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ECB strahuje od nove krize u 2010.

Čudno je da gospoda iz G8 nema pojma o toj krizi u 2010. pa se pripremaju na dokidanje izvanrednih mjera koje su poduzete u cilju stabilizacije financijskog sustava!

Statement of G8 Finance Ministers
Lecce, Italy, 13 June, 2009
We, the G8 Finance Ministers, remain focused on addressing the ongoing global economic and
financial crisis. We have taken forceful and coordinated action to stabilize the financial sector and
provide stimulus to restore economic growth. There are signs of stabilization in our economies,
including a recovery of stock markets, a decline in interest rate spreads, improved business and
consumer confidence, but the situation remains uncertain and significant risks remain to economic
and financial stability.
Even after output growth begins picking up, unemployment may continue to increase. Our countries
will continue to implement actions to reduce the impact of the crisis on employment and maximise
the potential for growth in jobs in the period of economic recovery, including by promoting targeted
active labor market policies, enhancing skills development, ensuring effective social protection
systems and enabling labour markets to respond to broader structural changes.
We must remain vigilant to ensure that consumer and investor confidence is fully restored and that
growth is underpinned by stable financial markets and strong fundamentals. We will continue
working with others in taking the necessary steps to put the global economy on a strong, stable and
sustainable growth path, including by continuing to provide macroeconomic stimulus consistent
with price stability and medium-term fiscal sustainability and restore lending. We reaffirm our
commitment to address liquidity and capital needs of banks, as necessary, and to take all necessary
actions to ensure the soundness of systemically important institutions.
We discussed the need to prepare appropriate strategies for unwinding the extraordinary policy
measures taken to respond to the crisis once the recovery is assured. These [/i]“exit strategies”, which
may vary from country to country, are essential to promote a sustainable recovery over the long
term. We asked the IMF to undertake the necessary analytical work to assist us with this process.

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moji postovi nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju..odraz su mojeg misljenja......

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To je samo dio komunikea a i to je preneseno od HINE koja daje Reutersovu informaciju.
Daleko bolje bi bilo da je npr Poslovni imao svoju ekipu pa da dobijemo info iz prve ruke.
Šteta da se ovakvim skupovima na kojima se određuje financijska arhitektura svijeta budućnosti ne daje nikakva važnost.
Možda to HR političare poslovnjake građane ne interesira?

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prevedeno… [thumbsup]

To je samo dio komunikea a i to je preneseno od HINE koja daje Reutersovu informaciju.
Daleko bolje bi bilo da je npr Poslovni imao svoju ekipu pa da dobijemo info iz prve ruke.
Šteta da se ovakvim skupovima na kojima se određuje financijska arhitektura svijeta budućnosti ne daje nikakva važnost.
Možda to HR političare poslovnjake građane ne interesira?
imas i na businessu isto,ali ne samo to i MMF je korigirao ocekivani rast u 2010 sa 1,8 na 2,4%…
bit ce onak kak je ekipa u grckoj zamislila tj ekopa koja je imala skup u atini,znas na koga mislim,zavrnes malo pipe bankama,ah da pa banke su u njihovim rukama,stvoris krizu lovu iz dionica prebacis u zlato stvoris atmosferu straha od depresije jadni mali ljudi u strahu da ostanu bez posla orocavaju ustedjevine i cuvaju novce,nakon dionica i zlata,puknu im malo inflacije ,mali opet na pocetku veliki veci nego ikad i to je to…sjecas se psihoze s pocetka godine…sad je puno bolja…cini se da su se u ateni odlucili kraj krize ovdje ne govorim o nama nego svijetu,nase banke takodje sad kopiraju malo njih,jacim zatvaranjem ventila bi moglo i doci do krize u realnom sektoru,ali se nadam da do tog i nece doci,jer vani su se odlucili na oporavak….

moji postovi nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju..odraz su mojeg misljenja......

Mislim da su prijetnje nekim lomovima na rubu pameti! Pa komu je cilj da se poslije tisuća milijardi uloženih u oporavak financijskog sustava dogodi neki novi slom?
ECB i EU Vlade će po naputku gosp. Timothy Geitnera obaviti Stress Test za najveće EU banke i ako on bude na razini kakva je u USA onda će se bez velikog rizika uspostaviti poslovanje između USA i EU banaka. To je onda po meni definitivan kraj krize. I početak pravog oporavka svih čimbenika poslovnog svijeta.

Mislim da su prijetnje nekim lomovima na rubu pameti! Pa komu je cilj da se poslije tisuća milijardi uloženih u oporavak financijskog sustava dogodi neki novi slom?

stvar je u tome da ne ide uvijek sve po planu… i najveći se nekada: zaje…

Osobno ne vjerujem u neke daljnje lomove u globalnom gospodarstvu, jedino čega se bojim predugotrajne stagflacije…

Lom je (i to možda vrlo gadan), što se nas tiče, još uvijek moguć u RH, ali i to se može izbjeći uz malo pameti i još više sreće.

1 kvartal 2009 Njemačka smanjenje izvoza spram istog razdoblja 2008, 29% ( čitaj dvadsetdevet posto )
Austrija smanjnje izvoza 26%
Najvjerojatnije je to najniža točka ili dno krize (recesije) barem se svi tome nadamo, ali sada je najbitnije krenuti gore (oporavak), jer na ovim razinama, neće biti dobro. Za realni sektor to znači otpuštanje (u razvijenim zemljama to će ako ne dođe do preokreta) biti na jesen. Za sada nema pozitivnih naznaka. A oporavak kreće kada metalna industrija krene. Čeličane ….. valjaonice, kovačnice itd. To je znak da su počele investicije, …. osobna potrošnja …..


June 14 (Bloomberg) — Reports on manufacturing and housing this week will probably offer evidence that the recession- stricken U.S. economy is within months of hitting bottom, economists said.

A 1 percent drop in industrial production in May, based on the median of 68 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey, was due mainly to auto-industry shutdowns that swamped gains elsewhere, analysts said. Other reports may show builders began work on more houses as sales steadied and consumer prices rose.

The fallout from bankruptcies at Chrysler LLC and General Motors Corp. is likely to reverberate through the industry and the economy in coming months, even as other areas stabilize. Plunging home prices, near-record low mortgage rates and tax credits for first-time buyers may help bring an end to the worst residential construction slump in seven decades.

“With Chrysler closing and GM downsizing, it’s going to be pretty ugly,” said Joel Naroff, president of Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pennsylvania. Still, “we’re in the process of hitting the trough of the recession, which we’ll probably see within the next few months.”

A decrease in the Federal Reserve’s production figures, due June 16, would be the 16th in the last 17 months. The report is also projected to show the proportion of plant capacity in use probably dropped to 68.4 percent, the lowest since records began in 1967, according to the survey median.

Plant Shutdowns

Chrysler shut all its plants on May 1 to clear as many unsold vehicles as possible from dealer lots while it restructures. The sale of most of Chrysler’s assets to a group led by Italian automaker Fiat SpA was completed last week.

GM, the biggest U.S. automaker, said June 1 it is stopping work at 14 plants as it restructures under Chapter 11.

General Electric Co. is among companies starting to see some improvement in economic conditions. Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt said at a conference last week that government efforts to thaw credit are starting to pay off, making it easier for companies to borrow.

“Capital markets have largely healed,” Immelt said. “As a company you have to invest now. You have to invest when things are darkest.” Immelt predicted the economic recovery will be slower than that following the 1982 recession, the last slump that approached the severity of the current downturn.

One positive aspect of the excess in capacity is that it will help control inflation should raw-material costs keep rising, economists say. Consumer prices probably rose 0.3 percent in May as gasoline prices climbed, according to the survey median before a Labor Department report on June 17.

Less Inflation

Core consumer prices, which exclude food and energy, rose 0.1 percent in May after a 0.3 percent gain the prior month, according to the survey.

“The slack in resource utilization remains sizable, and, notwithstanding recent increases in the prices of oil and other commodities, cost pressures generally remain subdued,” Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told Congress on June 3. “We anticipate that inflation will remain low.”

Concern over the amount of money the Fed has pumped into financial markets and the size of upcoming government security auctions to pay for stimulus efforts has caused interest rates on Treasuries to shoot higher in recent weeks.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year note reached 3.95 percent at the close on June 10, after being as low as 2.54 percent on March 18, the day the Fed announced it would buy Treasury securities in a bid to push borrowing costs down.

Housing Steadies

The housing recession that triggered the credit crisis and global slump is showing signs of bottoming as sales and construction have stabilized near historically low levels.

A Commerce Department report on June 16 may show housing starts last month rose 5.9 percent to a 485,000 annual pace from the prior month’s five-decade low, while permits rose to 509,000 from the prior month’s record low of 498,000.

Builders are still hurting after having to mark down prices in an effort to spur demand. Toll Brothers Inc. and Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. last week both reported their second-quarter losses exceeded analysts’ estimates.

“There is no question we’ve come down a pretty steep hill,” Michael Feder, chief executive officer of Radar Logic Inc., a research and analytics company that tracks home prices, said in a Bloomberg Television interview on June 10. Still, stabilization in home values in recent months is “in great contrast to last year,” he said.

Figures from the Conference Board may point to recovery later in the year. The New York-based private research group’s index of leading economic indicators, due June 18, probably rose for a second month in May, according to the survey median. It would be the first back-to-back increase since September-October 2006. The gauge signals the direction of the economy over the next three to six months.

U Americi je sve počelo, od tamo kreće i oporavak.. [thumbsup]
Pratite Bloomberg 18.06. biti će štošta jasnije.
Mislim da nas čeka zanimljivo ljeto.

Evo koje će vijesti i podatke od utjecaja na burzovne tečajeve američki ulagači pratiti idući tjedan:

Monday: The Empire State index, a measure of manufacturing in the New York area, is expected to have worsened to negative 5.1 in June from negative 4.6 in May, according to a consensus of economists surveyed by Briefing.com. Any reading below zero shows the sector is contracting.
Health care will be in focus Monday. President Obama speaks about reform to the American Medical Association in Chicago. Also the Congressional Budget Office releases its estimates on the Kennedy health bill. The CBO’s estimates are key since they are used by Congress in making legislative decisions.

Tuesday: May housing starts and building permits, from the Census Bureau, are both expected to show a slight improvement from earlier levels, as the housing market edges closer to stabilizing.
Housing starts are expected to have risen to a 483,000 unit annual rate in May from a 458,000 unit annual rate in April. Building permits, a measure of builder confidence, is expected to have risen to a 500,000 unit annual rate in May from a 498,000 unit annual rate.
The Producer Price Index (PPI), a measure of wholesale inflation, is expected to have risen 0.6% in June after rising 0.3% in May. The so-called core PPI, which strips out volatile food and energy prices, is expected to have risen 0.1% in June after rising 0.1% in May.
The Federal Reserve releases its reports on industrial production and capacity utilization shortly before the start of trading.

Wednesday: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for May is expected to fall 0.9% after falling 0.7% in April. So-called core CPI, which strips out volatile food and energy prices, is expected to have risen 0.1% after rising 0.3% in May.
The first-quarter current account balance and the weekly oil inventories report are also on tap.
FedEx (FDX, Fortune 500) reports quarterly results in the morning. The package delivery company, often seen as a proxy for the health of the economy, is expected to have earned 52 cents per share versus $1.45 a year ago.

Thursday: The weekly jobless claims report from the Labor Department is due before the start of trading. The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment is expected to have risen to 610,000 from 601,000 in the previous week.
The May index of leading economic indicators is due shortly after the start of trading. LEI, from the Conference Board, is expected to have risen 0.9% after rising 1% in the previous month.The Philadelphia Fed index, a regional read on manufacturing, is expected to have narrowed to a decline of negative 17 in June from a decline of negative 22.6 in May.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testifies before the House Financial Services Committee about how the Obama administration plans to restructure the financial regulatory system.
Thursday also brings a General Motors bankruptcy hearing in New York.

Friday: State-by-State unemployment reports are due in the morning.
Friday is also a quadruple options expiration day, a quarterly event in which stock index futures and options and individual stock futures and options are all expiring simultaneously. This can create increased volatility in the underlying shares, although the impact has been more measured in recent years.

halfte trinken, halfte Šarcu geben

a ovo je na što treba obratiti pažnju ne na tjedne nego na mjesece.


Grčkoj potrebna pomoć MMF-a?

Grčka bi mogla postati prva članica eurozone koja je zatražila pomoć Medunarodnog monetarnog fonda.

Tamošnji ministar financija Janis Papatanasiu je razgovarao s Europskom komisijom o planovima za borbu protiv trenutne ekonomske recesije, a jedna od najvažnijih stavki je to što će Grčka ove godine morati posuditi više od 54 milijarde eura kako bi pokrila državne rashode i otplatila rate kredita koje na naplatu dolaze u 2009. godini, prenosi Reuters. Komisija je javno izrazila zabrinutost da se Atena nalazi u opasnom financijskom položaju i da bi mogla biti na rubu bankrota.

Poput ostatka Europe, Grčka je u 2009. ušla u recesiju, a u prvom kvartalu je na godišnjoj razini zabilježila pad BDP-a od 1,2 posto, dok ukupno u ovoj godini očekuje stezanje gospodarskih aktivnosti od 5,1 posto. Američka agencija za strateška predviđanja Stratfor navodi da lošu makroekonomsku situaciju u Grčkoj pogoršava veliko sudjelovanje tamošnjih banaka u pozajmljivanju Balkanu u godinama koje su prethodile financijskoj krizi, uz ukupna ulaganja veća od 20 posto BDP-a.


pod ovom vladom nema nam spasa!!!!!

Azija je jutros crvena, valjda će EU otvoriti zeleno?

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