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Mislim da bi se danas amerika mogla zazeleniti iako su futuresi još crveni.

Lijepo se Ameri zelene!

pametan čovjek vidi filiju i skloni se...

Mislim da bi se danas amerika mogla zazeleniti iako su futuresi još crveni.

Kolega amerikanci trguju već skoro sat vremena i da jesu u plusu

Dow 6,689.22 +62.28 (0.94%)
S&P 500 693.20 +9.82 (1.44%)
Nasdaq 1,310.32 +16.47 (1.27%)

The cure for low price is low price. Demand goes up, supply comes down, the price goes up.

To jest bili su u plusu, evo ih već u minusu… [lol]

To jest bili su u plusu, evo ih već u minusu… [lol]

Pa ravnaju se po ZSE.
A mi po njima kad propadnu.
I tako do 0. Žao mi je tehničara, grafovi će im početi pokazivati negativne targete.

Chávez grew up in a small house composed of large palm leaves.

Uskoro kreće oporavak globalnog gospodarstva

Globalno gospodarstvo bliži se točki koja će označiti početak oporavka, budući da svi pozitivni elementi koji bi mogli dati poticaja rastu tek trebaju biti uračunati u tržište, ocijenili su središnji bankari vodećih 10 gospodarstava svijeta.

Jean-Claude Trichet"Prisutan je niz elemenata koji sugeriraju da se približavamo trenutku kada će doći do obnove rasta", rekao je čelnik Europske središnje banke (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet u ulozi glasnogovornika sastanka središnjih bankara vodećih deset gospodarstava svijeta G10 pri Banci za međunarodna poravnanja (BIS) u Baselu.

"Rekao bih da se nalazimo na razini na kojoj pozitivni elementi nisu nužno u cijelosti uračunati", dodao je Trichet.

Jean-Claude TrichetTrichet nije pobliže pojasnio točku preokreta ali je naglasio da će se središnji bankari nastaviti pridržavati projekcija globalnih institucija, koje prognoziraju globalni rast nedaleko nulte stope u ovoj godini, te obnovu rasta u 2010. godini.

Zasad se još uvijek podcjenjuju pozitivne posljedice značajno nižih cijena roba i nafte, kao i državnih paketa poticaja, istaknuo je Trichet. Također se osvrnuo na odlučnost vlada da ne dopuste propast nijedne sistemske institucije.

"To je izuzetno važna preuzeta obveza koju tržište još nije u potpunosti uračunalo u cijene", istaknuo je Trichet.


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Stocks Struggle for Direction as Investors Battle Uncertainty

Interesantan naslov s finance.yahoo.com

Mi nemamo s tim problema, naš smjer je popločan. [lol]

Chávez grew up in a small house composed of large palm leaves.

Oh happy day, when Jesus came….

NEW YORK (Fortune) — The government is bracing for a big bank failure.

A bill introduced in Congress would give the FDIC, the agency that stands behind Americans’ bank deposits, temporary authority to borrow as much as $500 billion from the government to shore up the deposit insurance fund.

The bill — the Depositor Protection Act of 2009, backed by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, D-Conn. and Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho — wouldn’t change the status of individual bank accounts, which through the end of this year are insured up to $250,000.

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

Ništa od prošlotjednog doticanja dna, Wall Street može i niže
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Evo Amerikanci trguju već skoro 4 sata, i da, jesu u minusu su.
Dow Jones Industrial Average 6,561.23 1:07pm ET 65.71 (-0.99%)

We have created a system for growth that depended on our building more and more stores to sell more and more stuff made in more and more factories in China, powered by more and more coal that would cause more and more climate change but earn China more and more dollars to buy more and more U.S. T-bills so America would have more and more money to build more and more stores and sell more and more stuff that would employ more and more Chinese …

We can’t do this anymore.

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

Uskoro kreće oporavak globalnog gospodarstva

Globalno gospodarstvo bliži se točki koja će označiti početak oporavka, budući da svi pozitivni elementi koji bi mogli dati poticaja rastu tek trebaju biti uračunati u tržište, ocijenili su središnji bankari vodećih 10 gospodarstava svijeta.

Jean-Claude Trichet"Prisutan je niz elemenata koji sugeriraju da se približavamo trenutku kada će doći do obnove rasta", rekao je čelnik Europske središnje banke (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet u ulozi glasnogovornika sastanka središnjih bankara vodećih deset gospodarstava svijeta G10 pri Banci za međunarodna poravnanja (BIS) u Baselu.

"Rekao bih da se nalazimo na razini na kojoj pozitivni elementi nisu nužno u cijelosti uračunati", dodao je Trichet.

Jean-Claude TrichetTrichet nije pobliže pojasnio točku preokreta ali je naglasio da će se središnji bankari nastaviti pridržavati projekcija globalnih institucija, koje prognoziraju globalni rast nedaleko nulte stope u ovoj godini, te obnovu rasta u 2010. godini.

Zasad se još uvijek podcjenjuju pozitivne posljedice značajno nižih cijena roba i nafte, kao i državnih paketa poticaja, istaknuo je Trichet. Također se osvrnuo na odlučnost vlada da ne dopuste propast nijedne sistemske institucije.

"To je izuzetno važna preuzeta obveza koju tržište još nije u potpunosti uračunalo u cijene", istaknuo je Trichet.

Ako je kriza tada trajala 3-4 godine, a ova traje tek godinu i pol….

Bit će to najduža recesija od Drugog svjetskog rata…

Recesija u SAD-u bit će najduža od Drugog svjetskog rata, a i globalno gospodarstvo će ove godine, po prvi puta otada, zabilježiti pad.
Radna mjesta u američkoj industriji rapidno nestaju, inflacija jača, nezaposlenost alarmantno raste, a gladni ljudi formiraju redove pred pučkim kuhinjama. Ne, nije riječ o slici iz razdoblja Velike depresije. Bila je to recesija od 1981. do 1982. godine, koju svi smatraju najgorom nakon one iz 1930-ih godina.
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“We created a way of raising standards of living that we can’t possibly pass on to our children,” said Joe Romm, a physicist and climate expert who writes the indispensable blog climateprogress.org. We have been getting rich by depleting all our natural stocks — water, hydrocarbons, forests, rivers, fish and arable land — and not by generating renewable flows.

“You can get this burst of wealth that we have created from this rapacious behavior,” added Romm. “But it has to collapse, unless adults stand up and say, ‘This is a Ponzi scheme. We have not generated real wealth, and we are destroying a livable climate …’ Real wealth is something you can pass on in a way that others can enjoy.”

Over a billion people today suffer from water scarcity; deforestation in the tropics destroys an area the size of Greece every year — more than 25 million acres; more than half of the world’s fisheries are over-fished or fished at their limit.

“Just as a few lonely economists warned us we were living beyond our financial means and overdrawing our financial assets, scientists are warning us that we’re living beyond our ecological means and overdrawing our natural assets,” argues Glenn Prickett, senior vice president at Conservation International. But, he cautioned, as environmentalists have pointed out: “Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts.”

One of those who has been warning me of this for a long time is Paul Gilding, the Australian environmental business expert. He has a name for this moment — when both Mother Nature and Father Greed have hit the wall at once — “The Great Disruption.”

“We are taking a system operating past its capacity and driving it faster and harder,” he wrote me. “No matter how wonderful the system is, the laws of physics and biology still apply.” We must have growth, but we must grow in a different way. For starters, economies need to transition to the concept of net-zero, whereby buildings, cars, factories and homes are designed not only to generate as much energy as they use but to be infinitely recyclable in as many parts as possible. Let’s grow by creating flows rather than plundering more stocks.

Gilding says he’s actually an optimist. So am I. People are already using this economic slowdown to retool and reorient economies. Germany, Britain, China and the U.S. have all used stimulus bills to make huge new investments in clean power. South Korea’s new national paradigm for development is called: “Low carbon, green growth.” Who knew? People are realizing we need more than incremental changes — and we’re seeing the first stirrings of growth in smarter, more efficient, more responsible ways.

In the meantime, says Gilding, take notes: “When we look back, 2008 will be a momentous year in human history. Our children and grandchildren will ask us, ‘What was it like? What were you doing when it started to fall apart? What did you think? What did you do?’ ” Often in the middle of something momentous, we can’t see its significance. But for me there is no doubt: 2008 will be the marker — the year when ‘The Great Disruption’ began.

Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here

New Report
