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Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

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Futuresi su zeleni, a zeleno će vjerojatno otvoriti i EU

Nisam znao da se na neradne dane trguje futuresima.
Ali stvarno se na grafu vidi da su to današnje transakcije. Svašta…

Više me zanima gdje će nafta sljedeći tjedan.

uglavnom crveno


Dax ponovo u plusu. Minus je bio oko -0,70%.

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Vortag: 4.718,49

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Nije nama ni tako loše, u Ukrajini totalna katastrofa. Predviđali pad od 9%:

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A desilo se OVO:

Ukraine: Real GDP shrinks by 20.3% yoy in Q1

Ukraine’s economy, hard hit by the global financial crisis and collapse in demand for its exports, shrank by a record 20.3 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2009 (that is in comparison to the first quarter in 2008, in real terms), the State Statistics Committee said on Tuesday, 30 June.The quarterly gross domestic product figure was the first to be issued this year after the Committee said it would no longer publish monthly data. In the first quarter of last year, the economy grew 6.3 percent year-on-year. The figure’s release coincided with the arrival in Ukraine of the chief of an International Monetary Fund mission considering the release of a third tranche in a USD 16.4 billion loan programme.

Of the expenditure components the most severely hit was investment: gross fixed capital formation decreased by 48.7% yoy. Simultaneously, domestic consumer demand proved more stable – falling only by 11.6% yoy. Government expenditures slightly rose by 1.8% yoy in comparison to last year’s first quarter. Real exports of goods and services contracted by 15.9%, while import volumes of goods and services shrank by impressive 35.6% yoy.

In the sector view of GDP growth, only agriculture demonstrates a positive growth rate of 1.3% yoy. This can be mainly explained by good harvest results of the previous year. A relatively good performance displayed also the service sector (education, health, financial services). Due to the sharp slump in imports and investments, trade and transport were more severely affected – falling by 18% yoy and 14.4% yoy accordingly. Finally, manufacturing and the construction sector showed the deepest drop in comparison to Q1 2008 – manufacturing plummeted by 36.5% in real terms (due to the sharp decline in export demand for Ukrainian products), while construction activity was reduced by 54.1% (thanks to the reduction in capital investment and the overheating of the real estate market before the crisis).

Nije nama ni tako loše, u Ukrajini totalna katastrofa. Predviđali pad od 9%:

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A desilo se OVO:

Ukraine: Real GDP shrinks by 20.3% yoy in Q1

Ukraine’s economy, hard hit by the global financial crisis and collapse in demand for its exports, shrank by a record 20.3 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2009 (that is in comparison to the first quarter in 2008, in real terms), the State Statistics Committee said on Tuesday, 30 June.The quarterly gross domestic product figure was the first to be issued this year after the Committee said it would no longer publish monthly data. In the first quarter of last year, the economy grew 6.3 percent year-on-year. The figure’s release coincided with the arrival in Ukraine of the chief of an International Monetary Fund mission considering the release of a third tranche in a USD 16.4 billion loan programme.

Of the expenditure components the most severely hit was investment: gross fixed capital formation decreased by 48.7% yoy. Simultaneously, domestic consumer demand proved more stable – falling only by 11.6% yoy. Government expenditures slightly rose by 1.8% yoy in comparison to last year’s first quarter. Real exports of goods and services contracted by 15.9%, while import volumes of goods and services shrank by impressive 35.6% yoy.

In the sector view of GDP growth, only agriculture demonstrates a positive growth rate of 1.3% yoy. This can be mainly explained by good harvest results of the previous year. A relatively good performance displayed also the service sector (education, health, financial services). Due to the sharp slump in imports and investments, trade and transport were more severely affected – falling by 18% yoy and 14.4% yoy accordingly. Finally, manufacturing and the construction sector showed the deepest drop in comparison to Q1 2008 – manufacturing plummeted by 36.5% in real terms (due to the sharp decline in export demand for Ukrainian products), while construction activity was reduced by 54.1% (thanks to the reduction in capital investment and the overheating of the real estate market before the crisis).

Sad treba otvoriti bordel i uvesti Ukrajinke po diskontnim cijenama [lol]

Gdje nam je naš lokalni governor? Onaj kalifornijski je u problemima pa mu treba pomoći… [lol]

California government declares fiscal emergency over budget
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Robert Zoellick: Sve je još neizvjesno, oporavak neće biti brz


Nikada ni nije bilo izvjesno. Život je uvijek neizvjesan.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Nakon uzleta u protekla dva mjeseca, karte se ponovo mjesšaju i sada dominiraju loše vijesti (iste te vijesti su prije mjesec dana bile dobre stvar je samo interpretacije). Nakon odličnog rasta nafte, sirovina, ruda, BDI-indexa, dioničkih tržišta sada sve pada i jača dolar, sve je to viđeno puno puta. Za mjesec dana kada se na niskim razinama nakrcaju veliki igrači na robnim i dioničkim burzama, kreniti će ponovo hrpa lijepih vijesti o brzom oporavku globalnog gospodarstva, sve će to biti argumentirano objavama poslovnih rezutlata za 2Q (koji će biti bolji od onih u 1Q, jer gori ne mogu biti) i tržišta će oživjeti, dolar oslabiti i ulagači će ga ponovo investirati na burze robne i dionički, naravno i mi ćemo za njima na čelu s Jacom ili nekim drugim to uopće nije bitno.




Kolega vodavoda sve to režira neki novi Bernard Madoff, nakon snažnog rasta u proljeće dionice će sada par tjedana roniti, podaci će biti katastrofični, a onda odjednom će vijesti o boljim rezultatima 2Q ponovo potaknuti rast cijena i krenit će priće o brzom oporavku globalnog gospodarstva.

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