Čudni su Ameri. Kod njih je jači strah na burzi nego kod nas.
Tako i treba biti jer je njihovo gospodarstvo daleko više pogođeno krizom nego naše. Sve po zaslugama.
Tako i treba biti jer je njihovo gospodarstvo daleko više pogođeno krizom nego naše. Sve po zaslugama.
Ak je neko u krizi onda smo to prvi mi , raspitaj se malo kakva nam je likvidnost u poslovanju,
zaduženost ili kakve su nam tehnološke mogućnosti u proizvodnji.
Ameri mogu proć sto kriza ali su za nas bogovi.
What happens if Crude Oil drops by $50 a barrel?
Monday, 14 July 2008
Will the crude oil prices stop surging further and go down below $100 a barrel? Can the price of the most hot commodity in the world–oil–drop by $50? If the current hype in crude oil market turns out to be a bubble, what happens to the commodities world and the world economy? It is an interesting thought. Justice Litle, Editorial Director, Taipan Publishing Group, discusses here some fascinating possibilities if and when crude oil prices come down. Read it here:
"What if the price of oil implodes in the short term? What major effects might it have? I’m not talking about some mega-collapse that takes crude all the way back to $60 a barrel, somehow returning us to the days of (somewhat) cheap gas. I’m thinking more along the lines of a swift, sharp $30 to $40 drop.
Think about it… A scant six months ago, oil at $100 a barrel was considered sky-high. “We can’t sustain this price,” a lot of smart folks said.
Legendary energy bull T. Boone Pickens was even outright short crude earlier this year, expecting it to fall back under its own weight. (He wisely changed his mind and got long again when the thesis didn’t pan out.)
So now, with oil at $143 as I write, we could hypothetically see a “collapse” that doesn’t even take oil below the century mark. A 25% drop in price would qualify but still put crude above $100.
What might cause such a vicious shift in sentiment? It’s hard to be specific, and probably pointless to try. That’s why great traders try to think in probabilistic scenarios, rather than chasing every last detail. But in terms of locating the ballpark, check out this excerpt from a recent WSJ piece, “Wildcatters Plunge Into North Iraq”:
Oil executives lament that the age of "easy oil" is over. It isn’t over here. For companies that have stumbled into this corner of Iraq known as Kurdistan, it’s an era that has just begun.
"Look at this," said Magne Normann, Middle East director for DNO International ASA of Norway, as he stood beside a pond of oil oozing up on a hillside. For fun, he heaved in a stone. "What a sight," he said, as the liquid shot three feet high. "Pure oil."
Iraq is well known as one of the planet’s last great oil repositories, with more than 115 billion barrels of reserves, by most estimates. The surprise is how much oil — and easily accessible oil — there appears to be in Iraq’s Kurdish region, a rugged, Switzerland-size area that has seen centuries of conflict but essentially no oil exploration, until now.
And then there’s Brazil, the country that is fast becoming the natural resource powerhouse of the 21st century. “Lula,” the affectionately nicknamed Brazilian president, says Brazil could triple its proven oil reserves to more than 30 billion barrels, thanks to the biggest offshore find since 1976.
Source: Commodity Online
A u četvrtak sve poslastica do poslastice Coca Cola, Continental, Google, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft.
za ovo će trebat apaurini i rakija.
Wall Street ponovno pokleknuo
15.07.2008 08:01
Na Wall Streetu su u ponedjeljak cijene dionica pale, jer najavljene mjere američke vlade za pomoć hipotekarnim kreditorima nisu smanjile zabrinutost ulagača zbog mogućih daljnjih gubitaka banaka.
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Europe stock futures point to steep falls at open
LONDON, July 15 (Reuters) – European stock index futures pointed to steep falls at the open on Tuesday, tracking hefty losses in Asian and U.S. markets as investors worldwide fretted about a financial sector stricken by a credit crisis
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Europa na otvaranju jako zaronila.
nije jako do kraja dana u plusu!
i ameri će danas u plus!
Gledam i ne mogu da vjerujem što se događa, vani vrlo ozbiljni signali da nešto nije debelo u redu, te da će situacija biti sve ozbiljnija i ozbiljnija, te samim time snažno utjecati i na naše TK.
S druge strane imamo priču u svezi INE, što je načelno O.K., ali OMV još nije poslao ponudu, pitanje je da li će je uopće poslati jer su naveli jedino ako bude transparentno, ovako će morati davati ponudu za 100% INE u što čisto sumnjam, te da je netko poslao pismo, pa je netko primio pismo, pa je netko rekao, pa se ne zna tko, pa ova cijena, pa valjda ona cijena, ….
Pusta nagađanja!
Sigurno Iran pusku prodali.