SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — As the stock market rallied in recent months, company insiders have been selling, a sign that investors should exit, too, TrimTabs Investment Research said Monday.
"As investors have turned more upbeat, the smartest money in the stock market has been leaving the party," TrimTabs wrote in a note to clients.
TrimTabs, run by Charles Biderman, tracks share buybacks and acquisitions, along with new equity issuance by companies and stock buying and selling by chief executives and other corporate insiders.
This allows the firm to gauge the level of outstanding shares, or "float," in the market — potentially useful information when trying to work out which way prices are heading next. It’s particularly helpful because companies and their executives know more than outsiders such as investors, TrimTabs argues.
Judging by the behavior of these insiders in recent weeks, the signs aren’t good for the stock market, the firm said Monday.
Last week there were $31.3 billion of new equity offerings, as many of the nation’s largest banks sold stock to raise new capital, TrimTabs reported, noting that’s the highest level of issuance this decade.
"Companies took advantage of the rally to flood the market with new shares," TrimTabs wrote.
Meanwhile, announced corporate buying was "almost non-existent," no new cash takeovers were unveiled and insiders sold $500 million worth of stock, the firm added.
The overall float of shares in the market soared by $34.6 billion during the first 10 days of May. That puts this month’s float increase on course to be the largest this decade, TrimTabs said.
"The message the ‘house’ is sending is clear — investors should get out of the stock market," the firm concluded.
pocjepali Ameri opet 900 ko kroz maslac. Kvragu [angry] , a opet nisam ništa uspio dokupiti. VRATITE MI STARI DOBRI BEAR MARKET DA KONAČNO MOGU KUPITI NEŠTO PO BIDU; KVRAGU!!! [angry] [angry]
Evo gladam marija bartiromo svrsava oko +202 na djiha [lol]
Megadrukanje se isplatilo!
pocjepali Ameri opet 900 ko kroz maslac. Kvragu [angry] , a opet nisam ništa uspio dokupiti. VRATITE MI STARI DOBRI BEAR MARKET DA KONAČNO MOGU KUPITI NEŠTO PO BIDU; KVRAGU!!! [angry] [angry]
Dobro si to reko, ja bi opet Leda po 3000 i Zabe po150, a bome i AIK banke po 1600. Ali, eto što se može. No uz ovakav opetovani pad cijena dolazi uvijek i mnoge loše vijesti i dodatan rizik. Bez pogoršanja stanja cijene neće ići dole.
Oni koji čekaju, poput mirovinaca recimo, da se riješe neki rizici, kupovati će i po većim cijenama.
pocjepali Ameri opet 900 ko kroz maslac. Kvragu [angry] , a opet nisam ništa uspio dokupiti. VRATITE MI STARI DOBRI BEAR MARKET DA KONAČNO MOGU KUPITI NEŠTO PO BIDU; KVRAGU!!! [angry] [angry]
Dobro si to reko, ja bi opet Leda po 3000 i Zabe po150, a bome i AIK banke po 1600. Ali, eto što se može. No uz ovakav opetovani pad cijena dolazi uvijek i mnoge loše vijesti i dodatan rizik. Bez pogoršanja stanja cijene neće ići dole.
Oni koji čekaju, poput mirovinaca recimo, da se riješe neki rizici, kupovati će i po većim cijenama.
Ništa frende ti sutra po asku i čao bao!
dow +2,85
nasdaq +3,11
S&P +3,04
[shocked] [shocked] [shocked] [shocked]
Timothy Geithner: Američka ekonomija počinje se stabilizirati, ali bit će još bolnih udaraca
Europske burze: Bankarski i energetski sektor predvodili uzlet
Autor/izvor: SEEbiz / Reuters
LONDON – FTSEurofirst 300 indeks europskih dionica u ponedjeljak je uzletio 2,43 posto, na 859,88 bodova. Financijski sektor porastao je zbog nade da je financijska kriza gotovo pa završila, a dionice energetskog sektora pratile su rast cijene sirove nafte.,45665.html
Oni koji čekaju, poput mirovinaca recimo, da se riješe neki rizici, kupovati će i po većim cijenama.
Mirovinci kada odluče ulaziti će si spustiti cijenu. Ne brini. [cool]
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