks, the latter piled up tremendous amounts of excess reserves at the Fed, reaching more than $700 billion. Normally, banks would quickly lend these non-interest paying excess reserves to the economy. But, in October 2008, the Fed got imaginative and obtained the authority to pay interest on the banks’ reserves, including excess reserves, at a risk-free rate (the IOER rate). Since then, the banks have been earning interest on their excess reserve holdings, and therefore had little inclination to lend those reserves out to creditworthy but nevertheless risky borrowers in the rest of the economy. With this practice, the circle has been closed, and the Fed was able to provide needed funds to the banks, at close to zero cost, and enable them to rid themselves of their bad investments, without risking creating inflation"

Pitanje je koliko dugo će taj novac stajati kod FED-a i gdje će završiti

Priče za malu djecu. Novac je davnih dana otišao preko bare i obavljen je shoping dok je sve bilo džabalesku i sada je već uduplan. Hebiga, kad si jedino oni mogu priuštiti da naštancaju zelembaća u neograničenim količinama, a svi ostali vjeruju u teorije kako novac treba imati pokriće.

Odličan odgovor. Iako mislim da shopping još nije obavljen. Al arapi i azijati bi mogli postat jako agresivni kad shvate da su im džepovi puni bezvrijednih zelenih papira.

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

jedna dosta zanimljiva stvar .. razlog zašto do sad u USA nije došlo do inflacije

"Because of the easy and cheap lending to the banks, the latter piled up tremendous amounts of excess reserves at the Fed, reaching more than $700 billion. Normally, banks would quickly lend these non-interest paying excess reserves to the economy. But, in October 2008, the Fed got imaginative and obtained the authority to pay interest on the banks’ reserves, including excess reserves, at a risk-free rate (the IOER rate). Since then, the banks have been earning interest on their excess reserve holdings, and therefore had little inclination to lend those reserves out to creditworthy but nevertheless risky borrowers in the rest of the economy. With this practice, the circle has been closed, and the Fed was able to provide needed funds to the banks, at close to zero cost, and enable them to rid themselves of their bad investments, without risking creating inflation"

Jedno od riješenja kako navesti banke da dignu novac na koji su sjele i krenu davat kredite je uvođenje negativnih kamatnih stopa na taj novac kod CD. Šveđani su izabrali taj model. Trenutno je stopa minus 0,25%

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

Ništa neočekivano, danas su malo kapitalizirali brodari i poneka banka:
DAC 4:02pm ET 5.07 0.44 -7.99% 1,005,774
DRYS 4:00pm ET 6.95 0.29 -4.01% 24,179,736
DSX 4:00pm ET 13.11 0.92 -6.56% 2,320,049
EGLE 4:00pm ET 5.48 0.12 -2.14% 2,223,682
ESEA 4:00pm ET 4.68 0.08 -1.68% 127,485
EXM 4:04pm ET 6.97 0.32 -4.39% 1,782,012
GNK 4:01pm ET 20.90 0.94 -4.30% 1,478,680

A šta su to na brodarima kapitalizirali baš me zanima? [shocked]
Ili misliš kapitulirali?


S&P 500 "muči" ovih 1070 ako ste primijetili. To je trenutno granica koju ne prolazi. Ukoliko se probije taj psihološki otpor, a ja vjerujem da hoće, tada će se svi navedeni targeti na našoj burzi se ostvariti. Pratimo to u tišini!!!

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Sreća da je jučer bila mala kapitalizacija dobiti, sada su futuresi bar u zelenom. Jučer je prošlost. Živimo danas!

Zaboravio sam napisati da su se samo ravnali po nama.

Ništa neočekivano, danas su malo kapitalizirali brodari i poneka banka:
DAC 4:02pm ET 5.07 0.44 -7.99% 1,005,774
DRYS 4:00pm ET 6.95 0.29 -4.01% 24,179,736
DSX 4:00pm ET 13.11 0.92 -6.56% 2,320,049
EGLE 4:00pm ET 5.48 0.12 -2.14% 2,223,682
ESEA 4:00pm ET 4.68 0.08 -1.68% 127,485
EXM 4:04pm ET 6.97 0.32 -4.39% 1,782,012
GNK 4:01pm ET 20.90 0.94 -4.30% 1,478,680

A šta su to na brodarima kapitalizirali baš me zanima? [shocked]
Ili misliš kapitulirali?

Ne tako davno DRYS i DAC su bili ispod 3$ (2,72) [wink]


Fino su futuresi pozelenili, sad će i Evropski.

Sad vidim da sam loše ocijenjen, nisam to nikad gledao. A tko mi daje ocjene? trejderi..hahhahaah..oni su jako …ne mogu se sjetiti izraza za to. Mi dugoročni ni ne dajemo ocjene nikada nikome, barem sudim po sebi.

Fino su futuresi pozelenili, sad će i Evropski.

Dax na otvaranju zaronio muški… trenutno oko 5629 (-1,29%), izgleda moraju nadoknaditi pad Amera…, no futuresi i ne stoje tako loše…nećkaju se prema plusu do -0,20%

Daj Bože da danas pratimo Japance…

New Report
