Kina i Japan danas su u plusu. Još neka i EU zazeleni i bit će lijepo i kod nas 🙂
Eu je krenula također zeleno, futuresi najavljuju zeleno i u USA. Mogli bismo i mi danas anulirati dio gubitaka crobexa od početka tjedna [thumbsup]
"World Bank President Robert Zoellick was quoted as saying in
the Financial Times that the European Union should do more to
support economies in central and eastern Europe, leading a
coordinated global effort to help the region."
Ima li nade za naaaaaaaaaaaaaaas?
Čini mi se da bi i ja dao pola života svog……..
Azija završila miješano sa više sira.
Oprezno na azijskim burzama
Vaš link
Eu je krenula također zeleno, futuresi najavljuju zeleno i u USA. Mogli bismo i mi danas anulirati dio gubitaka crobexa od početka tjedna [thumbsup]
Da ćemo danas do 1600!?
Stari moj, jesi li se ti najeo špricanih trešanja? [bye]
Azija konačno u pozitivnim vodama
Da ćemo danas do 1600!?
Stari moj, jesi li se ti najeo špricanih trešanja? [bye]
Koliko znam, a ne znam, trešanja još nema, tek za 2 mjeseca. Kako se onda mogao najesti trešanja ako ih nema, smrznutih?
Još neka i EU zazeleni i bit će lijepo i kod nas 🙂
Kod mene je sve bijelo, bijelo… I lijepo je! 🙂
DAX 4,199.00 3:44AM ET 5.96 (-0.14%)
DAX +0,73%
FTSE +0,65% [thumbsup]
Premija rizika na hrvatski dug u tri mjeseca porasla 30 posto
Da Hrvatska trenutno ne može računati na bilo kakvo novo inozemno zaduženje, zorno pokazuje i kretanje petogodišnjeg CDS-a (Credit default Swap-a) na dug denominiran u eurima, svojevrsne premije rizika na hrvatski dug.
CDS je, naime, prošli tjedan dosegnuo vrijednost od 529, a primjerice prije tri mjeseca je iznosio 408. Drugim riječima, premija rizika na default hrvatskog državnog duga porasla je u tome razdoblju za gotovo 30%, a to zapravo znači da koliko nas god uvjeravali da Hrvatska može refinancirati dospjele obveze, teško da joj trenutno netko izvana želi pozajmiti novac, barem ne po primjerenoj kamati koja bi značila uredno servisiranje istih.
Zoellick urges EU to help east Europe
Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, has called for European Union-led co-ordinated global support for the economies of central and eastern Europe, even as divisions emerge in the EU over handling the crisis.
Speaking to the Financial Times amid turmoil in central and east European markets yesterday, Mr Zoellick said the bank was trying to work with the International Monetary Fund and other multilateral institutions to help the region but needed more backing from Brussels. “It’s got to have support from the European governments,” he said. “It’s 20 years after Europe was united in 1989 – what a tragedy if you allow Europe to split again.
He hoped the World Bank, governments and banks could come together to finance a $25bn facility for trade finance, where the bank would accept the most risky part of the loans.
Mr Zoellick’s comments follow calls for region-wide international action made recently by Austria, the west European country with the greatest exposure to eastern Europe, Hungary and some other east European states.
But the European Commission said that while it was co-operating with the World Bank and other partners, it preferred a country-by-country approach.
Mr Almunia also warned east European leaders in countries with floating exchange rates not to make public statements about their currencies, for fear of making markets more nervous.
He mentioned no one in particular, but Donald Tusk, Poland’s premier, took the unusual step on Tuesday of saying his government might defend the zloty if it fell to five against the euro.
Mr Almunia said: “I am concerned about the volatility of exchange rates in countries with floating currency regimes . . . I’m concerned that some public statements have accelerated this evolution. I would ask all the authorities to be careful when they make public statements, because the markets are very nervous and sometimes they don’t understand very well some of the statements