Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

AIG skočio maloprije do 500% u zadnjih tjedan dana.

Ameri povečavaju tempo kupnje dionica.

probijaju oni ove otpore samo tako.
A mi?

Će igh, thnk, dlkv i ekipa nas pogurati ili?

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

nafta skocila na 51 $ [proud]

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

nafta skocila na 51 $ [proud]

Ja sad nikako ne mogu da shvatim ovaj friški odnos zlata i dionica. Dionice rastu ali zlato još uvijek stoji na pozamašnoj cijeni. Mogli bi se tu neki kupci malo i začuditi kad krene padati.

who dares, wins

Financijski sektor predvodi uzlet europskih dionica
Autor/izvor: SEEbiz / Reuters
ZAGREB – FTSEurofirst 300 indeks europskih dionica u četvrtak je do trenutka pisanja teksta porastao za 2,1 posto, a uzlet predvode dionice banaka nakon objave plana američke središnje banke.


Amerikanci su u Crvenom.

C -8.12% BAC -6.65%….. su u minusima. Hlađenje.

Amerikanci su u Crvenom.

C -8.12% BAC -6.65%….. su u minusima. Hlađenje.

Si pil?

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Amerikanci su u Crvenom.

C -8.12% BAC -6.65%….. su u minusima. Hlađenje.

Si pil?

Si ćorav?

C -5.84% BAC -4.17%

Premješteno iz teme: Komentari trgovanja na hrvatskom tržištu kapitala

nafta skocila na 51 $ [proud]

Ja sad nikako ne mogu da shvatim ovaj friški odnos zlata i dionica. Dionice rastu ali zlato još uvijek stoji na pozamašnoj cijeni. Mogli bi se tu neki kupci malo i začuditi kad krene padati.

zlato 957$

Vaš link

Bez straha, pohlepe i sentimenta.

S&P 500 ima silazni trend, trenutno 783
Vaš link

Bez straha, pohlepe i sentimenta.

U.S. jobless rolls swell to record 5.47 million

WASHINGTON, March 19 (Reuters) – The number of U.S. workers drawing state unemployment benefits hit another record high early this month and factory activity in the Mid-Atlantic region shrank again as the economy battles a severe downturn.

The Labor Department said on Thursday that 5.47 million people stayed on the benefit rolls in the week ended March 7, up from 5.29 million the previous week and the highest on record.

Jobless rolls are swelling to record levels after Congress last year extended benefits beyond the regular 26 weeks.

With the economy mired in recession since December 2007, the nation’s unemployment rate has skyrocketed and the claims figures underscore the difficulty of finding a new job.

The insured unemployment rate, the percentage of insured workers receiving jobless benefits, jumped to 4.1 percent in the March 7 week, the highest since June 1983, from 3.9 percent the week before.

"There is no sign of even a temporary easing in the downward pressure on employment," said Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist at HFE in Valhalla, New York, who said the economy would likely lose more than 700,000 jobs this month.

The data had little impact on financial markets, which were still focusing on the Federal Reserve’s decision on Wednesday to buy up to $300 billion of longer-dated government debt.

The U.S. dollar plunged for a second straight session, while U.S. stocks fell on worries that the Fed’s efforts to help the economy were too costly and untested. The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 85.78 points, or 1.15 percent, to 7,400.80. The S&P 500 fell 1.3 percent. The Nasdaq lost 0.5 percent.

Government bond prices dropped as investors booked profits after Wednesday’s massive rally in the wake of the Fed’s announcement.

The Fed’s latest steps are intended to lower interest rates to encourage lending and stimulate spending in a bid to break the nation’s deep recession, which is now in its 15th month.

The severe downturn is squeezing companies’ profit margins, forcing them to cut jobs, exacerbating the burden of households already staggering from a rapid decline in wealth.

Over 4 million jobs have been lost since the recession began and the jobless rate has already hit a 25-year high of 8.1 percent.

pod ovom vladom nema nam spasa!!!!!

What the Pros Say: US Is Now ‘Bankrupt’
Topics:Federal Reserve | Japan | China | Treasuries | Fixed Income | Employment | euro | Banking | U.S. Dollar | Yen | Economy (Global) | Asia | Currencies | Credit | Politics & Government | Stock Market | Investment Strategy

Global stocks traded higher, as did the dollar against the euro, Thursday after the Federal Reserve’s surprise announcement it would buy $300 billion in US Treasurys in order to help the ailing economy.

But experts tell CNBC they have concerns over the Fed’s latest move and that the current national balance sheet is a disaster.

US is Already ‘Bankrupt’

Technically, the U.S. is already "bankrupt" because it has a debt that is almost four times the size of its economy, says Puru Saxena, CEO of Puru Saxena Wealth Management. He tells CNBC that the U.S. is at risk of hyperinflation.

New Report
