Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

DJI je bio 21.11.2008. godine na 7392.27, tako da nismo vidjeli novo dno, čini mi se da je netko napisao.

NASDAQ je bio 21.11.2008. godinbe na 1,295.48, također.


S&P500 je bio 21.11.2008. godinbe na 741.02, također ne vidjesmo novo dno, tzv. new low.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Pitanje je hoćemo li testirati novo dno?

Danas vjerojatno ne.

Nego, što nam to Rohatinski hoće reći.

Što se tečaja tiče, 12/2003 je bio 1 eur = 7,7 kuna .

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Neke su cijene u Americi na povijesnom dnu.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Pitanje je hoćemo li testirati novo dno?

Danas vjerojatno ne.

Nego, što nam to Rohatinski hoće reći.

Što se tečaja tiče, 12/2003 je bio 1 eur = 7,7 kuna .

Ako uzmemo u obzir da je preko vikenda smirivao tenzije vezano za Lukovića mislim da će slično raditi i sutra – smirivati tenzije.

A ako ne, onda slijedi kraj.


Otkrivena još jedna prevara, 8mrd $…SEC je najavio da je AZ sljedeći.

Neuspješno spašavanje istočne Europe vodi globalnom slomu

Jos cemo docekati naslove tipa:
"CROBEX ponovo povukao Wall Street dolje"

Wall Street i banke protiv ljudi. Drzave i vlade izmedju.

DOW -3,79%
NASDAQ -4,15%
S&P500 -4,55%

Glavni indikator je završio ispod low-a.
SHOCK AND AWE može početi.
Slijedeće stanice su 6000 i 600.
God help us all [bye]


Koji je glavni indikator završio ispod low-a?

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Obama signs massive stimulus package
Tuesday February 17, 2009, 3:57 pm EST

DENVER (AP) — President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed a massive $787 billion package to revive the economy, saying the measure represented the "essential work of keeping the American dream alive in our time."
The stimulus plan of spending programs and tax cuts is at the heart of Obama’s effort to turn the economy back into a job-creating machine. It comes with a huge price tag for taxpayers and lingering doubts about whether the plan’s results will match all the lofty promises that its supporters have made.

Obama signed the bill in Denver, the city where he accepted his party’s presidential nomination last summer and a leader in the so-called "green" clean energy jobs that the legislation supports. The president now turns his attention to a plan to help struggling homeowners who are trying to fend off foreclosure.

"I don’t want to pretend that today marks the end of our economic troubles," Obama said before signing the legislation. "Nor does it constitute all of what we going to have to do to turn our economy around. But today does mark the beginning of the end."

Meanwhile, the White House isn’t ruling out a second economic plan, although none is in the works right now, spokesman Robert Gibbs said Tuesday.

The legislation is the most sweeping economic overhaul plan put forth in decades.

It pumps money into infrastructure projects, health care, renewable energy development and conservation, with twin goals of short-term job production and longer-term economic viability.

There’s a $400 tax break for most individual workers and $800 for couples, including those who do not earn enough to pay income taxes. It dishes out tens of billions of dollars to states so they can head off deep cuts and layoffs. It provides financial incentives for people to start buying again, from first homes to new cars.

And it provides help to poor people and laid-off workers, with increased unemployment benefits and food stamps, and subsides for health insurance.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Danas su EU i USA debelo napadali u minuse, a i mi s njima. Sutra ili najkasnije prekosutra bit će jak odbijanac, iako ja ipak tipujem na sutra.

Hrvatska ulazi u EU glasovima 30% biračkog tijela. 70% birača nije dalo svoj glas za ulazak u EU!

Evo Ameri so odbili….


Ne ide odbijanac samo tako ovaj put. Svaki put će biti sve teže.


GM seeks up to $30B in aid, to cut 47,000 jobs

DETROIT – "General Motors Corp., presenting a dire outlook for the future, said Tuesday it may need $30 billion in total government financing to weather the economic downturn and would cut 47,000 jobs worldwide and shutter five more U.S. factories in a massive restructuring plan."

Džizus faking krajst.
Ovo je gore nego da su objavili bankrot


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