Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

A kako bi kineski indeks mogao podivljati…mislim tak je relevantan [thumbsup]

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

bila mi je jedna topla zima


Dajte molim vas, to što ona obeća, isto je ko da obeća Jaca.
Jedino što je ona pravi komad a Jaca stara olupina.

evo jedan podatak koji može ali i ne mora ništa znacit:

Insiders Rush for Exit

The recent rally has presented many investors with the opportunity to reallocate their portfolios. Insiders have jumped at the opportunity.
TrimTabs research has found that insiders unloaded $6.1 billion worth of stock in August. That’s the highest rate of insider selling in 16 months.

More importantly, insiders haven’t been buying much either. Trimbabs also found the ratio of insider selling relative to insider buying has surged to 30-to-1. That’s the highest the ratio has hit in five years.

[b]"Lakoća kojom određena mišljenja postaju opća, proizlazi iz nesposobnosti većine ljudi da stvore vlastito mišljenje osnovano na vlastitom razmišljanju"[/b]

S obzirom na rast cijene zlata otvara se dodatni prostor za rast Dow indexa.
11.000 ne bi trebao biti problem ako se cijena zlata održi na ovim razinama.



S obzirom na rast cijene zlata otvara se dodatni prostor za rast Dow indexa.
11.000 ne bi trebao biti problem ako se cijena zlata održi na ovim razinama.

mozes li to (ukratko) obrazloziti?

Ne dajte zlovencima more jer ode u 3pm: terminal, plinovod, petrokemija, janaf, polimeri, brodogradnja, poljoprivreda itd itd

CAC 40/3569.28/15.77/+0.44%


S obzirom na rast cijene zlata otvara se dodatni prostor za rast Dow indexa.
11.000 ne bi trebao biti problem ako se cijena zlata održi na ovim razinama.

mozes li to (ukratko) obrazloziti?

80-godišnji prosjek je cca 12. Po tom ispada da je DOW u ovom trenutku potcjenjen.
No naravno to ovisi o nizu faktora.

Evo nečeg vrlo zanimljivog. Cijela ova kriza i recesija je nastala nakon defaulta subprime kreditnog tržišta. A ovo bi moglo biti puno gore.

Mortgage Defaults Shifting to Prime Borrowers: Report

By: Robin Knight
Assistant Web Producer

America’s most credit-worthy borrowers are defaulting on their loans faster than those with poor financial records, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The rate of mortgage delinquency among prime borrowers is accelerating and could mean that banks will soon be suffering more losses from the usually safe customers than from their less-reliable ones, the report said.

The number of subprime borrowers falling down on their mortgage repayments reached 25 percent in the first quarter, but has now leveled off, with only slight increases in the second quarter, the Journal said.

Prime loans make up 80 percent of US banks’ exposure to mortgages and credit cards, and so could quickly overtake subprime borrowers in causing the biggest financial headache as the recession bites, the report added.

"The subprime pain is in the rearview mirror," Sanjiv Das, head of Citigroup’s mortgage business, told the Journal.

Many of the customers with high credit scores have lost their jobs and are struggling to keep up with payments while the jobs market remains extremely weak, the report said.

The total mortgage-delinquency rate, where borrowers were late for at least one payment, rose to a record high of 9.24 percent in the second quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

The prime borrowers showed an increase of 5.8 percent in the quarter, compared to a 1.8 percent rise for subprime customers, the report said. However, the overall rate for delinquency still remains significantly lower for prime borrowers at 6.4 percent, compared to 24.4 percent for subprime borrowers, the Journal said.

"We view this as a change in the nature of the problem. These borrowers were underwritten conservatively, and they were able to manage their payments for some period of time," Michael Fratantoni, vice president of single-family home research for the Mortgage Bankers Association, told the Wall Street Journal.

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Kako stvari stoje sa fjučersima?
Blokira mi nešto mozila…

who dares, wins

Kako stvari stoje sa fjučersima?
Blokira mi nešto mozila…

ESU09.CME E-Mini S&P 500 Sep 09 1,006.50 8:03am ET Up 4.75 (0.47%) Chart
YMU09.CBT Mini Dow Jones Indus.-$5 Sep 09 9,367.00 8:03am ET Up 37.00 (0.40%) Chart
NQU09.CME Nasdaq 100 Sep 09 1,613.00 8:03am ET Up 9.00 (0.56%) Chart
SPU09.CME S&P 500 Sep 09 1,006.70 8:01am ET Up 5.00 (0.50%) Chart

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Kako stvari stoje sa fjučersima?
Blokira mi nešto mozila…

vrte se oko 0.50%

[i]Sve što pišem to je samo moje osobno mišljenje i nije nagovor na k/p.[/i]

New Report
